But the body is too huge, and there is no way to avoid it.
Not to mention that the other party is a general, before Luffy has mastered Liu Ying, he is only the strength of Qi Wuhai, and Kaido’s giantization also cannot avoid attacks.
This is the biggest weakness of giganticity, without agility and flexibility at all.
Ye Fan’s body was attacked hundreds of times in an instant.
There were a lot of sparks all over his body.
It was the sparks of metal collision produced by the friction between the wolf’s wolverine claws and the giant dragon’s scales.
On Ye Fan’s dragon scales, hundreds of scratches with a depth of more than ten centimeters appeared.
Facing a person with the strength of a general, he covered an armed and domineering attack.
Just relying on the defensive power of the hard dragon scale Ouch Maple, it is still impossible to completely ignore the wolf’s damage.
The wolf on the side was actually the most shocked.
The army and navy controlled by the Celestial Dragons actually look down on each other.
The navy has the most military expenditures, one-third of the gold in the sky, and its bases are spread all over the world and the new world. The elite soldiers of the headquarters have reached 200,000 people. Counting the branches around the world, the total is even close to one million. people.
Among the armed forces of the sea, land and air, the navy has always been on top.
Always ignore the Army and Air Force.
But the three generals of the army, they don’t think so. The three think that they are stronger than the navy. It is because of the incompetence of the navy that the power of the four emperors rises in the new world.
Countless times I wanted to suggest to the Five Old Stars that the army take over the new world.
In Canglang’s mind, his personal strength is stronger than that of the Four Emperors.
But the attack just now made the wolf lose all face.
Originally thought that he could instantly kill Ye Fan, the son-in-law of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
The reality is cruel, he didn’t even destroy the scales on Ye Fan’s body.
Ye Fan has such strength, so how terrifying Kaido’s strength will be.
The scales were scratched, which made Ye Fan angry.
“My perfect scales were actually scratched by you, bear my wrath.”
“Momo ten times the quality Wan Lei.”
Because of the dragon’s fruit ability.
Now the entire Kingdom of the Bridge is in a state of cloudy days, heavy rain, fog and wind.
It is more suitable for the generation of lightning and the increase of power.
Wan Lei, who originally needed to recharge.
It fell from the sky in just a short time.
Because of the addition of Momo fruit.
The large amount of lightning that Ye Fan sent down this time was ten times more powerful.
In the sky, lightning bolts more than ten meters thick fell from the sky.
Thousands of such terrifying lightning bolts hit the bridge below.
Countless armies were blown away by lightning.
Even many major generals in the army fell due to Ye Fan’s move.
Canglang scolded angrily: “You bastard, you dare not fight me, you only dare to attack the soldiers below, what kind of skill are you?”
Ye Fan: “You know how to dodge yourself, but you dare not resist my attack. You are a waste of a soldier who complains about my attack. How dare you resist my attack?”
“Momo ten times faster, Wind Blade.”
In the air of Ye Fan, a fast-rotating blade protruded again. Under the acceleration of Momo Fruit, the speed was very fast.
Like a chainsaw flying rapidly through the air.
He flew in front of the wolf in an instant.
Stimulated by Ye Fan’s words, the wolf no longer dodged this time.
The whole body was covered by King Kong and turned into a metal man.
Hold Ye Fan’s wind blade hard.
There was a violent friction between the wind blade and his Vajra arm.
The wolf let out a loud shout, and the armed arrogance in his body began to explode violently. He wanted to tear Ye Fan’s wind blade apart.
If it is on flat ground, the wolf’s strength can do it, but the current position is several thousand meters high.
The wolf itself has no ability to fly.
Just rely on Tsukibu’s ability to fly in the air.
Tsukibu’s huge weakness also emerged.
It is necessary to constantly step on the air with both feet in rotation to maintain the body’s flight in the air.
And the huge speed of the wind blade directly caused the wolf to lose the ability to fly.
Although Ye Fan’s huge wind blade could not break through the wolf’s defense, it still quickly pushed him towards the ground.
Another section of the bridge was destroyed.
Among the ruins of a large number of stones.
The figure of the wolf punched several huge stones away.
Fly to the air again.
As a general of the army, Canglang has always been aloof.
Especially with only one country full of slaves in hand.
When did the wolf suffer such a big grievance.
In front of millions of slaves, he was beaten into the air.
How can the wolf bear it.
His body began to change rapidly.
Chapter 60 King Kong Giant
On the exterior of the wolf’s body, the metal brackets are rapidly expanding.
Make his body hundreds of times bigger.
In the end a giant birdman with metal wings was formed.
With a height of several hundred meters, it is relatively small compared to Ye Fan’s body of several thousand meters of giant dragon.
But for those who can realize the giant fruit ability, it is already very powerful.
Most importantly, the metal wings on his back gave the wolf the ability to fly.
With Ye Fan’s mind network ability, he heard the conversations of several major generals.
“Master Canglang is angry and started to use his abilities. The Vajra Fruit is really too powerful.”
“Master Canglang will win. The Vajra Fruit is the most powerful in this world, both in terms of attack and defense.”
Superman・Vajra fruit ability user?
Sure enough, it is an ability that I have never seen before. Let me see how far your ability has been developed.
“Momo is ten times the quality, dragon’s breath.”
A huge flame attacked the wolf below again.
This time, the wolf did not dodge.
Masses of metal rapidly grew from his hands.
Soon, a huge shield with a diameter of several hundred meters was formed.
Block the huge body of the wolf behind.
Boom boom boom.
The flame and the shield collided.
The ultra-high temperature flame can easily melt all kinds of metals.
But it was only on the wolf’s King Kong shield, unable to leave the slightest trace.
Canglang: “It’s useless. When my Vajra Fruit ability is awakened, there will be no power to harm my physical body.”
Canglang is full of self-confidence, which is why he can become a general of the army.
Without such ability, how could he despise the three major generals of the navy.
In his eyes, the ice and fire abilities of Aokiji and Akainu couldn’t do him any harm at all, and the yellow monkey was just a guy who could only run away, and he was barely qualified as a messenger for himself.
With such great strength, he can only stay in the small bridge kingdom, which is really too good to be useful.
Although his heart was full of helplessness, Canglang didn’t dare to disobey the order of Wulaoxing.
Because the army is mainly composed of two parts, one part is the slaves who monitor the Kingdom of the Bridge.
Another part is stationed in the holy land of Marin Vanduo, although the army is far weaker than the navy in terms of power.
But it is far closer than the navy than the Tianlong people.
I also know more about the strength of the Tianlong people. The army is more like the eagle dog of the Tianlong people than the navy.
Whether it is Sengoku or Akainu, they often do things that disobey the orders of the five old stars.
Such a thing would never happen in the Army.
The general of the army knows the terrifying strength of the Five Old Stars.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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