And his opponent was just a man in a camisole, showing terrifying chest muscles and thick arms.
“It turned out to be a blind man. Anyone dares to compete for the position of general, but the blind man is also quite good. At least I don’t know how I killed you with one knife.”
This blind middle-aged man’s name is Yixiao.
Hearing what his opponent said, he was not angry.
Instead, he smiled kindly and said, “Shall we take a gamble?”
The muscular man opposite: “What do you want to bet?”
A smile: “Bet whether you can catch the meteorite from the sky.”
The muscular man laughed loudly: “Are you praying for a meteorite in the sky to kill me suddenly? This is even more outrageous than winning ten lottery draws.”
Smile: “Look up at the sky.”
The muscular man stopped laughing at this time, because he saw a huge meteorite in the sky, and because of the high-speed descent, the entire meteorite was emitting flames.
And the target where the meteorite fell was exactly where he was now.
“Are you kidding, how is this possible.”
A huge explosion ushered in the arena.
The martial arts arena, which had already been riddled with holes by the arrival of the wild herd tree world, was now directly smashed into a big hole by a huge meteorite.
The martial arts arena that was finally built with a lot of money was completely destroyed by just two people.
But the red dog in the stands was not displeased at all.
There was going to be a major naval expansion.
What he worries most is that he cannot recruit strong subordinates.
Unexpectedly, there really are these hidden powerhouses appearing, this piece of sea is really miraculous.
The day before, I was worried about the lack of the navy’s highest combat power.
Now I only have two generals Qingzhi and Huangyuan under my command.
Aokiji is the leader of the dove faction, and he doesn’t deal with himself.
Not only is Huang Yuan lazy, but he also has to control the latest technological troops, which he, as the admiral of the navy, can’t intervene in.
It is the force directly commanded by Wulaoxing and Vegapunk.
For so many years, under the pressure of the doves, the red dog finally achieved the position of marshal.
But faced with the situation that there is no general with the highest combat power to use.
Today, this situation is immediately reversed.
There are two people, Huang Mu and Yixiao, which are enough.
Akainu’s mood, let alone how happy it is.
At this time, on the already shattered arena.
The figure of a mature woman appeared.
Wears a white naval justice cloak.
Below the cloak is a red tights, outlining her perfect figure.
This beautiful woman is Gion, the navy code name Momotu.
Naval replacement admiral.
Gion stood on the ring.
Said: “Now there is only one position left for the admiral, the rest of you go up together, as long as you can defeat me, you can become the admiral of the navy.”
Seeing the appearance of Gion, but also said such a thing.
Akainu doesn’t want the doves to have another admiral.
This made Akainu very annoyed, and was about to scold Gion.
But when Gion casually pulled out the gold belt around her waist, Chen Xun Akainu held back.
Jin Yuchen spelled the word “飧雒” and is known as the patron saint of the navy.
Looking at Taotu’s current state, she should be able to really use gold. Chen Xuemu α Keshu.
In this case, whether she becomes an admiral is no longer the key, because to be able to truly control the general of the Jin Dynasty, according to the 800-year management of the navy, she must enter the highest authority of the navy.
At the same time, Akainu is also curious, what is the meaning of this legendary weapon that can protect the navy?What kind of power.
The powerful Akainu never thought how powerful a weapon could be.
He thought it was just a belief of the Navy.
Just like admirals in the navy, they all believe in justice.
Tao Rabbit drew his sword.
With just one strike, the terrifying armed domineering sword energy sent all the remaining dozen or so candidates for the admiral’s election into the air.
They hit the protective wall made of Hailou stone in the rear.
More than a dozen people vomited blood and were defeated by Taotu with one move.
Originally, he was smiling all over his face, but his face also showed a dignified expression.
At that moment just now, with his knowledge-colored domineering perception, he could only see the boundless domineering, other than that, he couldn’t feel anything, basically no different from an ordinary blind man.
I have never seen such a terrifying domineering, the navy is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Although Akainu in the stands was very unhappy.
But it can only be announced now.
“The three of you, Gion, Aramu, and Yixiao, will become admirals. I will personally award you admiral badges after the approval of the Five Elder Stars.”
After speaking, Akainu left the arena.
Taotu said in a low voice: “This is the power of justice, it is indeed very powerful.”
The justice of peach rabbit, the justice of truth.
Chapter 88 The Five Generals of the Navy
More than ten minutes ago, Taotu injected the domineering energy in his body into Jin Chen Aoxiao.
Her brain has been corrupted by dozens of different justices.
And Taotu, before that, did not have justice of her own.
She tries to resist these different justices and finds that there is simply no way to resist.
These different justices are fighting in her mind.
Taotu then changed her mind, and she chose the justice that best suits her, the benevolent justice.
Prepare to use benevolent justice to suppress other justice.
But she found that the justice of killing, the justice of money, etc., began to attack her violently.
This time, Momotu almost died.
On the verge of her collapse.
Taotu suddenly realized that so many generations of generals in the navy had their own justice.
These justice, in the end who is right, who is wrong.
Take Zefa as an example, he believes in the justice of not killing, and has never killed a person, even if the other party is a pirate.
But those pirates who were captured by him but not killed.
But in retaliation, he killed his whole family, not only that, he even killed the village where Zefa was born.
From that moment on, the justice of not killing in Zefa’s heart collapsed, and he no longer had the strength of a general.
There are so many justices, which one is right and which one is wrong.
If Zefa’s justice is the justice of killing, killing all the pirates he does not kill, his hometown and his family will not be killed.
But can it be said that Zefa’s justice of not killing is wrong, and the justice of killing is fought for?
A country can be wiped out because of a prisoner. Is this the correct justice?
In dozens of justice.
Taotu finally gave birth to his own justice.
justice of truth.
Different people look at justice from different perspectives, and justice represents different meanings.
Only truth is justice that never changes.
At this moment, Taotu completely suppressed the kind of justice of the Jin Dynasty.
She also awakened the domineering look, starting from this moment.
There is one more strong man in the sea.
On the same day, the World Economic News spread the news of the appearance of five generals in the navy to the New World.
Doflamingo: “Fufufufu, the strength of the navy has greatly increased now, but this woman, Momotu, can also become an admiral. It seems that the strength of the new admiral is very average.”
As Lieutenant General He’s old opponent, Doflamingo naturally knows Taotu’s combat effectiveness very well. The two of them are about 50-50, and Taotu does not have the strength of a general.
Torrebol: “Master, we can’t be careless, we still need to investigate their strength more.”
Doflamingo: “Have the agents send over their battle videos.”
Torrebol: “I will report to you as soon as I receive the news.”
Hawkeye Mihawk, who was recovering from his injuries, threw a hundred Baileys into the sky and took the newspaper from the newspaper delivery bird.
“It’s interesting. I don’t know how many great swordsmen there will be among the three new admirals. I really want to fight them.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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