Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 221 Zhuang Zhouxiao dreams of butterflies

Especially when Zhu Zhen mentioned that Hong Ji fell into a trap on Spirit Snake Island and was ambushed by three Persian envoys, and his life was hanging by a thread. Zhao Min, who has low martial arts skills, used three desperate moves - 'Jade Broken Kun Gang', 'Man and Ghost share the same journey', and 'Heaven and Earth share the same life' to save the King of Qin. When he was also seriously injured, His Highness the King of Qin was moved to tears. .

"What's wrong, second brother, why are you crying?" the third child asked deliberately.

"Uuwu, world, how could there be such an infatuated and strange woman in the world?" Zhu Xi sniffled and said, "Uuwu, I, Zhu, if Zhu Er betrays her, he will definitely die a bad death in this life and be reincarnated as a pig or dog in the next life."

"Second brother, you can't curse yourself to die a good death." Zhu Di already knew the plan of the third and sixth elders, and hurriedly waved his hands to cooperate: "You are really not good to the second sister-in-law!"

"I said, I live up to Zhao Min, what does it have to do with your second sister-in-law?" Zhu Chong was stunned for a moment, and was fooled by the fourth child.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Zhu Di said matter-of-factly: "Zhao Min is Wang Baobao's only sister, and his second sister-in-law is also Wang Baobao's only sister. Zhao Min's name is Minmin Timur, and his second sister-in-law is also called Minmin Timur. So Zhao Min Isn’t it Minmin, isn’t Minmin Zhao Min?”

"That's right." Even Lao Wu nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Zhao, Zhao Min is Min Min, Min, Min Min is Zhao Min." Zhu Fang slapped his forehead and suddenly realized that his brothers had indeed gotten around him.

He burst into tears happily and said with a smile: "Haha, yes, yes, I am Zhu Er, so Zhao Min is my wife."

"Alas, you are such a lucky guy!" the third child said, half truthfully and half falsely: "You can actually marry a wife like Zhao Min."

"That's right, if she hadn't become the second sister-in-law, I would have snatched her away from you." The fourth child said half-seriously.

"How dare you! That's your second sister-in-law!" The second brother was so anxious that he raised his jealous fist.

"I was just making an analogy." Lao Si quickly explained: "Besides, for a woman as determined as Zhao Min, once she identifies with someone, no one can take her heart away."

"Hehe, that's right." Zhu Ming put down his fist and said proudly: "Envy, envy, right?"

"Envy!" the brothers nodded together.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Zhu Xi grinned stupidly. Unknowingly, the biggest grudge in his heart had begun to loosen.

"No, that's not right." But he was not a pure fool, and he suddenly remembered what the third child had said. Then he looked at King Jin suspiciously and said: "Old, Third, didn't you say something about 'Chinese people are on guard', 'not of my race', 'human beings, humans and beasts'?"

"The third child deserves to be sent to tongue-pulling hell for his foul mouth!" The fourth child was also reminded of unpleasant memories and glared at the third child.

"Did I say something wrong?" Seeing the fourth child glaring at him, Zhu Fan subconsciously entered a fighting state.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Fortunately, Lao Liu coughed, reminding him that he was here to untie the bell today, not to make fun of the yangzi.

"Okay, I did make a mistake." Zhu Fan had to admit his mistake reluctantly: "I was young and ignorant. I am not knowledgeable and it is wrong to use it to make excuses after only half of what I have learned.

"It's like the 'Hua-Yi Debate'. "Spring and Autumn" actually says, 'The princes use the barbarians' rituals to be barbarians, and when the barbarians advance into China, they will be harmed by China'. In other words, whether a person is a barbarian or a Xia depends on his acceptance. Cultural etiquette. If we accept all the Chinese cultural etiquette, we are Chinese; if we accept all the cultural etiquette of Diyi, we are Diyi."

As he spoke, he asked the second child: "What clothes does the second sister-in-law wear on weekdays, which language does she speak, and which country's etiquette does she follow?"

"Well, that's no different from the daughter of our Han family." Zhu Xi scratched his head and added: "Okay, it seems so."

"Then she is the daughter of our Han family!" Lao San came to a conclusion decisively and asked: "Are you willing to accept Zhao Min as a Han?"

"Yes, of course I do!" the second child said without hesitation.

"Then it's over." Lao San spread his hands and the task was completed.

"Okay..." The second child felt that something was not quite right, but he couldn't figure it out. In addition, over the years, he believed whatever his brothers said. I will no longer dwell on this issue and worry about other issues:

"Even if I accept that she is Han, others will still say behind her back that she is a Hu. If she gives birth to a child in the future, she will be called a Hu."

He didn't even realize that this was his true heart. Even a noble prince will inevitably live in the opinions of others.

"Second brother, have you heard a word?" Lao Si suddenly said: "To accept the country's filth is to be called the master of the country; to accept the country's bad luck is to be the king of the world.

"Although we are not the Lord of Sheji or the King of the World, we are the sons of the Lord of Sheji and the King of the World. Since we are born as princes of a country, we naturally have to share some of the dirt and misfortune for our father. This is filial piety and the way of heaven."

Zhu Zhen was in awe when he heard this. The fourth brother's pattern is great...

"That's right." Lao San also agreed: "Now that my father has restored China, there are still so many Mongolians and Semu people in the Ming Dynasty. If these people are not dealt with properly, they will be the source of trouble. It cannot be solved Decades later, China is in chaos again."

"Well." Zhu Xi nodded and said in a deep voice: "Then, then kill them all. Father can't get his hands dirty, I, we will do it as sons."

"What the hell! I didn't let you suffer the slander of the country like this!" Zhu Fan said speechlessly: "Those Mongolian people have already surrendered. If you use the knife again, won't you force them to rebel?"

"Yes, which province, prefecture or county in the country does not have Mongolian Semu people? Moreover, they now live in groups for self-protection, which is difficult to deal with. Besides, it is easy to get into chaos if horses and mules are frightened." Four nodded.

"Then, what should we do?" The second child looked at the third and fourth children with pure eyes as usual.

"My father has already come up with countermeasures. In the fifth year of Hongwu, the imperial court issued an imperial edict: 'The Mongolian Semu people who live in China are allowed to marry Chinese people, and they are not allowed to marry their own kind. Both men and women will be violated. His family was confiscated and he became an official and became a slave.'" Zhu Zhen then used Zhu Zhen's trick and said:

"For thirty years of forcing Yi and Xia to marry, the problem will be completely solved."

"This, this is a good idea." The second child nodded.

"But it's easier said than done." Zhu Fan sighed and said: "In recent years, the effect has not been good. Many Mongolian youths have reached the marriageable age, but no Han people are willing to marry, so they can only stay single. If things go on like this, Something is bound to go wrong.”

"Yes." Zhu Di agreed: "Either the father's will is in vain and they can still intermarry with each other. Or there are millions of Mongolian men who rebel because they can't find a wife."

"That, that's really serious..." The second child nodded.

"This is all because of the second brother!" But I heard the third brother sigh: "My father originally planned to let his son set an example for the Han people in the world. Who knows that the second brother will not touch the second sister-in-law! The common people are Look, your emperor’s sons are like this, so naturally they follow the example, and no one responds to the court’s call.”

"Really, really?" The second child opened his mouth in surprise.

"Yeah, really." The brothers nodded together.

ps. Don’t worry, everyone, your eyes are basically healed.

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