Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 486 Great Memory Restoration Technique

"That's why I remembered that the villain went out after Counselor Li." After hearing what Counselor Li said, the pretty boy Lu Dushi suddenly said:

"He came back and finished the drinking order, causing the subordinate to be punished with a drink. He was a little anxious because of the wine, and after sitting for a while, he felt abdominal pain, so he went to the latrine."

"Have you ever seen Liu participating in politics?" Lao Liu asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Lu Doushi nodded and said: "When the official went in, Liu Shenzheng was still squatting in the pit. When the official finished his work, he fastened and pulled up his belt, but he still hadn't gotten up." Lu Doushi recalled. : "People thought he had something to hide and were too embarrassed to ask any more questions, so they hurried out."

"Then you went back?"

"That's natural. It's freezing cold, so what else can you do outside?" Lu Dushi said shyly:

"Besides, it's my turn to be the wine commander. I have to go back in a hurry."

"You're so shy!" Lao Liu scolded, looking at the last person named Ma and saying:

"So, you should have gone out after the two of them?"

"Yes." Ma Xingcheng nodded and said, "The official is working in Ludu and went out after serving as the wine commander."

"Have you ever seen Liu participating in politics?" Lao Liu asked.

"Never." Ma Xingcheng shook his head and said, "When I went to the official office, there was no one else in the toilet. I came back after I went to the toilet."

"Your confession says that Liu Shenzheng's long-term follower noticed that he had not returned and went out to look for him, only to discover that he was missing. Then did you do it before or after Liu Kong...that is, the long-term follower went out to look for him? , Go to the hut?"

"When the official came back, the senior attendant was still there. It took a long time for him to go out." Counselor Li said with certainty.

"When the official came back, he didn't go out either. He went out after a while." Lu Dushi also confirmed.

Because they had been forced to relive the experience over and over in the past few days, these details were remembered.

"What about you?" Lao Liu looked at the last horse experience.

"I'm the official..." Ma Xingcheng hesitated, shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

"Then do you remember?" Lao Liu smiled at the other two people and said, "Help him recall it together."

"No, I don't remember..."

"No, no impression..." the two of them said vaguely.

"If you don't want to say anything, just throw it all into the cesspool!" Lao Liu said viciously: "I'll change it to a few more that I'm willing to say!"

"Our king kills people without blinking an eye, and eats meat without salting it." The uncle also helped: "If we can't find the real culprit, you will all die. Do you want to help hide it? You should think about it carefully."

After he finished speaking, Lao Liu waved his hand, and the wolf-like guard immediately stepped forward, dragging the three of them out.

"Your Majesty, spare your life! I dare not hide it!" Counselor Li shouted in fright, "I remember, he followed Liu Kong out!"

"Yes, yes," Lu Dushi also regained his memory and said: "He went out with that person, and not long after he came in, the chief attendant came in to report that Liu Shenzheng was missing!"

"..." Ma experienced this and said with a look of surprise on his face: "Xiaoguan also remembered, that's what happened. But that's just a coincidence. People have three urgent needs, and I can't choose a time to pee. I also I have never met him, let alone spoken to him.”

"Really?" Lao Liu smiled brightly, and Jin Yiwei immediately pulled him aside and used the Great Memory Restoration Technique.

Unexpectedly, the man surnamed Ma has a very tough mouth. He just killed himself for not telling the truth at first. He had no other intention, just because he didn't want to be misunderstood.

"Ma Qingcheng is the clerk under Liu Shenzheng, and he has a lot of contact with this long-term attendant on weekdays." However, he couldn't stand the other two colleagues and kept "selling out his teammates."

"That's right, it was him who yelled next door!" Lu Dushi also said loudly.

"Liu Meng, Liu Meng, has your master gone back?" Zhu Zhen asked in a deep voice.

"That's right!" Lu Dushi nodded vigorously and said: "It turns out that I didn't even remember that when Xiong Fantai was questioning us last night, he told us not to mention it to anyone. Someone asked the next door about this. I suddenly Remember this."

"Great Memory Restoration Technique, upgrade!" Lao Liu was no longer polite at all.

The guard tied the horse's hands and feet, tied it upside down to the beam, and then placed a wooden barrel on top of his head. It looks like waterboarding again, but this is actually an upgraded version of it - excrement waterboarding!

As the name suggests, the bucket is not filled with clean water, but with fecal juice...

As soon as the head was inserted, the horse's experience collapsed.

"No, no, I'll do it..." Ma Qiang, with a yellow face and a mouth full of excrement, vomited with tears streaming down his face and said: "You, you are not human..."

The result is another change...

This horse experience was completely honest and I didn’t dare to say any nonsense.

"I don't want to continue eating shit," Lao Liu covered his nose and stood far away. "Just do it quickly."

"I followed Liu Kong out on purpose, just to keep an eye on him, just in case." Feeling worse than death, Ma Qiancheng no longer cared about whether he would die if he spoke out.

"What if?" Lao Liu let go of his hand, not caring about the smell anymore.

"To prevent him from daring to take action or making a mistake." Ma Xingcheng replied.

"What are you doing?" Lao Liu, Hu Quan and Luo Guanzhong all looked shocked.

"Kill Liu Lian." Ma Qingcheng said feebly.

"Fuck..." Lao Liu spat bitterly. Unexpectedly, the senior brother actually raised a white-eyed wolf that killed the master.

"You said it was Liu Kong who killed Liu Lian?" Hu Quan then asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, he knew that Liu Lian was suffering from constipation. He spent a long time squatting in the pit every time, so he didn't follow him out right away. He waited until he was about to touch him and finished pooping before going out." Ma experienced nothing to hide now. He poured the beans into the bamboo tube and said:

"Sure enough, he met Liu Lian Chu Wan Gong. Because he had been squatting for too long, his feet were numb, so he helped Liu Lian walk slowly to stimulate blood circulation.

"Liu Shenzheng is a face-saving person and doesn't want outsiders to see him in this embarrassing state, so he has no objection to Liu Kong helping him to a quiet place.

"After arriving at the well, I saw that Liu Kong was really hesitant, so I secretly touched him from behind, covered Liu Shenzheng's mouth, controlled his upper body, and then asked Liu Kong to hug his legs and stuff him together. Into the well...

"After that, I quickly returned to the flower hall. Liu Kong pretended to search outside for a while, and then came in and said that his master was missing." Ma Xingcheng sighed:

"Then we started looking for people everywhere, blaming me for being smart and yelling that way. Later, Deputy Ambassador Feng reminded me that it was a flaw. So he took away Liu Meng's confession. You must have discovered the problem from this. Right?"

"You can say that." Lao Liu nodded and asked in a deep voice: "Who ordered you to kill my big...Liu Lian?"

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