“This is the duel I want. Ye Fan let me see your stronger sword moves.”
Doflamingo: “These two monsters seem to be stronger than me.”
There was already a frightened expression in Moonlight Moriah’s eyes.
“Bastard, bastard, bastard, Kaido’s son-in-law is so powerful.”
Moonlight MoriahMy heart was full of despair, I didn’t expect that after so many years, the strength of myself and Kaido hadn’t gotten closer, but now I was not even the opponent of Kaido’s son-in-law.
Ye Fan: “Ready, I’m going to release the second one.”
“The second type, the waterwheel.”
Ye Fan’s feet stepped on the ground quickly, and his speed was close to the extreme.
When approaching Hawkeye Mihawk.
Draw a circular slash in the air.
On the track of the blue sun wheel knife, a waterwheel formed by water flow appeared.
“Clang clang clang”
Hawkeye Mihawk uses three slashes in a row.
Only then did Ye Fan’s terrifying attack force be resolved.
This time, he was only pushed back more than ten meters by Ye Fan.
This is Hawkeye Mihawk’s tactic.
Ye Fan’s speed and terrifying power far surpassed him.
Just relying on one unloading force, I want to withstand Ye Fan’s slash.
Even if Hawkeye Mihawk can successfully block it.
The terrifying force would also make him hold Heidao Ye’s right hand. Because of the strong shock, the tiger’s jaw was broken, and he no longer had the strength to hold the weapon.
As the number one swordsman in the world, he naturally wouldn’t cry out that it was unfair, the opponent would only use his strength to suppress a person with too little power like him.
For a swordsman, great strength itself is the foundation of becoming a great swordsman.
Just like him, Hawkeye Mihawk, he likes to use his extremely powerful sword energy to crush those weak pirates.
The strong ones are not those entertainment competitions.
A boxing match is also divided into different levels of various weights.
Hawkeye Mihawk, as a great swordsman, naturally thought of a way to resolve it very simply.
Using three unloading slashes, this time it blocked Ye Fan’s attack more smoothly.
He only retreated a dozen meters.
The most important thing is that the tiger’s mouth of his right hand was not seriously damaged because of Ye Fan’s huge strength.
Chapter 65 Eleven Moves
Ye Fan: “It seems that you have found the trick to deal with me. You really deserve to be the world’s number one swordsman.”
Hawkeye Mihawk: “In front of you, I dare not say that I am number one in the world. Mr. Ye Fan, you let me see the real swordsmanship. The two simplest forces, speed and strength, are the strongest. Great power, let me continue to learn your other sword moves.”
Ye Fan: “Starting from the third trick, it’s not that simple.”
“Three Types, Flow Dance”
The blue sun wheel knife in Ye Fan’s hand danced in the air, where the tip of the knife crossed, a huge water dragon appeared soon, twisting in the air with Ye Fan’s blade.
Hawkeye Mihawk has imported the armed color domineering into the black knife and night.
“One knife flow, one hundred cuts break the sea.”
In an instant, Hawkeye Mihawk sent out hundreds of powerful sword qi, and encountered the water dragon waved by Ye Fan.
“boom boom boom”
There were bursts of huge explosions.
The entire No. 1 Chambord Islands immediately changed its terrain under the huge attack of the two.
Hundreds of traces of sword energy tearing appeared on the ground.
The depth of each crack reached more than ten meters.
A large number of houses nearby collapsed because of the confrontation between the two people, and ruins can be seen everywhere.
Looking at the unrecognizable No. 1 island in front of him.
Doflamingo’s heart was bleeding.
Island No. 1 of the Chambord Archipelago is his property.
These two bastards regard the doorstep of their own homes as an absolute venue, so can’t you choose other islands?
Although Doflamingo was cursing in his heart, he didn’t dare to stop the duel between the two.
These two hateful guys seem to be a little bit stronger than him, um, just a little bit stronger.
Ye Fan was not surprised to see that his third move was blocked.
In the Qiwuhai, Hawkeye Mihawk is the closest to the combat power of a general, and is also the most powerful one in the Qiwukai.
Ye Fan would find it strange that he was instantly killed in three moves.
“Next, I’m going to launch the fourth trick.”
“The Form of Unbridled Striking Waves”
Ye Fan’s blue sun-shaped saber streaked across the air.
Afterwards, pieces of wavy water flow appeared, and each wavy water flow was a powerful sword energy.
Flying towards Hawkeye Mihawk from different angles and different trajectories.
Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes widened, what a weird sword aura.
His sword energy is all in a straight line.
However, the flowing sword energy Ye Fan sent out followed a sloping trajectory, making it difficult for people to face and know the direction of his sword energy attack.
This is a completely different attack method from other sword masters in the sea.
This is a huge improvement in the way of sword attack.
This is like a missile, a missile that cannot change its trajectory can easily be intercepted according to its trajectory, but this kind of sword energy that can change its trajectory at will is like a missile that can change its trajectory, the difficulty of intercepting it will increase infinitely.
In such a short period of time, Hawkeye Mihawk couldn’t guarantee that he could accurately dodge or block such sword energy.
If you can’t stop it, don’t stop it.
“One sword, black sword, overwhelming.”
Hawkeye Mihawk gathered all his power in the body of Hei Dao Ye.
A huge sword aura hundreds of meters high and more than ten meters wide was cut out.
The huge sword energy cut off all the water flow sword energy that Ye Fan cut out.
The attack was still going on, and the huge sword energy charged towards Ye Fan.
Ye Fan did not choose to dodge.
With his hands crossed in front of his chest, the armed arrogance in Ye Fan’s body covered his arms.
The huge sword energy kept rubbing against Ye Fan’s arms.
A large number of sparks burst out, but they couldn’t make Ye Fan’s body take half a step back.
On the contrary, Hawkeye Mihawk’s huge sword energy is rapidly shrinking as time goes by.
It quickly disappears into thin air.
Ye Fan: “The momentum is very grand, but the attack power is still too weak.”
Hawkeye・Mihawk held the black knife with both hands・Yoshi, pantinggruffly.
That move just now consumed too much of his strength.
Although he is the number one swordsman in the world, he is not the number one powerhouse in the sea.
Regardless of whether it is armed domineering or domineering domineering, Hawkeye Mihawk is still far away from the Admiral and the Four Emperors.
The slash just now was already one of his strongest attack methods.
“You blocked it so easily. You are a monster. I won’t admit defeat so easily.”
“You have six moves left, let me show you the remaining moves.”
Although a lot of physical strength was consumed, Hawkeye Mihawk’s desire to fight became stronger and stronger.
Ye Fan: “Next, I’m going to use a large-scale attack. I hope you can resist it.”
Afterwards, Ye Fan said to Yamato next to him, “Stay away, my wife, my attack range is very large.”
Yamato: “Don’t sink this island, otherwise you have to change to another place to drink.”
Doflamingo heard this.
Immediately said to Farrow under the chin: “Quickly, quickly, transfer all the valuable things in the auction house to other islands immediately.”
Buffalo’s head is a little bit clueless.
Said: “My lord, they are so presumptuous on our island, won’t your lord teach them a lesson and ask them to change places?”
Doflamingo scolded in his heart: I can beat them, you can tell me, don’t tell them to change places, if I don’t compensate me for the loss of hundreds of millions of Baileys, can I let them go? Isn’t it that I can’t beat it! ! !
But he couldn’t just admit that he couldn’t beat him.
Doflamingo said: “What do you know? How many years do you see such a match between strong players? What is that little property? Go and transfer all the precious items.”
Buffalo had no choice but to leave.
Still muttering.
“I also appreciate that masters don’t care about wealth, and ask me to transfer precious items. Brother Ming’s mind is really getting harder to understand.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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