Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 90 Mystical Powers

The Ming Dynasty had severe punishments and strict frugality. The strictness of the laws and the low treatment of officials were unprecedented.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang's law is not a decoration. He will really mess with you if you commit a crime, and he will not let you off the hook just because you are a scholar.

Because Boss Zhu came from a poor and miserable family and knew how ordinary people lived. The treatment he gives to officials is still much more comfortable than that of ordinary people.

If you still think the pay is low and there are too many rules, then don't do it. Whether you do it or not, there are people rushing to do it!

In addition, Boss Zhu has been discriminated against by scholars since he was young because he is uneducated, so he dislikes scholars in his heart.

Even though he had become a prince, and even became an emperor, he still felt that they would ridicule him whenever they saw the opportunity.

Therefore, it is difficult for scholars to get along under his hands. They spend all day carrying their eggs across the river, and they still get into trouble at every turn.

What was most unacceptable to them was that Zhu Yuanzhang actually cut off the Tongtian Bridge for scholars-in the sixth year of Hongwu, he stopped the imperial examination that had lasted for more than 700 years on the grounds that the people who obtained the imperial examination were all nerds who lacked the ability to work. The imperial examination! It was replaced by local recommendations and the Imperial College itself cultivating practical talents.

This is tantamount to digging into the lives of scholars. Which scholar in the world does not hate Zhu Yuanzhang with itch to his teeth?

In particular, they monopolized the country's cultural resources and almost included the Zhejiang literati who passed the three imperial examinations before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Due to various reasons, they naturally missed Zhang Shicheng one after another...

How can Lao Zhu bear it now? Thinking that the literati in eastern Zhejiang were not well educated, they used the Wei Guan case to scare the monkeys and sentenced Gao Qi, who took the lead in remembering Zhang Shicheng, to be chopped in half!

Scholars did not expect that Boss Zhu would dare to be so cruel to the most talented person in Jiangnan after he became the emperor. For a time, the literati in the south of the Yangtze River remained silent. Anyone who had anything to do with Zhang Shicheng was in danger.

Of course no one would dare to have anything to do with people like Luo Guanzhong and Shi Naian who had served as Zhang Shicheng's aides. And publish a book for them?

Isn’t that ‘King Wu of Qin is playing tricks – he’s tired of living’?


In a single room in the tavern.

The near-sighted Luo Guanzhong finally gave up using chopsticks, reached out and grabbed a handful of broad beans, put one in his mouth and ate it. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Actually, it wasn't me who went to find your master. Luo has been a deformed person for most of his life. He owes a lot to his family, but he has never been sorry to his friends."

Han Yike nodded, he believed this. Otherwise, he would not risk his relationship to see Luo Guanzhong.

"When I sent the manuscript to your master, but there was no reply for several years, I didn't have any hope." Luo Guanzhong then said calmly: "Who knows, at the end of the first month, I suddenly received a letter from your master, inviting me to come to Beijing for a visit. meet."

"Did my master invite you?" Han Yike was surprised. In the past two years, Liu Bowen had closed his door to thank guests, and even his former student was not allowed to come to the house, so no one knew about their relationship.

Why did you suddenly make a U-turn?

"Yes, he promised me that as long as he helps you take care of things here, he will help me publish a book." Luo Guanzhong nodded.

"How can I help?" Han Yixiao asked.

"The five highnesses are in your county, you don't need help?" Luo Guanzhong asked in rapid succession: "The Ming Cult is resurrecting in Fengyang, you don't need help? The immigrants from the south of the Yangtze River and the people of Xiuzhongdu are in rebellion, don't you need help?"

"What five highnesses?" Han Yike subconsciously pretended to be confused.

"Hong Hao, Hong Bin, Hong Ji, Hong Yan, Hong E." Luo Guanzhong reported five names that made Han Yike's scalp explode, and commented with interest:

"Hong, it should be Zhu Hongwu's Hong, or it could be Zhu Zhehong. This surname is not bad. It seems that the name is uneducated. It was made up in order to make up the five elements."

"Of course it's not completely made up. The King of Qin sealed it in Xi'an, which is called Hao for short, so he was called Hong Hao; the King of Jin sealed it in Taiyuan, which is called Bing for short, so he was called Hong Bin; the King of Yan sealed it in Beiping, which is called Ji for short, so he was called Hong Ji. "The king of Chu was granted a title in Wuchang, which was called E for short, so he was called Hong E."

After Luo Guanzhong finished speaking, he felt that he had missed one. He paused for a while and then added: "Oh, by the way, there is also a King of Wu. He was sealed in Suzhou and was called Wu for short, so he was called Hong Yan... Haha, Hong Yan and Hong Wu, just like His titles are just as random."

"..." Han Yike completely believed that he was invited by the master. Otherwise, it's easy to say, how could he even know the top secrets of the five His Highnesses in Linhuai and their pseudonyms.

Seeing Han Yike's expression change, Luo Guanzhong smiled teasingly and said: "Bo Shi, you are sitting on a cannon that could collapse you into the sky at any time, and you still pretend to be nonchalant. This strength really puts Brother Yu to shame."

"Why can't I just pretend that nothing happened?" Han Yike forced a smile and said, "Those troublesome things you mentioned all happened in Zhongdu City, in Fengyang County, what's the difference with Linhuai County, which is twenty miles away from me? relation?"

"Zhu Hongwu gave you the right to secretly report, are you so passive?" Luo Guanzhong looked at him in confusion, and then threw out a trump card:

"Your teacher also asked me to tell you that next month, Zhu Hongwu will officially issue an edict, announcing that gold and silver will be scrapped nationwide and paper money will be used. Everyone must exchange their gold and silver into paper money within the specified time. You, Linhuai County, can’t be alone in this matter, right?”

"So fast?" Han Yike gasped.

He naturally knew that the imperial court had set up a treasure banknote promotion department last year to prepare for the issuance of treasure banknotes. But at that time, the government and the public generally believed that the matter was serious and must be handled with extreme caution. After all, everyone has experienced the consequences of the excessive issuance of banknotes in the late Yuan Dynasty.

According to the emperor's rigorous style of governing the country, it must be tried out first and then revised. It will take several years before it is really implemented. Why is it that the new year is about to be implemented nationwide?

"That's not the case. There are six types of denominations, ranging from one hundred coins to one tael. One thousand coins can be exchanged for one thousand coins or one tael of silver, and one tael of gold can be exchanged for four coins." Luo Guanzhong smiled and said: "In other words, the court has to take a piece of paper money. , in exchange for one tael of silver in your hand; if you take four, I will exchange you for one tael of gold."

"This, this is not..." Han Yike swallowed back the words 'nonsense' and changed his words: "There will probably be trouble."

"I don't know if there is chaos elsewhere, but Fengyang is definitely in chaos!" Luo Guanzhong said with a gloating smile: "Those wealthy families from the south of the Yangtze River who were forcibly moved here exchanged all their houses and fields for gold and silver. Now Zhu Hongwu They want to turn their gold and silver into paper again, tsk tsk, this is really like peeling off the skin and eating the flesh, and also breaking the bones and sucking out the marrow..."

Looking at Han Yike, he was already sweating and drinking one cup after another.

"I know you have concerns and are responsible for the safety of the five Highnesses; you don't have irrefutable evidence and are afraid of being thrown into jail again; you feel that even if you have evidence, you will definitely not be able to win against the Korean public..." Luo Guanzhong first understood. After saying a few words to him, the conversation changed, word by word:

"But can you really harden your heart and do nothing? Are you just waiting to die together in the end?"

"I can't turn a blind eye..." Han Yike shook his head in pain and said, "But the matter is too big, and I really can't bear it alone."

"Who asked you to bear the burden alone? Besides, if the sky falls and someone is taller, don't you have five princes in your county? Why don't you guide them to discover the truth?" Luo Guanzhong gave him an idea.

"This..." Han Yike was obviously moved. In fact, it was not that he had never thought of this method, but he did not dare.

"What if there is something wrong with one of your Highnesses? My whole family doesn't have enough to compensate."

"What are you afraid of? Zhu Hongwu asked them to wear white dragon fish uniforms and go to the private sector to practice. They are well prepared in case something happens." Luo Guanzhong was very considerate of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Aren't you afraid that the world will be in chaos?" Han Yike looked at him suspiciously, suspecting that this guy had bad intentions.

"I'm not that gloomy. The general trend of the world will break up if it is united for a long time, and it will unite if it is divided for a long time. Since the destiny belongs to Zhu Hongwu, I don't want the world to be divided again, otherwise the people will suffer again." Luo Guanzhong said calmly.

"Oh, let me think about it..." Han Yike fell into a dilemma.

ps. Chapter 7, additional updates for 6500 orders.

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