Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 505 The whole story

In the eighth year of the Dragon and Phoenix Period, Chen Youliang's subordinate Hu Mei, the Prime Minister of Jiangxi Province, dedicated the important town of Longxing City to Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed and renamed it Hongdu Mansion.

Hongdu was southwest of Pinghan and could not be defended by non-flesh and blood officials, so Zhu Yuanzhang sent Zhu Wenzheng to guard Hongdu.

This angered the violent Chen Youliang. The following year, Chen Youliang took advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's dispatch of troops to rescue Anfeng and when Jiangnan's troops were empty, he mobilized his entire army of 600,000 to surround Hongdu City.

At that time, Zhu Wenzheng only had 20,000 troops in his hands. Chen Youliang didn't take it seriously and ordered an all-out attack on the city. After preparing to capture Hongdu, go straight to Yingtian!

Chen Youliang governed the army harshly, and his troops did not dare to fight without working hard. The city walls of Hongdu were breached in many places, and the defenders had to fight while building walls. Soldiers from both sides fought on corpses, causing heavy casualties.

However, Zhu Wenzheng showed his outstanding commanding talents and commanded the soldiers to respond calmly, stand strong and defeat the enemy, and held on to Hongdu for eighty-five days! A large amount of Chen Youliang's effective strength was consumed. Finally, when Zhu Yuanzhang completed the war preparations and returned to the army to come to the rescue, Chen Youliang had no choice but to withdraw from the siege.

This is a miracle in the world's military history - the Battle of Hongdu.

It can be said that without the victory in the defense of Hongdu, there would be no battle of Poyang Lake, the founding battle of the Ming Dynasty.

After the Battle of Poyang Lake wiped out Chen Youliang's regime in one fell swoop, Zhu Yuanzhang made a triumphant return and rewarded Chang Yuchun, Liao Yongzhong and other meritorious generals based on their merits.

Perhaps thinking of his nephew's previous high profile, or perhaps for other reasons, Zhu Yuanzhang did not reward Zhu Wenzheng for the time being.

This disappointed Zhu Wenzheng to the extreme. He completely broke his guard. Not only did he indulge in uncharacteristically excessive behavior, he also allowed his generals to plunder people's property and rape women. The patron saint of Hongdu City suddenly became a disaster in Jiangxi.

The inspection envoy Li Yinbing reported that Zhu Wenzheng was arrogant and extravagant, so Zhu Yuanzhang sent his envoy to scold him. Zhu Wenzheng did not repent, but became even more angry and threatened to kill Li Yinbing, which scared him so much that he hid in the Yamen of Zhensi and did not dare to go out.


At that time, people in Hongdu City thought that Li Yinbing was dead for offending Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew, but Hu Weiyong did not think so. Instead, he thought that it was Zhu Wenzheng who was dead.

"Why do you say that?" Zhu Zhen frowned and asked in a low voice.

"The guilty minister dare not say anything." Shen Liben said hurriedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, just let it go." Zhu Zhen said coldly.

"Yes, Hu Weiyong made a drunken mistake later and said that Zhu Wenzheng, a subordinate of a superior, held the position of Commander-in-Chief of the three armies and had accomplished extraordinary feats. How could the superior reward him?" Shen Liben trembled. road:

"At that time, he was only the Duke of Wu. Apart from the prince's son, there was nothing that could be rewarded to him. But when he came to the throne, he already had a son."

"..." Zhu Zhen fell silent.

"So, Hu Weiyong thinks that the superior does not want to reward Zhu Wenzheng, but that he cannot reward him." Seeing that His Highness did not express his position, Shen Liben had no choice but to continue:

"We can only wait until he becomes king and emperor in the future, and then make up for him. In addition, the prince had grown up at that time, but there were still many people in the army who regarded Zhu Wenzheng as his successor. The superior remembered Zhu Wenzheng's high profile before. , so we decided to postpone the reward.

"But one moment and another moment. When Zhu Wenzheng said those words, the prince was not born yet. He thought he could take over, and of course he didn't care about rewards. But during the Battle of Hongdu, the superior already had a son, and he knew that he had no chance of taking over. , I feel aggrieved, how could I not care about the reward?

"So, he was aggrieved, angry and vented, and he allowed the soldiers to violate military discipline. This may be common in other armies, but in our army with strict military discipline, it is unforgivable." Shen Liben continued:

"Hu Dahai's eldest son violated the ban on brewing wine in Wuzhou and was punished with death. Someone advised the superior not to kill him to avoid Hu Dahai's rebellion. But the superior said: 'I would rather let Hu Dahai rebel than have my military order fail to be implemented. .’ In the end, the superior executed Hu Dahai’s eldest son with his own hands.”

Shen Liben sighed with admiration and said: "So, Zhu Wenzheng will definitely be punished if he does not repent. But his identity and achievements are there. If he is not beaten to death with a stick, he will definitely make a comeback in the future. By then , all enemies will suffer his revenge.”

"So, Hu Weiyong advised Li Yinbing not to attack Zhu Wenzheng with those trivial accusations. Instead, he should strike a fatal blow and make him unable to stand up for the rest of his life." Shen Liben said in a low voice:

"Then he took out something that was enough to kill him with one blow!"

"What?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Zhu Wenzheng colluded with the White Lotus Society to curse the puppet for the prince's violent death." Shen Liben's voice became sinister as he said: "The White Lotus Society has a secret technique that sews a person's horoscopes, personal belongings and a drop of blood into the doll. , and then shoot with small arrows every day for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and the person will die violently."

"Li Yinbing presented this object, and the superior found the prince's horoscope, longevity lock and blood stains in the doll." He continued: "The superior was furious and ordered Zhu Wenzheng to go to Beijing to investigate. Zhu Wenzheng was frightened. Something bad happened, and there was actually a plan to rebel. Unexpectedly, before he had time to make plans, the superior had already taken a boat to the outside of the city and summoned him to come out of the city to meet him.

"Zhu Wenzheng rushed out to greet him. His superiors whipped him across the face and asked him several times: 'What are you going to do?' Then they escorted him back to the capital. He was later removed from office and placed under house arrest in Tongcheng. He died not long after. .”

After hearing this secret, Zhu Zhen actually felt a little dazed. After a while, he regained his composure and asked in a deep voice: "I ask you how Hu Weiyong got involved with Zheng Zheng. What are you talking about?"

"The cursed doll was revealed to Hu Weiyong by Zheng Yiyi and helped him snatch it from the White Lotus Society." Shen Liben explained hurriedly: "The White Lotus Society was very prosperous in those years, and the people abandoned Zheng Yiyi and converted to Bailian. Naturally, he sees it as a thorn in his side, and he also wants to take the opportunity to eradicate Bai Lian."

"Later, the White Lotus Society was indeed declared a cult, and with the cooperation of Zhengyiyi, it was uprooted from Jiangxi." He added: "Hu Weiyong also used this to rise through the ranks, until he became the Prime Minister of Zhongshu and was responsible for compiling household registration records across the country. Zhengyi once again asked him to provide convenience and not to include all the believers in the post."

"Hu Weiyong agreed?" Zhu Zhen couldn't help but be speechless. There was really nothing that this guy didn't dare to do.

"Perhaps Zheng Yiyi has something to do with Prime Minister Hu. Of course, Hu Weiyong will definitely not say it, and we don't know either." Shen Liben shook his head and said:

"However, Prime Minister Hu would not work in vain, so he instructed the guilty officials to secretly compile the hidden household registration and land properties into a book. This is the origin of "Ignore the Account Book". Of course, this kind of thing can't be hidden from the superiors, but it can't be hidden Below, there are many related households who have also requested to be included in the account book. Therefore, not only one family is listed in the account book, but of course they are still the main ones."

Zhu Zhen nodded and finally understood the ins and outs of "Regardless of Account Books".

Teacher Luo, who was listening silently on the side, suddenly laughed softly and said: "I thought it was such a high-end thing, but isn't this just a private account in the hands of a subordinate?"

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