Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 86 Report the crime

That night, the five brothers all fell asleep.

First, I was too hungry to sleep.

They are all young men who can eat me to death, and there are young men who can eat two me to death. The workload is still so heavy, and I live on this meal every day. As a result, I only drank a bowl of porridge at night, and my stomach growled one after another, like the sound of frogs.

The second is to be angry. They are all genuine Tianhuang nobles... okay, although it's a bit miserable now. But that was also Tianhuang Guizhou who was memorizing words for a while. How have you ever felt this angry in your life?

The third is that the house leaks and the weather is cloudy, literally. Although the house they lived in seemed intact at the time, it fell into disrepair and its original shape was revealed when it rained. It was raining heavily outside, but it was raining small inside, and there was still dripping on the top of the kang. The brothers could only hug the quilt and huddle up to avoid it.

How miserable and miserable it is.

Zhu Zhen had never suffered this kind of crime in his previous life. In fact, not only tonight, he has suffered more hardships this time than he ever suffered in his previous life combined.

When he first arrived, he was complacent about his status as a prince, but now he just wanted to cry.

The reason why I didn't cry was because I didn't want my brothers to worry.

Several brothers have shown strong ability to withstand pressure. The second brother feels that he is the oldest and has to set an example for his younger brothers.

The third and fourth children regard this experience of being hungry and cold as a kind of tempering for themselves. Moreover, his brothers were taking care of him, leaving him the driest spot on the kang, and the fifth brother even used a dustpan for drying medicinal herbs to cover his head.

In the middle of the night, the fourth brother suddenly thought of something, jumped up from the kang, and climbed up to the beam with his hands and feet.

"What are you doing, posing as a corpse!" Although the third brother was not asleep, he was still startled.

"Don't eat it until later." Zhu Di snorted, and when he came down, he had a small oil paper bag in his hand.

I opened the oiled paper in the dark and couldn't see clearly what was inside. It looked like a stone the size of an egg.

Lao Wu picked it up and squeezed it, and said in surprise: "Baitang!"

"Where did it come from?" The brothers shouted in surprise, and the third child must have made a scene.

"I went down to the river to catch some shrimps a while ago and went to the market to trade them." Zhu Di said without changing his expression.

Zhu looked at him suspiciously, knowing that most of this was obtained by the fourth child at the market.

But morality paled in the face of hunger, and he decided not to ask any more questions. If the fourth child admits that he stole it, will he eat it or not?

So the third brother decided not to ask. If you don't ask, you don't know. If you don't know, it's not a sin.

Zhu Di carefully smashed the hard piece of candy with a hatchet, picked out the largest piece and stuffed it into Zhu Zhen's mouth.

"Don't chew, keep it in your mouth."

"Yeah." Zhu Zhen responded vaguely, with tears in his eyes, but he kept staring. I saw that my piece was about half the size.

Then Zhu Di gave a quarter-sized piece to Lao Wu, and the rest was divided between Lao Wu and Lao San.

The third child didn't say that he was being given less, so he just kept his mouth shut and enjoyed it.

After how long, there is finally sweetness in my mouth again.

"Well... it's so, so delicious." The second brother was also happy from ear to ear.

"We, we used to hate eating sweets. No, we didn't expect that eating sweets would be a beautiful thing."

"My saliva is so sweet." Lao Wu's mood finally improved.

"Don't talk, you're wasting your breath." Fourth brother reminded.

Lao Liu nodded vigorously, that’s right. He kept his mouth tightly closed, just to avoid the sweet saliva flowing out.


Relying on this little sweetness, the brothers managed to stay up until dawn.

After another delicious meal of wild vegetable porridge, Chief Tang Jia came to report to the official.

The brothers have already agreed to go together today and try not to be alone in the future.

Then he hitched the cart to the Great Sage Pingtian and loaded the cart with the remaining half bag of grain, farm tools, bedding rolls and other valuables.

In fact, there is nothing valuable, half of the car can’t be filled.

On the way to the county seat, Chang Jia wanted to speak but hesitated several times.

Seeing that Tang Jia Chang obviously had something to say, Lao San followed him and deliberately lagged behind.

"My father-in-law, what are your orders?" Zhu asked in a low voice.

Chief Tang Jia also knew that this was the most reliable person in the Hong family. He nodded and lowered his voice:

"We want to ask. What is your relationship with the county magistrate?"

"That's all right."

"Really?" Tang Jiazhang looked at him suspiciously. "Baby, it's already this time. Just explain it to us so that we can help you."

"If I have to say it, he is my father's minister...er, subordinate." Zhu lowered his head and looked at his cotton shoes with toes exposed and said: "Of course no one believes this even if I say it."

"That's right, we believe it!" Tang Jia Chang said with a smile: "We have long seen that the county magistrate treats you differently. So the old man asked you to report to the official, but he didn't expect the government to get those gangsters."

"Yes." Zhu nodded understandingly.

The thieves come and go without a trace, which is not something the county detectives can deal with. Besides, it is impossible for the government to go to war just to get back a few bags of grain.

"Actually, we want you to suffer miserably. To be honest, when we first came here, you handed out more things than others. We have never seen such a big cow in the past few years." Tang Jia pointed a long finger. The Great Sage of Pingtian:

"There is also salt. No one else has distributed it, only you have it. Especially food, you have a lot more than other families... So, the county magistrate takes care of you."

"That's it." Zhu Huanran, he had felt something was wrong before. He also said that if the government was so generous, it would probably go bankrupt long ago.

Now listening to what Old Tang said, he completely understood.

Eighty percent of the time, my father had a decree to go to Linhuai County Magistrate.

Thinking about it, after all, he is also his biological son, and he is still five biological sons. It is impossible for the father to completely let him go.

Unless the father really thinks that his son has had too many children and wants to humanely destroy a lot of them...

On second thought, the special care from Linhuai County Magistrate was probably not his father's will, but his own goodwill.

Because with his father's temper, he must be required to keep it strictly confidential, not to cheat, and to make them suffer enough. How could he let him go?

But since Magistrate Han released his goodwill once, it is very likely that he will release it again!

‘I don’t want him to give me more, just give me another ration. Doesn't it count as cheating on his part? ’ The third child made a wishful thinking.

Thinking about it this way, he felt much more relaxed and had a smile on his face.

As soon as the two separated, the fourth child immediately came over and said, "What are you happy about? Tell us and let's be happy together?"

"Hey, daddy is going to marry you." How could Zhu tell him the truth?

"Get the hell out of here!" Zhu Di was annoyed and turned away to ignore him.

Zhu Zhen heard clearly the conversation between the two just now. Because he was young, Chief Tang Jia did not deliberately avoid him.

He is not as optimistic as his third brother.

Because based on his many years of experience watching reality shows and variety shows, if the plot develops like this, the dramatic effect will not be produced, and the audience will still be confused?

Right, Father.

ps. Third update, additional update for 4500 orders. Please vote for me!

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