On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, my brothers arrived in Zhenjiang.

In order to welcome the arrival of the five His Highnesses, Zhenjiang Prefecture and Dantu County cleared the official ship wharf a few days in advance. All the clutter and unsightly objects were thrown away and collected.

Then they laid loess on the dock, laid out a red carpet, and arranged guards, band members, carriages and horses... In short, they were fully prepared.

Early in the morning on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, Magistrate Cao, Magistrate Zhou, representatives of the local gentry, and those wealthy Jiangnan families invited by His Royal Highness the King of Chu all got out of their warm beds early, dressed neatly, and rushed to the official ship dock in cars and sedans.

Although Zhenjiang in the twelfth lunar month is not as cold as in the north, it is still wet and cold, making people shrink their necks and smell the fragrance. The old man was sitting in the car, holding the heater, still shivering.

If it weren't for welcoming your Royal Highnesses, they wouldn't have suffered this fate.

Cars and sedans came from all directions in Fucheng and gathered at the pier. The gentlemen waited for a long time. It was only when the red sun jumped out of the river and a golden light shone in front of them that someone shouted: "It's coming, it's coming!"

Everyone quickly got out of the cars and waited eagerly on the pier. As expected, they saw a long line of warships coming from Guazhou Ferry, but they could not see the end of the line.

"How many battleships are these?" Jiangnan's wealthy people whispered to each other: "The arrogance of these gentlemen is too big, isn't it?"

"Don't you know? This is the Chaohu Navy. They were the ones who took His Royal Highness the King of Chu and his army to the north." A well-informed person said: "I heard that tens of thousands were wiped out in Henan. There are rebels."

"That's not right." At this time, the fleet was getting closer, and someone with sharp eyes saw: "There is no Chaohu Navy flag on the bow. The flag on the ship is...Ti, Ju, Shi, Ship, Division?"

"Shibo Division?" These two words were the most unpleasant to be heard by the wealthy people, and they immediately felt uncomfortable.

Although when they talked to Zhou Zhixian, they all seemed to have nothing to do with them and had nothing to do with Haimao. But in fact, every one of their families is richer than the princes because of their common connections.

With great difficulty, they managed to shut down the Shibo Company. Of course, we don’t want this kind of yamen that competes with them to revive again.

"Mr. Pingjiang, what do you say in Nanjing?" Everyone looked at Lu Zhonghe. In recent years, this person has become the leader of a large family in Jiangnan.

Firstly, where is the prestige of the Lu family; secondly, through some unknown means, he has become good friends with the big shots in the Zhongshu Province. His 'good friend' in the Zhongshu Province was abolished last time. It was a great effort.

"The other side said that this matter was not the emperor's intention." Lu Zhonghe said calmly: "It's just a whim of the young man."

"That's it..." After everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then shook their heads and said: "To engage in such a big battle on a whim, is the emperor too arrogant to indulge his son?"

"Alas, there is no way." Xie Yunzhang, the head of the Xie family in Hangzhou, sighed: "Didn't the former fan Ye Boju speak out for this reason, but was he betrayed by the emperor and taken to the capital? Although the righteous people in the court tried their best to rescue him, I heard that he was already in prison and starved to death."

"Really?" Everyone was horrified. The reason why they are more honest than before is because Boss Zhu never kills people without blinking an eye.

"Mr. Li Ting, be careful what you say." Lu Zhonghe coughed and said to everyone: "This is not Jiangnan. We should be careful in our words and deeds. It is the right thing to go home safely for the New Year."

"Yes, Lord Pingjiang is right." Everyone naturally followed the good example and shut up obediently. This place is so close to Nanjing that it makes people feel uncomfortable.


When the battleship of the City Shipping Department slowly docked, the oppressive feeling as high as a city wall hit our faces, making the people on the shore involuntarily nervous.

This is exactly what His Royal Highness the King of Chu wants to achieve. For this reason, the Marquis of Nan'an brought all the large ships of the Chaohu Navy to the bottom of the box. It was also filled with flags, axes and axes, and swords, guns and artillery were displayed. The main purpose was to intimidate.

After the gangway was set up, a cannon sounded from the flagship, and war drums sounded one after another on each ship.

Amid the sound of neat drums, groups of fully armed officers and soldiers lined up to disembark from the ship. Then they stood opposite each other on both sides of the road.

Each of the soldiers in bright armor held their hands on the hilts of their swords and stood still. Their postures were upright and majestic. They brought a stronger sense of oppression to the big families in Jiangnan than those giant ships. After all, no matter how big the giant ship is, it can't get ashore. But these officers and soldiers who were full of fear could kill them at any time.

"Why are there so many soldiers?" Lu Zhonghe and others looked at the officers and soldiers, who were densely lined up in two rows, from the pier to the government office three miles away, and they were still getting off the ship in a steady stream.

They couldn't help but be secretly frightened, knowing that His Highness the King of Chu was demonstrating against them. In fact, they are not afraid of even the most elite army, because the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty will not kill people for no reason; but they are afraid that this army is in the hands of a boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

Children of this age are either minor or serious, irritable and irritable. It is not surprising that they can do anything when their brains twitch or act impulsively.

It took half an hour for the escorting troops to stop disembarking. Someone silently counted, the number of troops was 15,600...

This is not over yet, followed by a long guard of honor for the prince composed of various flags, umbrellas, golden melons, lying melons, broadswords, red stirrups, yellow stirrups...

And it’s the honor guards of the five princes combined...

For such a huge formation, the manpower of King Chu's army alone was simply not enough. The escorts and honor guards of his royal brothers were also among them.

The reason is of course very sufficient. Several of their highnesses have just been attacked. For safety reasons, it is not too much to strengthen the vigilance, right?

This is also the reason why my brothers are crossing the Yangtze River so late. They have to write to the eldest brother to discuss it first and let him convince his father. Then the governor's office can issue the guard transfer order to each prince's palace. Otherwise, even the princes' personal troops cannot leave the capital at will.

After being released by the Governor's Office, each branch of the royal army crossed the river to Guazhou and met up with the brothers, then marched to Zhenjiang in a mighty manner. All this effort and effort has only one purpose - to open the eyes and wake up the minds of these big Jiangnan households, and create a memory they will never forget.

In this way, when they want to go against Shibosi in the future, they will naturally recall everything they saw today.

If this shock can make them wake up in time and pull back from the brink, Lao Liu's hard work will be considered in vain.


After the ceremony was completed, bells rang loudly and gongs and drums roared loudly on the pier. There were also sixty-four large suonas, which vigorously played the "Yinfeng Tune" to welcome the saint on his journey.

The sixth son of the current Emperor Hongwu, His Royal Highness Zhu Zhen, King of Chu, finally appeared on the deck surrounded by a group of servants.

"I respectfully welcome His Highness the King of Chu. His Highness is a thousand years old!" Magistrate Cao and Lu Zhonghe hurriedly led the crowd to bow down.

After four greetings, Zhu Zhen walked slowly out of the boat with the help of Wang Defa, who was wearing a python suit.

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