Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 265 Listen to Qianggen

A moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, the flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy. The sound of singing can be heard softly on the balcony, and the night is dark in the swing courtyard.

In the sleeping hall, the wedding room is filled with flowers and candles.

Outside the dormitory, several sneaky figures lay under the window and listened to the wall.

In a royal wedding, there are no rules about having a wedding ceremony, but it doesn't say you can't follow the rules.

This was a popular entertainment activity for the people of the Ming Dynasty. Even Boss Zhu wanted to hear how his son beat Xu Da's daughter...

Unfortunately, Queen Ma stopped her. He doesn't think it's embarrassing, but Madam Ma does.

"It's only been three days since the wedding. It's normal for my husband to listen to me." Boss Zhu said unwillingly, "In my hometown, my husband still made trouble during the wedding ceremony."

"What do you plan to ask the living annotator to remember?" Ma Xiuying grabbed his ears and took him away.

"It's night, the emperor is listening under the fourth child's window. It's time to wear clothes and eat at night, but I have forgotten both things?" When the parents walked away, the third child whispered, making the brothers laugh.

But the main thing tonight is not to watch my father’s jokes, but to listen to Lao Si Qiang Gen.

In order to achieve the best listening effect, Lao San also brought all the monitoring equipment from Jinlianyuan...

"You just listen with your ears, why are you still wearing a hearing aid and a receiver?" The prince expressed shock.

"If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools." Lao San said matter-of-factly. He was stunned for a moment and whispered: "Brother is here too?"

"I have to watch you, don't make too much noise, and make it difficult for the four younger brothers and sisters to get off the stage." The boss coughed lightly.

"Understood." The brothers nodded together, giving the eldest brother the best position so that he could monitor easily.

Of course, those who monitor them are careless. Is it possible that the dignified prince can still listen to someone's bridal chamber?

"Shh." Lao Liu, who had been monitoring, made a silent gesture and whispered: "It's begun."

The brothers immediately stopped talking, put their ears on the receiver, and pressed the receiver against the window sash...

"Fuck, is it over?" The brothers were dumbfounded.


When the bride and groom visited their aunt the next day, the prince took the time to call the fourth child aside to have a private chat and hear his thoughts.

So the prince whispered with concern: "There is Dr. Mou in the Imperial Hospital. He is a master of men's medicine. He is good at treating 'flowers withered'. Do you need to send him to you for a look?"

"What are you looking at?" Monk Zhu Di scratched his head.

"Although it's the first time, it's inevitable. But it's not normal for you to be so... fast several times." Zhu Biao felt a little embarrassed. A gentleman like him was really ashamed to talk about such things.

The eldest brother is worried about his younger brothers. Because the prince felt that if someone had taken care of him back then, he wouldn't have been barred from entering for so long. So he couldn't let his younger brother be like him.

"Fuck, brother, were you here last night?" Zhu Di said in shock.

"Yes, but I just want to keep an eye on them and prevent them from making trouble." The prince hurriedly explained, and then said thankfully: "Fortunately, I was here and discovered your problem. But don't worry, it will be cured. It's really true. It doesn’t matter if it can’t be cured, and it doesn’t count as a disease if it is cured soon…”

"Isn't the sooner the better?" Lao Si widened his eyes and asked in confusion.

"Who told you?" Zhu Biao was dumbfounded: "Fourth, it doesn't matter anything, the sooner the better."

"Ah? The third child taught me that men have to fight bravely to be first in everything they do, and they also have to rush to do that thing." The fourth child said in surprise: "He said that if you are too slow, you will be looked down upon by the bride."

"Is this what he taught you?" the prince asked in astonishment.

"Yes, isn't it?" Zhu Di blushed and said, "Fuck you, the third child, for how dare you lie to me!"

"That's it, then it'll be fine." The prince breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just pay more attention in the future. Remember, perseverance is victory."

"Okay, brother." Zhu Di gritted his teeth for a while. If it weren't for the newlyweds who couldn't leave, he would have wanted to go to the third child to settle the score.


On the other side, as soon as King Yan’s wedding is over, the Duke of South Korea will return to Fengyang.

Hu Weiyong specially went to the house to see him off.

"Didn't you say you don't want to come? Why did Hu Xiang come anyway?" The servants were packing their bags, and Li Shanchang was also packing his books.

"After this farewell, I don't know when I will see Enxiang again. How can the students not come?" Hu Weiyong hurried forward and helped Li Shanchang put the bundled books neatly into the book box.

"I haven't finished reading these books, and I didn't take them back when I resigned last time." Li Shanchang said with emotion: "Now that I have time, I will take them all back this time and read them in peace."

"Enxiang..." Hu Weiyong lowered his head and said in pain: "Are you really not coming back?"

"I have no shame in coming back." Li Shanchang shook his head and sighed: "The previous move to the capital failed, and my old face has been completely lost. But for our Huaixi and for the scholar-bureaucrats in the world, I will risk my life and give it another try. .”

"You have also seen the result. The superior did not follow the rules at all and just turned the table over." Li Shanchang said calmly, but he was holding a Song version of "Beishan Xiaoji" in his hand until the cover was wrinkled.

"Thanks to you, Hu Xiang came to the rescue, and everything was saved from being ruined."

"Oh, Your Majesty is a little cruel." Hu Weiyong also felt numb.

"Which of the founding emperors was not ruthless? It's normal." Li Shanchang smoothed the cover of the book and said calmly: "Of course, those who rise to power are particularly ruthless. Otherwise, how could he rise from a beggar to the throne of the emperor step by step? They were all killed. .”

"It's really..." Hu Weiyong pinched his beard and sighed: "Even the students are a little less interested."

"Why, you want to back off too?" Li Shan gave him a long look.

"The prime minister has returned home defeated, what did the student do?" Hu Weiyong said with a bitter smile: "Didn't you see the prime minister at the wedding banquet that day? The emperor was clearly beating me to let the student know how much he weighed."

"Then do you know how much you weigh?" Li Shanchang asked.

"I know." Hu Weiyong nodded.

"Very good, it is important for a person to know himself. Sun Tzu said: If you know yourself and the enemy, you will not be in danger in a hundred battles. If you know the enemy and yourself, you will win every time. If you don't know the enemy and yourself, you will be in danger in every battle." Li Shanchang stood up holding the bookcase, and Hu Weiyong quickly supported him. .

"You know your own worth, so you are qualified to fight." Li Shanchang asked him to sit down at the coffee table, looked at Hu Weiyong playfully and said, "Of course, if you retreat without a fight, I won't blame you. After all, I myself They’re all leaving.”

"Oh, it's really difficult to decide." Hu Weiyong said tangledly.

"I think you still don't want to leave, otherwise you wouldn't come here." Li Shanchang pointed out directly:

"You are different from me. My achievements are enough to shine in the annals of history, and I have no regrets in retiring. But you, it was so easy to become the prime minister, but you did nothing for a few years, and now you have finally won the support of all the officials, so you just retired. , indeed no one would be willing to change."

"I'm really not willing to give in." Hu Weiyong nodded heavily, and after speaking, he leaned over and kowtowed: "Please give me some advice!"

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