After the cool weather in autumn, the work efficiency of the work team suddenly improved. First, it is not so hot during the day, and working hours are much longer.

Second, after more than half a year of practice, the work team has evolved into qualified skilled workers who know how to get twice the result with half the effort.

Third, it is also the most important point. When His Highness King Yan returned to Changchang, he brought them the emperor's...painted cakes.

As long as money is not involved, Boss Zhu's rewards are still very generous.

Boss Zhu solemnly promised that as long as the project can be successfully completed this year, all officials in the work team will be promoted to one level, and those with great achievements will be rewarded separately. Those with white bodies were sent to the Imperial Academy to attend school.

The Imperial College of this era was not the Imperial College of later generations. It was the kind of serious disciples of the Emperor who could be appointed officials as soon as they graduated. Many outstanding imperial students were directly awarded the title of county magistrate or even censor. To a certain extent, he was more vigorous than the Jinshi of later generations.

After all, future emperors no longer have the courage of Boss Zhu to format the officialdom at every turn. There won’t be that much room for improvement for everyone.

Moreover, there are only a few officials in the work team, and most of them are subordinate officials and ordinary people. They are more happy to get the opportunity to make a class jump than to give them thousands of dollars.

But if it's ten thousand copper coins, it's a different matter.

And with His Highness the King of Chu, the God of Wealth, they can't suffer any loss in money.

In addition to wages every month, the work team also gets performance bonuses, which are several times the usual amount... Before the investment inspection team left Nanchang, they also made generous donations to comfort the work team.

All aspects of the work were stimulated, and the working team showed unprecedented enthusiasm and efficiency. In November, they completed the work of clearing the 13 prefectures and 78 counties in the province.

The work teams of each prefecture worked overtime to compile the fish scale atlas and yellow albums of each county. Finally, it was sent to Nanchang for summary across the province.

Finally, on the New Year’s Day, all the paperwork will be completed!


In the library of Jiangxi Chief Secretary's office.

Looking at the neatly stacked stacks of fish scale albums and yellow albums on the shelf in front of them, the two brothers Zhu Di and Zhu Zhen showed expressions of relief.

"Hurry up and hurry up. It will be completed before the Chinese New Year." Zhu Di's eyes were bloodshot. He felt that he had taken too long a leave of absence and felt sorry for Lao Liu, so when he came back, he started working hard.

Although His Highness King Yan does not understand accounts, he can manage people. Without his continuous encouragement from behind, the efficiency of the work team would not be so high.

"It's not easy." Zhu Zhen also sighed: "This is because our senior brother has laid the foundation for us, but I didn't expect that everyone is still peeling off the skin."

"Yes, Your Highness has also lost too much money. Your Majesty will definitely feel distressed when you return to Beijing this time." Wang Bi hurriedly continued. Not only did he praise His Highness the King of Chu, but he also showed his merit to His Highness the King of Yan.

"Your Highness, this is not because you are tired. This is because you have successfully lost weight." Zeng Tai didn't know whether he was overjoyed or was overjoyed, and actually got in front of the two Highnesses.

"Half and half." Zhu Zhen glanced at Zeng Gangjing, not bothering to argue with him, and simply ordered: "Pack it up."

"Yes, packing!" Zeng Tai waved his hand, and the scribes who had been waiting aside filed forward and quickly took down the books from the cabinet and neatly arranged them according to the thousand-character serial numbers on them. Orderly stacking and packing.

When the work team produces all picture albums and yellow albums, each level is made in duplicate. That is to say, two copies are made in the county, one is handed over to the government, and the other is kept by the county.

When the government compiles the whole government register, it will also make two copies, one to keep for itself and one to hand over to the province.

After the province compiled the fish scale atlas and yellow album of the whole province, they also kept one for themselves and handed the other to the court.

And this book handed over to the court is the two brothers' report card for this year. Not wanting anything to go wrong, the two of them had been watching all the books being packed in the cabinet, locking and sealing them, and then led everyone out of the cabinet.

"You personally lead people to guard here," Zhu Di solemnly ordered his guard captain Qiu Fu. "The entire Chief Secretary's office must be under martial law tonight, there can be no mistakes!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, if there is even the slightest mistake, I will come to see you soon!" Qiu Fu said loudly, cupping his fists.

"Your head is not as valuable as these pornographic books." Zhu Di said lightly: "So keep it on your own neck and watch over them!"

"Understood!" Qiu Fu looked serious.

"Don't worry, Your Highness." Wang Bi naturally would not let go of this opportunity to show off, and hurriedly said: "The last general will personally lead the troops and be on guard outside the Chief Secretary."


The two brothers went outside Zhangjiang Gate again to inspect the official ship that would transport the yellow papers tomorrow.

It was said that it would be safer to take the land route, but in order to deliver gifts to heaven before the New Year, Zhu Yuanzhang specially ordered them to take the water route.

To ensure nothing went wrong, the prince also mobilized the city's fleet to carry out this transportation mission.

Han Yike and Liao Dingguo also came with the boat and greeted their two highnesses at the dock.

"How are the preparations going?" King Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Go back to Your Highness." Han Yike hurriedly reported back: "The entire escort fleet was newly launched at the beginning of the year, and the ten ships are in the best condition."

"All the sailors, officers and soldiers are the most reliable and capable veterans." Liao Dingguo continued: "And by then ten ships will be loaded with boxes. No one except us knows which ship has the real yellow book."

"Yes." Zhu Di nodded with satisfaction and asked again: "The biggest hidden danger in walking by water is water."

"Don't worry, Your Highness." Liao Dingguo said: "All ships have watertight cabins. Even if they get flooded, they will not sink. At least they can definitely make it to the shore."

"And all the boxes will be moisture-proof and waterproof, and then stored in the cabin on the top floor of the poop." Han Yike, a great steward of maritime trade, has rich waterproofing methods. Tens of thousands of pieces of silk and satin can travel across the ocean and be sent overseas intact in one ship.

Keeping dozens of boxes dry and sending them to Nanjing is a piece of cake.

"Okay." King Yan nodded, and then personally boarded the ship for inspection. He saw that the top floor cabin used to store the books had been prepared with water-absorbing charcoal and covered with fireproof tiles.

In short, everything I can think of has been thought of by others, and what I haven't thought of has been thought of by others. It was really impeccable, so he ended the inspection and returned to the camp with Lao Liu.

Han Yike and Liao Dingguo respectfully saw off the two highnesses from the dock.

"Who dares to take advantage of us?" Liao Dingguo finally couldn't help but muttered: "Is it necessary to have such a big battle? It's time to catch up with the emperor for his trip."

"Are you treating your two highnesses just because you are careful?" Han Yike shook his head and said to the rough man: "No, this is to show solemnity."

"Seriously? Are those yellow books so important?" Liao Dingguo asked in confusion.

"Is it important? There is nothing more important than this in the Ming Dynasty." Han Yike said seriously:

"The yellow book contains the registered land and property of every household in the Ming Dynasty. With it, the imperial court can accurately grasp the taxation and corvee across the country, know how much manpower and material resources it can use, and where these manpower and material resources come from. From this, Jiuzhou Wanfang can truly Being under the control of the state is actually the foundation for having no borders for hundreds of millions of years!”

"That's it." Although Liao Dingguo didn't quite understand, he was greatly shocked.

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