Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 244 The other side of the fishing old man

In the study, Liu Bowen's words made Zhu Zhen look confused.

"Master, isn't it...don't you advocate mercy?" Lao Liu asked in confusion.

"Why did Your Highness say this?" Liu Bowen asked.

Lao Liu then said that his eldest brother told him about a past incident between his father and Liu Ji.

It is said that in the fourth year of Hongwu, the sky changed suddenly. His father wrote to ask Liu Ji, who had become an official, and said: "Yuan lost the world with his kindness, and I saved him with my fierceness." However, a villain likes to be tolerant, so he slanders anyone. There are strange changes in the sky today. What do you think? ’

To put it simply, I summed up the lessons of the Yuan Dynasty and used strong medicine and strict government to save the world. However, the officials liked the leniency of the Yuan Dynasty and were very dissatisfied with my strictness. Am I doing something wrong because the weather is abnormal now?

Liu Ji's handwritten reply was: "After the snow and frost, there will be spring." Now that the country's prestige has been established, it is appropriate to give less and be more generous. ’


"That's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I want to plant a seed of kindness and forgiveness in His Highness's heart." After hearing what King Chu said, Liu Ji couldn't help laughing and said:

"Of course, the prince didn't arrange anything for me. This is indeed what I said. Relaxation is the way of civil and military affairs. Combining leniency with strictness is the way to govern the country. At that time, the emperor had already given strong medicine to establish the country's prestige. The next step should indeed be a little more relaxed, okay. Let the officials and the people have a chance to breathe, so as not to break the string."

"Oh." Zhu Zhen nodded, thinking that being uneducated was bad, and he didn't even know he was tricked by his elder brother.

"But the Crown Prince did not tell His Majesty that the old minister and His Majesty actually have the same philosophy of governing the country. They both advocate the use of heavy codes in troubled times and the use of strong medicines for serious illnesses. Otherwise, it is impossible to clean up the evils of the previous Yuan Dynasty and completely reverse the trend of corruption in the officialdom." Liu Bowen's eyes flashed and he said:

"Your Highness may not know that when the country was founded, I took the initiative to ask the emperor to serve as the imperial censor. The so-called saying, 'It is said that the Song and Yuan Dynasties were indulged in neglecting the world, but now it is appropriate to maintain discipline and discipline' was actually instilled in the emperor by my teacher.

"If there were any lawbreakers among the noble officials and civil and military officials, I would order the censor to punish and impeach them. In less than a year, hundreds of officials were sent to prison. In short, everyone in the government and the public at that time was afraid of being a teacher. Behind his back He also called me a 'cruel official'." Liu Bowen said.

"Holy shit, is it true?" Zhu Zhen was very shocked. He always thought that Lao Liu was just a fishing old man who spent all day in the hospital.

"Can I still lie to you?" Liu Bowen tried hard to maintain a dignified image and said: "At that time, even Li Bin, a relative of the Korean father-in-law, was found to be corrupt and illegal by me, and I asked the crown prince to kill him!"

"Oh, I have an impression of this." Zhu Zhen said, patting his head.

He heard that Li Shanchang secretly begged Liu Bowen to let Li Bin go, but Liu Bowen was not accommodating. Li Shanchang is the Grand Master and the Prime Minister of Zuo. If his relatives can't keep him, where can he put his face?

So Li Shanchang asked Zhu Yuanzhang to suspend the death penalty on the grounds that there was no rain for a long time, so as to save Li Bin's life.

Boss Zhu is still in awe of God and feels that it is not God's will, why is it not his turn to be the emperor as a beggar. Therefore, Boss Zhu does not dare to make God angry. Then he asked Liu Bowen if he wanted to do it.

But Liu Bowen said categorically, ‘Kill Li Bin and it will rain’!

Zhu Yuanzhang was still very superstitious about Liu Bowen at that time, so he executed Li Bin.

As a result...it still didn't rain. How could Li Shanchang spare Liu Ji now? Immediately mobilized party members to impeach Liu Bowen for insisting on killing people, which angered God, and demanded that he be killed too, so that God could appease his anger.

Boss Zhu was also a little angry and stopped protecting him so much. As a result, Liu Bowen was so disgraced that he resigned and returned home after his wife passed away.


"Alas, I was watching the sky at night and guessed that it was going to rain." Speaking of this failure, Liu Bowen sighed and said: "Who would have thought that my prediction was wrong. Alas, it's really like 'you often walk by the river, how can you not keep your shoes wet' .”

"Master, the weather forecast is not accurate, let alone your cold legs." Zhu Zhen said sharply.

"Oh, how do you know the method I predicted?" Liu Bowen was surprised and praised: "Your Highness is indeed born to pass on my mantle."

"Let's get down to business, Master." Zhu Zhen coughed lightly.

"In short, both my master and the emperor advocate severe punishment," Liu Bowen said solemnly: "The only difference is that the emperor is much tougher than me. Back then, when I was observing the stars, I saw that the Ming Dynasty had thirty years of bad luck."

"Thirty years of luck in killing?" Zhu Zhen calculated with his fingers. It would be exactly thirty years before the fourth brother finished killing everyone.

But he never told Lao Liu about what happened in the fiftieth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China...

It can be seen that Liu Bowen's divine way is not just making mysteries, but also has two brushes.

"At that time, my teacher felt that if I were allowed to rule the country and use thunderous means to eliminate the evils of the customs, the lenient government would be restored in a year or two." He then heard Liu Bowen say with murderous intent:

"But now I don't think so anymore. I still think too well of these scholar-bureaucrats who came from the Yuan Dynasty. They have not changed at all, and they don't want to change at all. They will still do the same things as the Yuan Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty. Don't kill them all. , the Ming Dynasty will have to follow the old path of the Yuan Dynasty. If it were me, I would kill for ten to eight years! Cough cough cough..."

"Master, it's Chinese New Year, don't be so angry." Zhu Zhen quickly calmed him down. After Lao Liu had taken a breath, he asked: "Master, didn't you mean local officials? Why are you talking about old officials of the Yuan Dynasty again? Already?"

"Because they are the same kind of people!" Liu Bowen said solemnly: "Your father can rely on his Huaixi brothers to conquer the world, but he has to rely on civil servants to govern the world. At that time, his foundation was so shallow, where could he get the civil servants? You have to rely on the scholar-bureaucrats of the Yuan Dynasty? Even your master and I are old officials from the Yuan Dynasty."

"I know that." Zhu Zhen nodded. This was one of the reasons why his father always distrusted his master.

"It only took the emperor just one year from defeating Zhang Shicheng to conquering Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty. It can be said that all the prefectures and counties in the world fell into despair overnight. How many demoted officials changed their skins and continued to be Ming Dynasty officials? An official? It’s better in the imperial court, but it’s a very common phenomenon in local areas.”

"Yeah." Zhu Zhen nodded, understandable. The change of old and new regimes is inevitable.

"When I was at Yushitai, they calmed down for a while. But after I left, they all joined Taishi Li's disciples one after another. Relying on his protection, they started to return to their old ways."

Only then did Zhu Zhen understand why his father wanted to kill the local officials first...

These remnants of the previous dynasty are the ones with the least political status and the ones who deserve to be cleaned up the most. If they had restrained themselves, they might have landed safely, but they still followed the Yuan Dynasty's style, dancing and dancing, and taking bribes without mercy. I'm afraid if there was another emperor, they would also have a big cleanup. ?

King Chu then asked again: "Then the killing is over?"

"Those behind can always calm down for a while." Liu Bowen sighed and said: "Well, the key is to establish after breaking, not to break. Decapitation alone cannot solve the problem, but it is absolutely impossible not to decapitate. "

"I understand, Master." Zhu Zhen nodded slowly.

"But what should be established?" Liu Bowen murmured: "Do you have an answer?"

Zhu Zhen shook his head.

"There is no rush, there is still time, let's think about it carefully." Liu Bowen smiled at him and said: "Before we think clearly, let's fix it for your father."

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded in response.

ps. Write another chapter.

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