Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 331 Jinlianyuan has made meritorious service

In the early morning, Zhu Zhen hummed a little tune and rode the Great Sage Pingtian, swaying out of the palace to go to school.

Although Tai Chi can also be ridden, His Highness is reluctant to do so for fear of breaking the bear's waist and regretting it. Therefore, bull riding is still the main means of travel.

The officers and soldiers guarding the gate also liked him riding a bull. It would be too destructive for their nerves if His Royal Highness the King of Chu rode a panda in and out.

After greeting Na Lu Qianhu, Wang Defa led Daqing Niu out of Donghua Gate.

"Sixth Master." He heard someone call him. Zhu Zhen turned his head and saw that it was Zhang Hu.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhen frowned slightly. After Shen Liu Niang was sent to Jiangnan for business, Zhang Hu was in charge of Jinlianyuan.

Zhu Zhen made an agreement with him to regularly submit an intelligence summary to him. If there is urgent or important information, he can report it directly...

"Sixth Master, look at it." Zhang Hu took out a folded leaf from his arms.

Zhu Zhen took it and saw a conversation between two people. He took a quick look and saw that the two parties in the conversation were old friends he hadn't seen for many years.

A man named Ma comes from Bianliang, Beijing. A man named Niu is a native of Nanjing.

Ma was passing through Nanjing and came specifically to see the cattle. Niu then held a banquet in Jinlian Courtyard to entertain him.

After reminiscing about old times, the two of them talked about the hottest topic in Nanjing - that their three highnesses Qin, Jin and Yan actually joined the Northern Expedition as low-level officers and made great military exploits!

Niu felt that the three princes were really powerful and worthy of being the emperor's descendants.

Ma took a different view and said: 'The more powerful they are, the greater the disaster will be for the people in the future. ’

Zhu Zhen now has the "Jin Yiwei" to collect information, and he knows that Ma's view, which has become so popular recently, is not his original creation, but is based on Ye Boju's wisdom.

Sure enough, after turning the page, the conversation between the two turned to Ye Boju. Ma began to praise Ye Boju greatly, saying that he had foresight and cared about the country and the people, but he was about to be shot to death by the emperor.

Niu said that it seemed that Ye Boju was not shot to death, but was just imprisoned.

Ma then sneered and said, "That's good, we can see their death date." ’

Niu asked confusedly: 'Who? ’

‘Who else could it be? Those are the ones I just mentioned. ’ Ma replied: ‘Just watch, their death is not far away, and they will definitely not be able to return to Nanjing. ’

Hearing this, Niu must have been frightened, and quickly stopped Ma to stop him from talking nonsense, and then the two of them drank for a while and dispersed.

But Zhu Zhen noticed that before leaving the table, Ma said again, "What I said is true, just wait and see." ’


After reading through the monitoring records, King Chu's expression became serious.

"Where are the people?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, we are both watching closely." Zhang Hu said hurriedly: "Because the matter is too big, we dare not act rashly."

"I got it. Regardless of whether it was a false alarm or not, arrest the person first." Zhu Zhen's thinking was very clear.

"As ordered." Zhang Hu responded and hurried away.

As a result, Zhu Zhen was a little absent-minded when he went to class at Uncle Chengyi's house, which made Mr. Liu very unhappy - it's just that you don't study hard, why don't you teach me well!

I finished class early and didn't leave any time for lunch.

Zhu Zhen apologized to his master and hurriedly left Uncle Chengyi's Mansion and came to the Pro-Army Commander's Mansion.

After the report, Liu Ying personally greeted him.

"Your Highness." Liu Ying saluted respectfully.

"Why, Brother Liu was also alarmed?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Yes." Liu Ying nodded and said solemnly: "It is related to the safety of several His Highnesses, and we must not be careless."

"Have everyone been caught?" Zhu Zhen asked as he followed Liu Ying inside.

"Caught." Liu Ying nodded and led Zhu Zhen to the door of the dungeon.

Before the big iron door was opened, a stench came out from the cracks.

"It smells a bit down there..." Liu Ying looked at King Chu worriedly, and was about to ask if he wanted to bring up the prisoner.

But I saw a thick white mask on Zhu Zhen's face at some point...

"Let's go." Zhu Zhen said.

"Oh, okay." Liu Ying finally came to her senses and quickly asked someone to open the cell door.


The dungeon was as dark and damp as ever. But compared to when Liao Yongzhong was imprisoned, this place is much more lively, and most of the cells are occupied.

Most of these are suspects that agents have used various means to detect. But the pro-military Duwei Mansion is a security department after all, and is not good at proactively spying on the enemy. So there haven't been any valuable gains so far.

Liu Ying was therefore labeled as "unsuitable to be a spy" by Boss Zhu.

He really hoped that he could make a contribution this time and make the emperor less disappointed. So as soon as the person was captured, he interrogated him personally.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room, Zhu Zhen almost vomited.

I saw that the two people had been turned into two bloody gourds, and there was no good skin left on their bodies.

"They have all given up." Liu Yingfeng said in the interrogation record: "The one with the surname Niu must be an ordinary businessman who was unlucky to meet him; the one with the surname Ma has an interesting identity - he apparently went to Nanjing to purchase goods. A silk merchant. Privately, he is a member of the Ming Cult, the contact person between the White Lotus Cult and the fucking Maitreya Cult."

"Contact persons of the three families?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Yes, he is the one who delivers messages between them." Liu Ying said: "According to what he said, he is actually not a believer in any family, he is just an outsider. Because he often travels between the north and the south, he will take the opportunity to bring messages to others. , of course you have to charge money.”

As he spoke, he pointed to a few crumpled, thin pieces of paper on the table and said, "These were found from him. But they are all secret words. I can't understand what is written."

Zhu Zhen picked up the piece and took a look. Sure enough, it was the same as the Heavenly Book. But this is normal. Those secret Taoist sects all use the secret language of Spring Code to convey news.

"Can it be deciphered?"

"I can only tell that this one is from the Ming Cult, this one is from the Maitreya Cult, and this one is from the White Lotus Cult." Liu Ying sighed softly: "But what exactly was said, no one can see it yet. Understand."

"Is this something he hasn't handed over yet, or is it something he wants to take away?" Zhu Zhen asked in a deep voice.

"To be taken away." Liu Ying said: "They don't meet each other, and they always put the letters in the agreed places. I have asked people to search the places he mentioned..."

"Fuck..." Zhu Zhen couldn't help but say something rude when he heard this. My father said that Liu Ying was not suitable for spy work, and he was right.

"What's wrong?"

"Now everyone knows that the man named Ma has been arrested." Zhu Zhen said with a helpless smile: "Let's not talk about it for now - how did he know that someone was going to attack my brothers?"

At this time, a bloody gourd raised his head with difficulty and glanced at Zhu Zhen. He probably didn't expect that he would recruit a prince, and he was such a young prince.

"Your surname is Ma?" Zhu Zhen nodded politely to him and said, "Then you can tell me in person."

"I heard it in Bianliang..." The man replied weakly: "The three religions will unite to assassinate the king and kill him."

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