Such an enemy is almost impossible to kill.
But if the attack fails, it will usher in an extremely crazy revenge.
It’s better to keep them in captivity in the New World. Although there will be a large number of countries in the New World controlled by them, at least it is worse than the powerhouses of the Four Emperors level, destroying the whole world.
Fujitora smiled and sighed helplessly.
Gradually moved away from the battlefield.
Ye Fan also stopped pursuing.
It is very difficult to kill a general.
Killing a general will inevitably lead to a full-scale war with the navy.
Not necessary yet.
There is no use in defeating the navy.
The Tianlong people behind them are the real enemies.
Ye Fan will launch a full-scale war against the navy only if he can defeat the power of Im and the Five Old Stars.
But another place.
New Navy Headquarters, the original New World G1 Navy Branch.
The situation there is not easy to handle.
Chapter 108 Naval Headquarters G1
Akainu sitting in the marshal’s office.
His knowledgeable domineering has already sensed the danger.
Immediately, he punched the window of the marshal’s office, got up and flew outside.
The yellow ape that appeared at the same time as him.
Followed by the general Aokiji.
And Green Bull and Tao Tu, two newly promoted everyone.
They did not stay at the Navy Headquarters, but went to other sea areas for training.
In addition to increasing their actual combat experience.
It is also their task to be familiar with the navy’s fleet, and to let people from various branches see the new general with their own eyes.
Most importantly, killing or capturing pirates with their own hands will make them famous in the sea.
Prove to the world that the three trusted admirals are not parallel imports and can still represent the strongest combat power of the navy.
At this moment, on the sea in front of the Navy Headquarters.
There is a terrifying metal ball suspended here.
Although the metal ball is only the size of an egg.
However, it absorbs a large amount of surrounding seawater into the small ball.
There are even a large number of warships docked at the Navy Headquarters.
Many have also been absorbed into the gravity ball.
Watching huge battleships with a body length of 200 meters being compressed into fine dust and swallowed by this gravity ball.
Akainu shouted angrily: “What kind of weapon is this bastard, which pirate researched it, and how did they put it in our naval headquarters.”
Aokiji and Akainu looked at each other.
The two did not speak.
Even Aokiji, who was at odds with Akainu, didn’t say anything to mock Akainu this time.
The reason is very simple, they all felt the terrifying power generated by this gravity ball.
This kind of power can even kill them.
All three of them stared nervously at the gravity ball not far away.
As the top powerhouse in the sea.
Their knowledge and domineering nature can naturally feel the horror of the gravity ball, and they can also feel that this egg-sized sphere is already on the verge of being very unstable.
“Ring ring ring”
Akainu’s phone rang.
“Marshal Akainu, is there a gravity ball in the Navy Headquarters now?”
I heard Fujitora laughing.
Akainu asked suspiciously, “How do you know?”
Fujitora smiled and immediately said eagerly: “Let Aokiji establish an absolute defense, that gravity ball is about to explode, and its power can destroy the entire Navy headquarters.”
After hearing what Fujitora said with a smile.
Akainu hurriedly gave the order.
“I and the yellow ape hit the sea water, and Aokiji, you freeze the sea water.”
Akainu and Kizaru immediately took action.
They attacked the sea in front of the naval headquarters in a large area.
Slam large amounts of sea water into the sky.
Because it wasn’t for the power of the shaking fruit, they couldn’t do what Whitebeard did.
Easily form an incomparably huge kilometer-high tsunami.
But as the strongest force in the navy.
It can still be easily done by flying one side of sea water to a height of several hundred meters.
Soon, in front of the Navy Headquarters.
A series of frozen walls hundreds of meters high appeared.
In an instant, there was no sea water in front of the entire naval headquarters.
All turned into a thick and high wall of ice.
A large number of naval warships fell into the seabed thousands of meters deep, and had intimate contact with the silt on the seabed for the first time.
The terrifying loud noise, even the roar of the fleet’s main guns, was like a soft whisper in front of such a loud noise.
A large number of naval soldiers hugged their heads tightly, howling in pain on the ground.
Because in just an instant, their eardrums were torn.
Huge ice walls were quickly destroyed side by side.
Two ways.
Three ways.
Qingzhi was fully on the sea, and built hundreds of ice walls.
And it’s not an ordinary ice wall, his powerful frozen fruit ability is injected into it, which is far stronger and colder than ordinary ice walls.
But this did not resist the horrible explosion.
Sea water mixed with countless mud.
At the moment when the gravity ball exploded.
They returned to their original state in a very short time.
Then, it spread around at a terrifying speed.
Fortunately, Admiralty is only a small angle of the spread.
But even so.
There are still more than 100 million tons of soil, rocks, and sea water, destroying hundreds of ice walls and flying towards the Navy Headquarters.
at this time.
On the high platform of the Navy Headquarters, there were two more figures.
It was the former Admiral Sengoku, and the former Vice Admiral Garp.
Now the two of them are no longer marshals and lieutenant generals.
They were just instructors in the boot camp.
But at such a critical moment, the two of them still stood at the forefront.
It looks like a substance that is flying fast and weighs a hundred million tons.
All the five highest combat powers in the Naval Headquarters.
The collective used its most powerful means of attack.
Five extremely powerful attacks bombarded this huge piece of matter.
Blocked most of the material, causing them to fall in front of Admiralty Headquarters.
only left withA small amount of material was not intercepted by the five people.
However, the remaining materials were not able to destroy the Navy Headquarters.
Only a few hundred bunkers were destroyed, as well as a small number of buildings in the rear.
The Navy suffered the biggest loss this time, but those warships.
In order to build a defensive ice wall, these warships were sunk several thousand meters deep on the seabed.
Then it was buried by a large amount of material knocked down by the five highest combat powers.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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