Zhu Yuanzhang strictly prohibited astronomy, and any private scholars who dared to teach him were put to death. Only the officials of the Qin Tianjian were allowed to practice this way, and they were ordered to "never move, and their descendants can only learn astronomy and calculus, and are not allowed to learn other industries." This was to prevent others from peeking into God's will, spreading astronomy, and taking the opportunity to cause chaos in the country.

The reason why we are so guarded against it is because Boss Zhu really believes in this stuff.

And we know that the reason why most successful people believe in metaphysics is because their success is inherently metaphysics.

This is especially true for Boss Zhu who started half a bowl.

Moreover, at important points on his road to success, he cannot do without the companionship of metaphysics.

Before the Battle of Poyang Lake, Zhu Yuanzhang was undecided whether to fight Chen Youliang. It was Liu Ji who told him:

"Looking at the sky yesterday, Venus was in front and Mars was behind. This is a sign of victory for the army. May the lord be obedient to the sky and follow the people and make an early attack." ’

Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed and said: "I also watch the sky at night, just as you said." ’

So he ordered the army to march forward and fight to the death with Chen Youliang.

In the eleventh month of the first year of Wu, "the two stars of metal and fire met at Choufen, and fire chased gold behind them, and Qilu was divided." Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Liu Jizhan to say, "It is appropriate to show off the power of the army." Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Xu Da's Northern Expedition army to march north from Jianghuai to conquer Shandong.


"So, Master, were you the one using the celestial phenomena to help my father make up his mind on those two occasions?" Lao Liu asked amid the chirping of cicadas.

"You can put it this way." Liu Bowen nodded slowly and said: "In the battle of Poyang Lake, our army is surrounded by enemies on both the left and the right. We have no choice but to fight with our backs against the enemy. My lord Tianzong, a prodigy, naturally knows this very well. He is just worried that Zhang Shicheng's troops will take advantage of this opportunity. He attacked Yingtian secretly, so he hesitated for a long time. I just took advantage of the situation and gave him a push."

"The Northern Expedition is another situation. The Yuan Dynasty still has a huge military force, but its people are broken and there is no will to fight. Under such circumstances, our army should fight quickly and attack the capital. As long as Yuan Shun is forced to If the emperor hunts in the north, the Yuan army in the interior will collapse without a fight, and Wang Baobao will have no way to recover.

"On the contrary, if we fight steadily and let the opponent calm down, we will fall into a hard battle. If we want to completely drive out the Tartars, we don't know how long it will take." Liu Bowen said lightly: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the fighter opportunities are fleeting. , I will naturally use all my means to persuade your father to show off his military power."

"I understand." Zhu Zhen said after receiving the teaching: "The celestial phenomena are the heart of heaven. Those who interpret the celestial phenomena are interpreting the will of heaven. Authoritative experts like Master are the spokespersons of God."

He didn't say any more, but the implication was very clear... just like the King of the East to the King of Heaven. You don't know which of his words are really speaking for heaven, and which of his words are mixed with personal information.

"That's right." Liu Bowen twirled his beard and said with a smile, "Boys can be taught."

"The trouble is that authoritative experts cannot monopolize the right to speak. Other experts, big and small, will also come up with conclusions that are in line with their own positions according to their own wishes." Zhu Zhen sighed and asked:

"I wonder how they will interpret it this time?"

"It's nothing more than enfeoffment, Kongyin and Qingzhang." Liu Bowen said with clear eyes.


The star change in June of the ninth year of Hongwu lasted for an extremely long time. The star flashed across the Ziwei Yuan for forty-eight days.

By the time it disappeared, the autumn leaves were already turning yellow...

Such an obvious and long-lasting star change, and it occurred in the airspace representing the emperor, naturally caused Boss Zhu great uneasiness. He had to fast for a whole month to reflect on his sins to the sky.

At the same time, the officials of Qin Tianjian were ordered to study the stars carefully and reveal the warnings from heaven. However, whether it was his own conclusion from comparing astronomical documents, the report from Qin Tianjian, or the statements of Song Lian and other great scholars, they all pointed to this as a sign of a national disaster or injustice in the world.

So on the Double Ninth Festival, the ninth day of September, Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to issue an edict to blame himself, and asked people from all over the world to write to the court, pointing out political gains and losses or unfairness, and making criticisms or suggestions.

As soon as he saw this edict, Liu Bowen sighed to his disciples and said: "Emperor Qinfu failed to hold on after all, and was still overwhelmed. It can be seen that the saying that the more powerful you are, the more fragile you are, is not wrong when it comes to Emperor Hongwu. "

Zhu Zhen nodded with a gloomy expression. His father's legislation was too strict and the punishments were too severe. Especially the case of Wei Guan Gao Qi, the Hongwu immigration case, and this year's empty seal case, they offended too many people. I don't know how many people hated him.

On weekdays, those who hated him so much did not dare to say a word due to his harsh punishment. Now he actually took the initiative to ask people to write a letter pointing out his mistakes. Isn't that what those people want?

Zhu Zhen could already foresee what would happen next...


Sure enough, in just one month, the Zhongshu Province received thousands of copies of "Fengzhao Chenyanshu".

The Zhongshu Provincial officials were about to open these memorials as usual, but were stopped by the left Prime Minister Hu Weiyong:

"Bold, the emperor clearly ordered people to speak out boldly! How can we go beyond the power of others and read these memorials for the emperor."

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Zhongshu Provincial official put all these memorials back into the box.

"Affix a seal and send it to Wuying Palace." Hu Weiyong ordered again.

"As commanded."

Seeing his men carrying all the memorials out, Hu Weiyong turned around and entered the duty room.

"Prime Minister." Zhongshu Zuocheng Dingyu followed him in, closed the door to the check-in room and said, "Isn't this inappropriate?"

"What's wrong?" Hu Weiyong sat behind the desk and asked without raising his head while reading the memorial.

"There must be a lot in it..." Ding Yu swallowed and said, "What arrogant and arrogant words are there to deceive the emperor and ignore the superior!"

"So what?" Hu Weiyong said calmly: "The emperor personally issued the decree saying, 'Speak directly and those who speak will be innocent'. Even if it is a bit excessive, it is still a sign of governance."

After a pause, he raised his head and glanced at Ding Yudao: "Does Mr. Ding still feel that the emperor does not have the humility of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty?"

Ding Yuxin said that's not nonsense. On his face, he could only shake his head and say: "Master Xiang, you know me, that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" Hu Weiyong asked calmly.

"I'm just worried that if I offend the emperor, we'll be in trouble." Ding Yu had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Hahaha." Hu Weiyong laughed and put down his pen. He stood up and patted Ding Yu on the shoulder and said: "First, if the sky falls, the taller ones will hold it up. It's not Ding Xiang's turn to be unlucky if he eats his true form." .”

"Yes..." Ding Yu hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "But Beizhi feels sorry for Enxiang. Enxiang is suffering. In Beizhi's heart, it is ten times more uncomfortable than his own suffering."

"Hahahaha, thank you Ding Guang for your concern." Hu Weiyong laughed again, as if he saw his past self in this person.

"But as a prime minister, you can't do anything wrong with the emperor. When it's time to let the emperor know what people's support is, you can't take too much care of yourself. Otherwise, how can you let the emperor hear the truth?"

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