Instead, he used his huge diamond head to hit Ye Fan.
Not only did he want to block Ye Fan’s attack, but he also wanted to kill Ye Fan, the kid who made him lose his temper many times, with one blow.
The attacks of both sides collided together.
Ye Fan’s powerful punch finally collided with Canglang’s King Kong’s head.
Cracks appeared on the body of the giant King Kong several hundred meters high.
Subsequently, a large number of diamond fragments fell from the sky.
The figure of a wolf was revealed.
“How is it possible, how could there be such a powerful attack in the world.”
As soon as the voice fell, his body fell from a height of several thousand meters.
Ye Fan’s punch not only pierced through his King Kong giant form, but also accurately hit the wolf’s heart.
His heart has been pierced by Ye Fan.
Looking at the wolf that was instantly killed by him.
Ye Fan’s heart was full of doubts.
This general is really too weak.
Ye Fan came to fight the army general according to the strength of the navy general.
I originally thought that they were all generals, no matter how weak the army general was, he would not be much worse than the navy general.
But the reality surprised Ye Fan too much.
From the very beginning of the battle, Canglang didn’t use the domineering look.
Ye Fan originally thought that he had been conserving his strength because he was young, and he was not in a hurry to use the domineering look.
Anyway, I was just delaying the time. The real test of the strength of the army general is to look at the dragon who appeared later.
According to the prior arrangement, the dragon was the main force to kill them.
But it never occurred to Ye Fan that a person who has become a general of the army really can’t use the domineering look.
After Ye Fan bound the system, he naturally mastered the arrogance of the overlord. He felt that the kings in the sea would have the aura of the awakened overlord.
Just like the generals and marshals of the navy have a domineering look.
butWhat Ye Fan didn’t know was that the army and navy were completely different.
The domineering arrogance of the Warring States period is the justice of a wise man, which made him awaken the domineering aura.
Red dog is because of absolute justice, let him awaken the domineering look domineering.
Aokiji is the justice of inaction, which awakened him to be domineering and domineering.
Huang Yuan is lazy justice, which awakened him to be domineering and domineering.
Zefa is the justice of not killing, which awakened him to be domineering and domineering.
They are all because of the different justice in their hearts, even if they are lackeys of the Tianlong people, they can still awaken the domineering look.
But the army is different. Their whole life is guarding the holy land of Mary Jo and guarding the slaves of the Kingdom of the Bridge.
They are the most loyal running dogs of the Tianlong people, but they are also doomed to never have the domineering look and arrogance.
This is why the Five Old Stars allow so many disobedient marshals and generals to take power.
A dog that is too obedient will not be able to awaken the domineering look, and it will not be able to fight pirates of the level of the Four Emperors at all.
But Ye Fan doesn’t understand these things.
Ye Fan who owns the system, because he firmly believes that the golden finger must be invincible, so under Kaido’s simple teaching, he has mastered the domineering and domineering winding.
In Ye Fan’s mind, the most easily controlled tri-color arrogance is the overlord-color arrogance.
He didn’t know how much effort other people had put in for their domineering look.
This is also thanks to Ye Fan’s previous life in Blue Star, where he read thousands of novels with golden fingers.
Let his golden finger belief be extremely firm.
Ye Fan would never have thought that it was because he read too many online novels that he was able to control the domineering look so easily.
Such poor information allowed Ye Fan to kill the army general Canglang with one punch.
This was not Ye Fan’s intention at all.
Ye Fan thought in his heart: Brother, your strongest defense is too weak, so I never thought of it. I never thought of killing you.
Chapter 62 The Fifth Star’s Decision
“How is it possible, how could General Canglang be killed.”
“What kind of monster is this? The wolf general with the strongest defense was killed with a single punch.”
“Run, such a terrifying monster, how can you defeat him like this.”
The army below no longer had the courage to fight.
Even the other two generals, civet cat and white deer looked at each other, and then retreated quickly.
What a joke, such a terrifying enemy.
Even if they are two generals, they will not be rivals.
Although the slaves of the Bridge Kingdom are very important, they are responsible for building the bridge across the sea.
But the lives of the slaves here are not as important as the lives of their generals.
Every year, pirates from all over the world will sell a large number of slaves to their bridge kingdom.
They wouldn’t die for these lowly slaves.
Yamato: “My husband is really amazing, these cowards only know how to run away.”
Run q: “The son-in-law is so handsome, I like it so much.”
Sabo opened his mouth in surprise.
“Is this the strength of the Four Emperor Pirates? They are really strong. He is about the same age as me. It seems that I have to work harder.”
Ye Fan’s mood was not so happy.
Today’s plan was originally a plan for the conflict between the Tianlong people and the Freedom Alliance.
Make them unable to concentrate on dealing with the things in the new world.
In this way, the Hundred Beasts Pirates can concentrate on creating Hades.
But did not expect.
Now he has become the main force instead.
This was not what Ye Fan wanted.
After bidding farewell to Long and Sabo, Ye Fan returned to Wano Country with Yamato and others.
Long: “Since Ye Fan has completed all the things he promised us, now we have to speed up and implement the plan of the Holy Land Marie Gioia.”
Sabo: “Those who settle the Kingdom of the Bridge, I will immediately lead the team to the Holy Land.”
Back to the island of ghosts.
Yamato, who was about to return to the Flower Capital, suddenly heard people from the Hundred Beasts Pirates discussing the navy’s public execution of Ace.
Immediately caught Yamato’s attention.
Ace is her good friend.
As a very kind woman, how could she watch Ace be publicly executed.
Yamato: “Honey, I beg you to do me a favor.”
Although Ye Fan knew what Yamato wanted to say, he didn’t point it out.
Ye Fan: “What’s the matter, is Wano still short of food?”
Yamato: “It’s not about the Wano country. The Ace they are talking about is a good friend I knew before. We can’t watch him be publicly executed.”
Ye Fan: “Then what do you want to do?”
Yamato: “I’m going to the Navy Headquarters and rescue him with my own hands.”
Ye Fan: “It’s not enough to rely on your current strength. If you want to rescue Ace from the hands of the three generals and Marshal Warring States, you can’t just rely on your current combat strength.”
Yamato: “As long as my husband is willing to help me, I believe it will be possible.”
Ye Fan: “Okay, I promise you, but you have to promise me, only save Ace, and don’t care about the life and death of the Whitebeard Pirates.”
Yamato: “I don’t know them, just save Ace.”
Ye Fan: “Okay, I will help you. There are still a few days before the public execution. We will go to the Navy headquarters in two days.”
Rescuing Ace and changing the outcome of the Dingshang war was originally Ye Fan’s goal.
Sanctuary Marin Vanduo.
Wu Laoxing heard the report from the army.
“Bastards, these trashes of the army have lost all the slaves of the Kingdom of the Bridge.”
“We will send a large army to completely crush the Beast Pirates.”
“I object.”
“Are you going to watch Ye Fan and the Beast Pirates go too far?”
“According to the report, they just wanted to retaliate against the Navy’s attack on Oni Island. The Freedom Alliance liberated nearly ten million slaves in one go. They are now our biggest threat. At the same timeTime is also our chance. ”
“How did this matter become our chance?”
“Nearly tens of millions of slaves are not so easy to hide. We can’t eliminate the Freedom Alliance because they hide in the dark and can’t find the stronghold of the group of rats. Isn’t this a good opportunity? They have become While powerful, it is harder to hide yourself in the dark.”
“That’s right, immediately send cp0 to find out where they hid those slaves. As long as they find them, they will have a chance to completely wipe out the Freedom Alliance.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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