Li Chenggui kowtowed repeatedly to apologize, his forehead was bruised, and then he crawled out of the front hall in fear.

"Servant, wipe the blood." After coming out, Jin Tao handed him a handkerchief.

Li Chenggui took the handkerchief, put it on his forehead, and murmured: "These Highnesses of the Celestial Dynasty are really terrible..."

"Yes, especially the King of Jin Yan and the King of Chu." Jin Tao said with deep understanding: "They are all the embryos of Ming Jun and Saint King. It can be seen that the Ming Dynasty is booming and it is a time of prosperity."

"Yes." Li Chenggui sighed: "I was too smooth today and got dizzy. I shouldn't have such unreasonable thoughts."

"Your Majesty, I have something I don't know whether to say or not." Jin Tao said softly.

"Speak." Li Chenggui nodded. It was easiest for a person to listen to the words after his forehead was bleeding.

"If you have the chance, you really should go to the Ming Dynasty. Only then will you know clearly how small Goryeo is and how big the Celestial Empire is." Jin Tao clasped his hands behind his back and whispered as he walked:

"We, Goryeo, are destined to only gain room for development during the period when the Central Plains dynasty changes. But once the Celestial Dynasty is established and makes great efforts to govern, it will bring us back to our original shape.

"What's even more cruel is that this has nothing to do with the virtuousness of our monarchs and ministers. And sometimes, the stronger the monarchs and ministers are, the more they will harm us, Goryeo." Jin Tao said clearly: "There are many such examples, and I don't need to repeat them. Bar?"

"Yes." Li Chenggui nodded. Let’s not talk about it from afar, let’s just say that the late king was deposed by the Yuan Dynasty during the ‘Guimao Rebellion’ because he was against the Yuan Dynasty. Although Cui Ying eventually led them to defeat the 10,000 Yuan Dynasty intervening troops.

However, during the Guimao Rebellion, more than half of Goryeo's population died, but this has always been kept secret by the government and the public.

"My dear brother, how do you think we should get along with the Celestial Empire?" Li Chenggui asked.

"Mencius said that only smart people can serve a big country with the status of a small country, so King Tai of Zhou once served Maohuan, and Gou Jian once served Wu. Those who can serve a big country with the status of a small country are those who fear the destiny of heaven. Those who fear the destiny of heaven can To protect his country. Just as the "Poetry" says: 'Fear the power of heaven and protect it from time to time.'" Jin Tao replied:

“There are countless vassals and vassal states in the Celestial Empire, just like parents treating many children, they will definitely reward the most obedient ones and punish the most rebellious ones in order to educate the majority.

"So the direction of our efforts should be to strive to be the most obedient children of the Celestial Empire. Then we will find that the more obedient we are, the more tolerant the Celestial Empire will be. The so-called 'Korean affairs are based on courtesy, while the Celestial Dynasty is based on benevolence', this is the most It’s an ideal state.”

"Is the father kind and the son filial?" Li Chenggui felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's 'the big deal is the small matter'..." Jin Tao corrected, then gave up and said, "It's almost the same meaning."

"Then I understand." Li Chenggui nodded, looking gloomy.

"Servant, you haven't seen clearly why your highnesses chose you?!" Seeing that he still couldn't let go, Jin Tao finally couldn't help but said in a more serious tone.

"Why?" This is actually what Li Chenggui wants to know the most.

"Because you are a foreigner, how can you govern the capital if you don't rely on the emperor?!" Jin Tao stamped his feet: "Have you not seen clearly yet? Only the most knowledgeable people can securely hold the ruling position. If you are not a loving father and a filial son, others will You will recognize your father, do you still want to make the same mistake as Li Renren and Cui Ying?"

"Oops..." Li Chenggui felt as if he had been given a slap in the face, especially the last two sentences, which made him sober up immediately. He bowed deeply and said, "Thank you sir for teaching me. The future of Li Chenggui and the Li family is all thanks to sir." Grant!”

"As long as your servant understands." Jin Tao quickly dodged away and refused to be greeted by him: "Kaijing and Nanjing are thousands of miles apart. Even if a father is kind and his son is filial, how many times can he do it in a year? Most of the time, the servant is still happy. !”

"It's not that the father is kind and the son is filial, it's 'doing things big and being polite'!" Li Chenggui corrected him sternly: "'doing things big and being courteous' will be our highest rule from now on!"

"You are a wise servant!" Jin Tao smiled happily, a child can be taught.

"Thank you, sir!" Li Chenggui praised, and the two looked at each other and laughed.


When the two returned to the capital hall, they called Zheng Mengzhou to the meeting hall.

When Zheng Meng came in on Monday, he felt that the relationship between the two people had changed. Just like men and women who have slept together, their words and actions reveal intimacy...

This made him alert, as he was obviously the one who came first.

"Old Zheng, sit down wherever you want." Li Chenggui pointed to the chairs on both sides of the long table and said.

"I'd better stand. This is not a place for casual sitting." Zheng Mengzhou said, pointing to the gauze on Li Chenggui's forehead and said: "The waiter is injured?"

"This?" Li Chenggui pointed at his forehead and said, "I kowtow myself."

"You two went to the Guest House?" Zheng Mengzhou's heart tightened.

"I didn't mean to leave you behind." Jin Tao said with a smile: "It's really because you are growing old in the Qingshou Palace and we can't wait any longer."

"The Queen Mother was scared..." Zheng Mengzhou was about to lie, but in an instant he realized that doing so would completely alienate him from them. It's extremely unwise.

Then he sighed and said, "The Queen Mother wanted to depose the king and replace him with a clan member. I tried hard to persuade him for a long time but couldn't stop him. I could only ask the Highnesses what they wanted. The Queen Mother then asked me to invite several Highnesses to the banquet. "

"Haha, let me tell you, Lao Zheng is a smart man, he must be able to handle things clearly." Jin Tao and Li Chenggui looked at each other and smiled.

"That's right, come on, sit down." Li Chenggui stood up in person, pushed Zheng Mengzhou into his seat and said, "You will sit here from now on."

"I, isn't this appropriate?" Zheng Meng wanted to get up, but how could he?

"Why is it inappropriate? You can command the Confucian scholars in the world, and you are the most trusted person by the Queen Mother. You deserve to sit in this position!" Li Chenggui said solemnly: "Now the three of us must unite sincerely to stabilize the situation, so don't Give in."

"Then the Attendant..." Zheng Mengzhou was so frightened that he sat down and half pulled his buttocks.

"I'll sit here." Li Chenggui walked to the first chair and Da Ma Jin Dao sat down and said.

"What about Mr. Cui Yuan?" Zheng Mengzhou asked again. After speaking, his expression changed and he said, "Is this the result of the servant going to the guest house?"

"What your Highness means is that Cui Ying is an accomplice of Li Renren and personally led troops to kill them. She must be severely punished." Jin Tao said in a deep voice.

"Goryeo cannot live without Mr. Cui Yuan!" Zheng Mengzhou lost his voice: "The Queen Mother will never agree. Didn't you persuade me?"

Li Chenggui pointed to his forehead and said nothing. Zheng Mengzhou mistakenly thought that this was the result of persuasion...

"He wants to kill His Highness, can His Highness let them go?"

"He doesn't know that several of their highnesses are in the mission..."

"Can I be forgiven for killing the envoy?" Li Chenggui asked coldly, and then said decisively: "Those who cover him are accomplices!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu has been extremely merciful and only allowed us to hand over the people to them." Jin Tao also said: "Old Zheng, we have to know good from evil."

"Oh, okay..." Zheng Mengzhou felt the comfort of being in second place, and finally agreed: "Let's go see the Queen Mother."

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