Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 580 You are a real warrior

Zhu Xiongying should have been nine years old at that time, already past the high-risk age for child death. Queen Ma has just turned fifty, her body and bones are very strong, and she doesn't even have headaches or fever.

Apart from malignant infectious diseases, there is no way to explain how two such people could become suddenly ill together and die within a few days of each other.

In addition, after Empress Ma fell ill, she did not allow the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat her.

She said that if the doctors couldn't cure her, the emperor would definitely kill them to vent his anger. So simply don’t let them treat you. This shows that Queen Ma knows that even the imperial doctor cannot cure her disease.

Therefore, there is almost no other explanation other than a vicious infectious disease that can kill people. As mentioned before, the biggest possibility in Nanjing is smallpox.


The smallpox epidemic in the palace that year caused a huge psychological shadow to the fifth brother, who was already sensible at the time. This was also the reason why he determined to study medicine.

Although it is cruel, Zhu Zhen feels that under the current medical conditions, isolation is the most effective way to deal with this terrible infectious disease.

Fifth Brother felt that this method was too negative. As a doctor, you should take the initiative to challenge the acne plague and defeat it!

So he has been studying books and medical records in this area. After studying for a long time, one day, the fifth brother excitedly told the sixth brother that he had found a way to prevent smallpox from the medical skills of the Song Dynasty - vaccination with variolation!

The sixth brother was scared to death, and he quickly told the fifth brother that you should try cowpox, which is much safer.


Smallpox virus was introduced to mainland my country in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It is said that when General Fubo Ma Yuan pacified Annan and escorted the captives back to the court, the soldiers were infected by the prisoners, and terrible pox appeared one after another. In the end, most of them died of illness, and their deaths were extremely tragic...

Subsequently, this terrible disease took hold in our country and has continued to exert its power for thousands of years, killing people regardless of high or low.

Generations of doctors, while fighting against smallpox, discovered that the 'variolation method' could be used to prevent smallpox infection. The pus and scabs from smallpox patients were used as vaccines and planted in healthy people to gain immunity to smallpox.

However, variolation vaccination is very dangerous. Basically, you have to be lucky. If you encounter a weakly virulent vaccine, you can safely reach the goal. Encountering highly toxic vaccinia is basically not much different from getting smallpox, and the fatality rate is also quite high.

As the saying goes, 'none of ten people with submissive seedlings will die, and eight out of ten with unfavorable seedlings will survive'. According to Wu Ge's research, the vaccination mortality rate is one-fifth.

The mortality rate from natural pox infection is one-third, and not everyone will be infected with smallpox in their lifetime. Therefore, in fact, even if an individual does not receive variolation, the probability of dying from smallpox is far less than one-third. The risk-benefit ratio is too low.

Therefore, the ‘variolation method’ of this era cannot be promoted on a large scale.

With his talent as a doctor, Fifth Brother is keenly aware that he can cultivate as many Shun seedlings as possible through selective breeding of Shun seedlings, which can greatly reduce the vaccination mortality rate.

Lao Liu felt that this method should be feasible, but he could not let his dear Fifth Brother experiment.

First, without proper protection, the risk of fifth brother getting infected is too great.

Secondly, he knew the safer source of the vaccine - cowpox, so why did he let Fifth Brother take a detour?

"Cowpox?" Brother Wu was shocked when he heard this. "Can the Great Sage Pingtian also suffer from smallpox?"

"That's not possible." Zhu Zhen adapted the story about "milking girls don't get smallpox" into the story "shepherd boys don't get smallpox" and told it to his fifth brother.

"When we were in Jinqiaokan, the cowherd boys from several villages were herding cows together." Lao Liusha said in a presumptuous manner:

"I noticed that none of them had pockmarked faces. I asked them if they had never had smallpox? They still had some secret recipe. They said they had never had it. The old man told them that because the goddess of pox was surnamed Niu, she herded cattle. As long as you take good care of your cow, you won’t get acne.”

"That was made up by the old man in order to coax his children to herd the cows." Lao Liu concluded rudely:

"Based on my many years of experience in herding cattle, I have found that cattle can also get smallpox, and it can also be transmitted to humans through cattle. But cowpox is not the same as variola. People will only feel slight discomfort and recover without any symptoms. Any sequelae. But you will never have to get smallpox again for the rest of your life.”

"Is he really that amazing?" Fifth Brother said in disbelief.

"Have I lied to you?" Lao Liu asked.

Fifth brother shook his head like a rattle...


It's been two years since the two last talked about it.

Unexpectedly, Fifth Brother did it without saying a word!

Lao Liu repeatedly looked at the chrysanthemum on Brother Wu's shoulder. It was almost the same as in his memory.

He asked excitedly: "Tell me, how did you do it?"

"First of all, I personally visited more than a dozen prefectures and dozens of counties in Zhili. I summoned all the local cattle herders to the county government and asked them if any shepherd boys had contracted smallpox. The result was exactly as expected. explain……"

Talking about his career in the past few years, Fifth Brother became very energetic and his whole person was shining. "In fact, not only among shepherd boys, but also in the entire countryside, there are fewer cases of smallpox than in the city, and more cases occur in wealthy families.

"The old people said that ten years ago, there was not such a big difference. At that time, the disease was treated equally. It didn't matter whether you were rich or poor in urban or rural areas, you would get what you deserve." King Zhou said solemnly:

"The biggest change in the past ten years is that my father, in order to reward the various prefectures in Nanzhi for their contribution to the dragon, gave farm cattle to every farmer. The treasure of the small farmers and small households was still there, and the whole family revolved around the cattle all day long. As a result, something happened. They spend less. Rich families and people in the city don’t have access to cattle, so there is no change.”

"Is that so..." Lao Liu suddenly realized that his father carried out a large-scale immigration, and all the immigrants were used to farm cattle, which inadvertently played a role in eradicating smallpox.

It seems that in the future, heroes should be less likely to ride in Geely cars and get closer to Lamborghini.

"I also found that those shepherd boys and cattle farmers did not have smallpox, but the symptoms were very mild. They just had some small pustules on their bodies. This kind of mild pox can be cured in less than half a month, and it will not Leave a scar." Lao Wu looked at Lao Liu with admiration and said:

"I guessed that this was the cow smallpox you were talking about, so I asked these patients to bring their cows, and sure enough I found that their cows were also sick - some ulcers and blisters would be found on the skin not covered by cow hair. And so on. So..."

As he spoke, he grasped Lao Liu's shoulders with both hands, stared at him feverishly and said with a look that was like a Confucian scholar looking at Confucius, a military general looking at King Yue, or a beggar gang brother looking at Boss Zhu:

"You are really amazing - your guess is absolutely correct, it is the cow's flower that is transmitted to humans!"

"I was just guessing. It's all thanks to you that Fifth Brother can figure it out." Lao Liu hurriedly said humbly: "Then what?"

"Then, I will follow the method you told me, use the blade to cut the shoulder, and insert the pus from the sick cow." Zhu Ru patted his shoulder and said.

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