Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 272 Meeting Tamluo again

On the back deck of the boat, the third child was hung upside down from the mast, pitifully begging to be let go.

In the cabin, Cai Qianhu and Director Lin were shocked when they heard what happened to him at first. The former cursed: "You are so brave that you dare to abuse...the imperial official!"

"Who did it?" Boss Lin also asked angrily, "I wonder if His Highness has something wrong with him? Do we all have to die?"

"It's to test Hongji of the Hundred Households." The person who came to report the news was the boss Qi. He always felt that he was the first to come, but the position of the Hundred Households was snatched away by the rocket-rising fourth child.

So Dian Dian'er came over to complain.

Unexpectedly, when the two envoys heard this, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, don't you know? Both of them are named Hong, and they are brothers in the same family." Director Lin sat down again and said with a relieved smile: "Brothers are just having fun."

"It's not okay to joke around..." Before the boss finished his words, he slapped his own Qianhu in the face.

"Things that don't know what's up and down!" Cai Bin glared at him and cursed: "Why don't you see hundreds of other households coming to complain? Are you the only one who has an eye?!"

"..." Zongqi shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

"Get out! If you dare to complain behind your back next time, you will be beaten to death with a stick!" Cai Bin waved his hand violently, asked for a boring general flag, and quickly pissed himself off.


The fourth person’s immediate boss on this ship is Cai Bin. Although Lin Mi was the deputy envoy, he did not dare to interfere with Yu Linwei's affairs.

Cai Bin also knew very well that he was just a side dish. He doesn't care about his brother's vindictive business.

The fourth child has a hundred subordinates. When the second child is neutral, the third child is alone and has no one to support him. Why don't you let him manipulate him?

So the third child was dumped on the mast, causing the sky to be inoperable and the earth to be unresponsive.

Fortunately, Lao Liu still had some conscience, and finally remembered that Lao San was his immediate boss, and he had promised Golden Lotus Court to him.

"Fourth brother, if you hang upside down for a long time, your eyes will burst." Zhu Zhen spoke for the third child.

"That's it, turn him over." So the fourth man gave the order, and the Yulin army under his command dropped the third child.

"Is it okay to hang with your head upside down?" Lao Si asked Lao Liu.

"No, it's okay..." The sixth child gave the third child a helpless look: "Third brother, enjoy the scenery."

"Alas... Fourth brother, it's your uncle!" The third child sighed resignedly, knowing that the fourth child would not let go of himself, so he stopped pretending to be a grandson. He cursed loudly: "You know how to use more people to bully others, don't you? Do you have the guts to let me down and challenge you?"

"Okay." Zhu Di smiled and said, "This is what you said."

"Forget it..." Lao San finally remembered that he was severely seasick and even taking Lao Wu's seasickness medicine didn't work.

It wasn't that the medicine didn't work, but that he was so dizzy that he vomited whenever he ate. So I vomited after taking this medicine, but it was not absorbed at all.

If his feet fall on the deck and he can't stand firmly, why don't we let the fourth child fly?

"When I return to Nanjing, I will let you see my ferocity!" So it's better to just hang him up. Don't get hung up and beaten again. That would be such a loss.

"Brother, what does our family have to do with your young master?" Lao Si's soldiers finally couldn't help but ask.

"Both are surnamed Hong." Lao Liu replied, "A family."

"It really doesn't look like..." The soldiers shook their heads.

"That's right, they have been enemies since childhood. When feeding, they would fight over who would take more bites, until they vomited milk." Zhu Zhen said with a smile.

"Hahaha." Everyone roared with laughter: "You little book boy are so brave, you dare to arrange your own young master in front of him?"

"Because my surname is also Hong." Zhu Zhen said proudly.

"I know, the book boys all take the master's surname." But everyone still didn't take him seriously.


While he was talking nonsense, the third child who was hung up suddenly said:

"Hey, is that black lump an island?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the deck immediately ignored the nonsense, climbed up the mast and looked up.

Although we only went deep into the ocean for six or seven days, it was still stressful to see all the water and no land in sight. Especially the landlubbers like the Yulin Guards are even more eager to return to the land.

Zhu Di took out the telescope from his arms, opened his eyes and looked out, and he saw a small island.

"We are almost arriving at Tamna Island!" The naval officer who was operating the ship stuck his head out and shouted loudly.

After Feng Zhou broke through the waves and headed north, Zhu Di continued to look into the distance and saw a larger island.

"This island is called Gap Island." Zhu Zhen, who was beside him, introduced it in detail: "The one just now is called Maro Island. A little further north of Gap Island is Tamna Island."

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Di's telescope showed a huge island thousands of times larger than Gabo Island.

He has never seen such a big island in his life.

"No wonder the Mongolians and Koreans never forget that this island is so huge." Zhu Di sighed.

"That's bigger than a county." Zhu Zhen nodded: "And it is located at the maritime transportation hub of the three countries of Ming Dynasty, Korea and Japan. It is not only close to Korea, but also very close to Japan."

"Are you so familiar with this place?" Lao Si said in admiration, "Maybe you have been here in your previous life."

Zhu Zhen smiled and said nothing.

He had been here countless times in his previous life. Of course, in future generations this place will be called Jeju Island, everyone knows...

"Do you know why Kublai Khan wanted to take this island into his pocket?" he asked his fourth brother.

"I understand." Zhu Di nodded and said, "He wants to attack Japan, and this island is the best springboard."

"That's right, and after landing on the island, the Yuan army discovered that the water and grass here are rich and it is an excellent pasture suitable for raising horses. Moreover, the island has deep forests and dense forests, and warships for attacking Japan can be built on the spot. It is simply a heaven-sent place." Zhu Zhen sighed. Said: "God cannot take it, so you must suffer the consequences!"

"Yes, it's a pity that Kublai Khan's two attacks on Japan were met with hurricanes, and both failed." Zhu Di said regretfully: "On the contrary, it fueled the arrogance of the Japanese pirates and allowed them to invade our country unscrupulously."

"You only have a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against thieves. As the saying goes, 'If the bandits can come, I can go', instead of preparing for the Japanese all day long, it is better to take the initiative and give Japan a good beating!" Zhu Zhen encouraged in a deep voice:

"That is an opponent that Kublai Khan has not conquered. If he were conquered by Ming Dynasty, how much more energy would he have?"

"Save your strength, keep your strength!" The brothers were indeed fooled, especially the fourth child. Seeing the possibility of surpassing Kublai Khan, his breathing became heavy with excitement.

"In this case, this Tamluo Island must be eaten!" He said fiercely.

Zhu Zhen was overjoyed, it was better now. As Old Four said, if things get bad in the future, Tamna Island will not be given to North Korea in vain...

But I heard the third brother above me sneer at the fourth brother:

"I asked you to study more, but you just refused. Now if you don't study, is it a joke?"

"What's the joke?" Lao Si touched his fist and prepared to hang him upside down again.

"This Tamluo Island belongs to Ming Dynasty. Do you need to eat it again?" Even though the third child was in a state of embarrassment, he did not forget to harm the fourth child.

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