The subconscious is to turn the whole body into a state of magma.
This is his accustomed way of fighting. When the enemy attacks his body, he immediately removes that part of his body, making the opponent’s attack miss.
He could feel that Ye Fan’s punch was directly hitting his forehead.
But when he wanted to transfer the magma in his head to other parts.
It was too late to realize that Ye Fan’s speed was too fast.
A punch that covered the overlord’s domineering look directly hit Akainu’s head.
The red dog was directly beaten into the air by Ye Fan.
Ye Fan stepped hard on the ground with both feet, and a large number of ice fragments shattered, and Ye Fan’s figure also appeared above the red dog at the same time.
A fierce elbow hit Akainu in the stomach.
The body of the red dog flying upwards fell sharply in a straight line.
It smashed through the ice and fell directly into the sea.
Bucky the Clown in the distance.
Seeing this scene, department/group: 9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6, the jaw was already separated from the body in surprise.
Shouted for a long time, but no sound came out.
Only then did he realize that his jaw had left his body.
Quickly reached out and pressed his chin back.
This is the unique ability of his Superhuman-Fragmented Fruit.
Then he opened his mouth to explain: “Ye Fan is so strong, I think he can only be called the strongest man in the world,”
“It took only two moves, and the Admiral was knocked into the bottom of the sea. We know that devil fruit users are afraid of two things, sea stones and sea water. Now I announce that Admiral Akainu was defeated by Ye Fan with two moves.”
Suddenly, Bucky the Clown’s feet ran quickly on the ice and left his body.
Chapter 73 Awakening of Akainu’s Fruit
The clown Bucky looked down and realized that he didn’t know when.
The port covered with a large amount of ice is now filled with streams of flowing magma.
Because his feet were burned, he took the initiative to run towards the ice.
The body of the clown Bucky also quickly flew onto his legs.
“What’s going on, why is there a lot of magma flowing on the ice surface.”
A large amount of ice shattered, and a huge lava giant drilled out of the seabed.
With a height of hundreds of feet and such a huge body, after he broke through the ice, there was no sea water below him, but a large amount of lava erupting upwards, lifting him on the sea surface.
Whitebeard punched Ace and knocked him out.
He said to Marco: “Take Ace and leave here, I will come to the rear.”
Hearing what White Beard said, Warring States and Yellow Ape also stopped attacking.
Marco: “I won’t leave you, Daddy.”
Whitebeard: “I didn’t see it. The main target of the navy this time is me, Whitebeard. You can’t leave without me.”
Marco: “I’d rather die here with you.”
Whitebeard said: “Nonsense, you have more important things to do, which is to assist Ace to become the One Piece. Such a grand battlefield, it’s not good to be my final destination.”
Marco hugged Ace, turned into a phoenix, with tears in his eyes, left here from the sky, and flew outside.
Warring States: “It seems that you have already made up your mind, so let me send you on your way, White Beard.”
White Beard: “Don’t underestimate me, maybe you will die before me.”
The battlefield shifted to Ye Fan’s side.
The lava on the bottom of the sea is still erupting constantly.
A large amount of lava entered Akainu’s body.
His body is rapidly expanding.
Ye Fan: “It seems that you have pierced the mantle of Marin Fando, so even if you win, you will also destroy the Navy headquarters.”
Akainu: “So what, as long as it can kill you, all sacrifices are worth it.”
Akainu’s body is still rapidly expanding.
Only a large amount of magma in the mantle erupts.
He quickly turned into a magma giant with a height of several thousand meters.
Ye Fan was not afraid at all, and stepped on the sea with both feet, just like in Hokage, his feet kept moving quickly so that he could walk on the sea.
Quickly approach the Akainu’s lava giant.
“Boom boom boom.”
In an instant, Ye Fan punched hundreds of punches on the lava soldier transformed into a red dog.
Each punch sent a large amount of magma flying and landed on the sea surface of the port.
This time, Marlin Vanduo couldn’t hold on to the frozen sea created by Aokiji.
A large amount of scattered magma melted the entire ice surface.
At the same time, it also prevents the navy from chasing pirates on the ice.
Let those pirates escape back to the pirate ship.
Countless navies ran desperately towards the port of Marin Fando. They had to climb onto the shore before all the ice was melted by the magma.
Not to mention that ability users will lose their fighting power when they encounter sea water.
Even if they don’t lose their combat effectiveness, the ordinary navy is really a low-level officer. They have no ability to survive in the scalding seawater mixed with lava.
On this sea, something happened.
The pirates ran desperately towards the outside of the port, and the navy desperately ran towards the top of the port.
For a moment, the two sides of the war were directly separated.
Ye Fan also stoppedattacked.
Because he has discovered that his attack is useless.
No matter how much magma he blows away.
Akainu’s gigantic lava giants will be replenished at any time.
From the magma in the mantle of the seabed, through the seawater at a depth of 10,000 meters, it has merged with the gigantic form of Akainu.
No wonder the duel between the red dog and the blue pheasant can last for ten days and ten nights.
No wonder it can permanently change the terrain.
Formed a permanent ice and fire island.
The three admirals of the Navy have far surpassed the ordinary fruit awakening in terms of fruit development.
Doflamingo’s fruit awakening is nothing more than turning everything into a thin thread.
But turning other substances into substances controlled by one’s own fruit will also consume a lot of one’s own fruit ability.
This kind of assimilation seems to be powerful, but at the same time, the consumption is also very astonishing.
It is simply impossible to fight for a long time.
And in the current state of Akainu, it is impossible to consume all the magma on his body surface in a few days and nights.
What’s more, Ye Fan knows that in the future, Akakenu and Aokiji will fight for the admiral of the navy.
Maybe it wasn’t evenly matched as imagined, but after ten days of consumption, Aokiji’s fruit ability had been exhausted.
Akainu may last for 20 days, 30 days or even more.
Akainu and Aokiji are not siblings, and there may be a huge gap in their strength.
Think here.
Ye Fan didn’t intend to use his fierce attack to directly break up the giant lava body of Akainu.
At this time, Ye Fan’s knowledgeable and domineering, suddenly felt the crisis.
Garp, an old guy, actually wanted to use his iron fist to sneak attack himself.
After swinging hundreds of punches just now, Ye Fan didn’t want to take Karp’s fist hard.
The ability of the thunderous fruit was activated instantly, and Ye Fan appeared tens of meters away.
Dodged Garp’s attack.
However, the sense of crisis that Ye Fan had seen and heard from the domineering did not disappear because of this, but felt that it was even more dangerous.
Ye Fan no longer uses the ability of thunder to avoid.
Instead, he turned around quickly and threw a punch.
Directly attack the Rayuan who made him feel dangerous.
“Boom Ye Fan’s fist meets Karp’s fist.”
Ye Fan was blown away by Garp’s punch.
For the first time, Ye Fan was injured in the battle, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.
The body fell towards the sea.
Fortunately, Ye Fan quickly adjusted, stepped on the sea surface with both feet, and slid a few hundred meters on the sea surface before stopping.
He felt the amazing power of Garp’s iron fist.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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