Ye Fan only opened the power of the third door.
This punch directly sent Charlotte Smoothie flying.
Collapsed a large number of buildings on the seaside pier.
Spit a mouthful of blood, XiaLotte Smoothie was knocked out by Ye Fan.
Seeing the battle here, Ye Fan has already won.
Runeq immediately gave up the fight with Katakuri.
A swoop, a direct high jump, a distance of several hundred meters, is just an easy jump for the current Runqian.
If it’s an ordinary man, he really can’t bear Run’s enthusiasm.
For example, a certain guy named Momonosuke was often kicked and flew away by his sister’s actions.
Run Q’s height is still much taller than Ye Fan’s.
She fell from the sky and jumped into Ye Fan’s arms.
Ye Fan immediately experienced a legendary torture.
Big bear suffocation criminal law.
The oppressed Ye Fan couldn’t breathe for a long time, because it was too big, and there was no room for breathing.
Runqq said coquettishly: “My son-in-law, hurry up and help me educate that annoying guy, he can only dodge, I can’t hit him at all.”
Katakuri has not only awakened his fruit ability, but also awakened his domineering power.
This is already a very rare powerhouse in the sea.
It is not surprising that Run q is not his opponent yet.
Ye Fan patted Run Q on the back.
Said: “Leave it to me, you will watch how I beat him beautifully by the side.”
Run Qianq: “Well, the son-in-law must educate him severely, you are the most powerful man in the sea.”
Chapter 84 Katakuri
Charlotte Katakuri has been paying attention to Ye Fan’s battle just now.
Although he has watched the live broadcast of the top war, he knows Ye Fan’s terrifying strength.
But Ye Fan was surprised that he defeated Charlotte Smoothie so easily.
As the second child of the three generals, Charlotte Smoothie’s fighting power is even stronger than Charlotte Cracker.
She has far more attack power than crackers, although her defense power is weaker.
But this feature of hers was perfectly restrained by Ye Fan.
Ye Fan has super strong defense power, and he is not afraid of Charlotte Smoothie’s attack at all.
Charlotte Katakuri said: “Sure enough, it is the Dragon Emperor Ye Fan who defeated Smoothie so easily. Katakuri challenges you.”
Katakuri’s bounty is only 1,057,000,000 Baileys, which seems to be only 100,000,000 Baileys higher than Smoothie’s, but the fighting power of the two is as high as heaven and earth.
As a person who has both fruit awakening and knowledge-colored domineering awakening, he is already a proper emperor’s deputy-level combat power.
It’s just a pity that he is a bit older, and it will be difficult to become a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors in this life.
Ye Fan said: “You do it first, I will let you do three tricks.”
A strong man like Charlotte Katakuri, if someone underestimated him like this.
He would surely tear that man to pieces.
But the enemy in front of him is Ye Fan.
Her strength is close to that of her own mother, Charlotte Lingling.
Katakuri didn’t dare to be careless.
Holding his long-handled trident, he stood in front of Ye Fan.
Said: “The first move, Nuotuan thrust.”
Katakuri’s right hand turned into a glutinous rice dumpling, which quickly twisted and twisted into a twisted shape.
Afterwards, Katakuri quickly stabbed the trident in his hand, at this moment the glutinous rice on his right arm began to spin rapidly to return to its original shape.
At the same time, the arm is also slightly extended, which speeds up Katakuri’s attack speed.
The trident spun rapidly and pierced Ye Fan’s chest.
This move can increase the speed and power of Katakuri’s attack several times, and the rotation force will also help him break through the enemy’s armed defense.
Faced with such a trick, Ye Fan didn’t even want to dodge.
His current defense power is no longer inferior to that of Kaido. If he doesn’t even master Liu Ying, it is almost impossible for ordinary armed domineering attacks to cause damage to him.
Katakuri’s trident was inserted in front of Ye Fan’s chest, blocked by the scales on Ye Fan’s body.
Ye Fan’s body retreated tens of meters, leaving two scratches half a meter deep on the ground.
Although Ye Fan’s body directly resisted Katakuri’s attack, facing such a terrifying force, the friction between the soles of Ye Fan’s feet and the ground was not enough to counteract such a powerful force.
Therefore, although Ye Fan did not suffer any harm,
But he was still pushed back tens of meters.
Then Katakuri didn’t give Ye Fan any chance to breathe.
Being given three moves by Ye Fan is the key to his victory.
Katakuri jumped up high.
When jumping up in the air, shouted loudly: “horn rice cake”
His fists turned into bar-shaped rice cakes, and then hardened with armed force, quickly swung hundreds of punches, and hit Ye Fan hard.
“pong pong pong”
There was a sound like a whip hitting metal.
It’s just that he still couldn’t break through Ye Fan’s defense.
“Baked Rice Cakes”
Katakuri’s fists contained a flame this time.
It’s really a word, dogs don’t eat roasted fruit.
In the second half of the new world where almost everyone can use Fire Fist, burning fruit has become a skill that everyone knows.
Fire Fist, even his father-in-law Kaido needs the ability to dodge.
But for Ye Fan, he doesn’t need it.
Such flames can’t break Maple’s defense, and the awakening of the magma fruit ability like Akainu can make Ye Fan suffer a little damage.
Ye Fan once again took Katakuri’s move head-on to bake rice cakes.
Ye Fan: “Three tricks have passed, now it’s my turn.”
Katakuri: “We have surrendered. From now on, the Kingdom of Wine will be the site of your Beasts Pirates.”
It was unexpected to Ye Fan that he was so straightforward.
In a rich country like the Wine Kingdom, the members of the Big Mom Pirates gave up as soon as they said they would.
In this case, there is no need for Ye Fan to treat them three times.People hunted down.
Now is not the time to start a full-scale war with the Big Mom Pirates.
After all, for the Beasts Pirates, Big Mom might be a less reliable ally at critical moments.
It’s unreliable, not because the aunt may betray at any time.
On top of that, Big Mom is often emotionally disturbed and may accidentally injure an ally.
Looking at the three of them, they took the subordinate pirates and left in the pirate group.
Naturally, Ye Fan couldn’t force Charlotte Smoothie to stay in front of Runqin, his harem was not messed up.
Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities, and Ye Fan is not in a hurry for the young woman Smoothie.
Peggy Wan looked at the leaving pirate group.
Excitedly said: “The son-in-law is really powerful. He just beat the three generals away and won the wine kingdom. Boss Kaido will definitely be very happy. He won’t worry about running out of wine.”
Ye Fan said: “Put the flag of our Hundred Beasts Pirates on the pier, and then find their king and tell them to send us a ship of fine wine a month.”
Peggy Wan: “Leave this trivial matter to me.”
After speaking, Peggy Wan took the hundreds of pirates on the pirate ship and marched to the palace of the Wine Kingdom.
In this country without a strong man, they naturally dare not resist the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
It soon became a subsidiary country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
He agreed to Ye Fan’s conditions.
And to welcome Ye Fan and the others.
The king of the wine kingdom held a grand banquet in his palace.
In the world of pirates, a banquet is a very sacred thing for pirates.
After the success of various activities such as occupying the country and plundering wealth.
Everyone needs to hold a banquet, and everyone has a happy dinner together.
For this kind of banquet, the Wine Kingdom can be said to be very good at it.
They used to entertain Whitebeard a lot.
It’s just that in the face of the more ferocious Beast Pirates, the king of the wine kingdom feels that there is no way to guarantee the safety of the kingdom with just good wine and a lot of food.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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