The whole bar has been plunged into a world of ice and snow.
But this situation only lasted for three seconds.
Everything is back to normal again.
The world of ice and snow disappeared, and several givers who were almost drunk thought they had just had an illusion.
Ye Fan, on the other hand, already knew the ability of his kaleidoscope Sharingan.
Cold winter domain.
It can instantly turn a large area into a cold space.
It is somewhat similar to Aokiji’s ability to freeze fruit.
Another skill.
Purely the blood of Qianshou Zhujian, this is even more important.
Senjujuma possesses two superpowers.
One is the invincible recovery ability, as long as there is one cell in the body alive, he can fully recover immediately.
The other is the ability of Mu Dun.
Wood Dungeon – Arrival of the Tree Realm is a big move that can directly build a forest in a desert.
In Hokage, Hokage Village has always been the wealthiest village, because a large forest was built between Senshouzhujian, so that Hokage Village has natural and rich resources.
Compared with several other countries, it has more abundant materials.
Unexpectedly, the two skill points he obtained again allowed Ye Fan to have two powerful combat skills again.
However, powerful skills require a long time to train.
It doesn’t mean that with the blood of Qianshou Zhujian, Ye Fan can easily use tricks such as descending from the tree world.
Ye Fan still needs a long time to practice if he wants to create a huge forest in an instant like Qianshou Zhujian.
But only the recovery ability of Qianshou Zhujian has already made Ye Fan very satisfied.
Now he doesn’t even need the human dragon form and the recovery ability of electrotherapy.
You can rely on the blood of Qianshou Zhujian, the incomparably powerful recovery ability, to open the Eight Gate Dunjia for a long time without receiving any damage.
Ye Fan is very happy that he has become stronger.
In the portal.
I haven’t seen my wife Yamato come out for a long time.
After seeing Ye Fan, he was very happy.
Said: “Husband, I not only captured those rebellious warriors this time, I also captured a person, you must have never thought of it.”
Ye Fan: “There are other characters in Wano Kingdom that I haven’t thought of, they are nothing more than the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath.”
Yamato said excitedly: “I actually caught Kozuki Sukiyaki, and he is not dead yet.”
Ye Fan asked suspiciously: “Who is Kozuki Sukiyaki, is there any remnants of the Kozuki family?”
I clearly remember that Kozuki Oden only had two children, and Kozuki Momosuke and Kozuki Hiyori were both killed by him.
Who is this Kozuki Sukiyaki, and where did it come from?
Ye Fan had question marks all over his head.
Has the plot changed?
Why did another member of the Guangyue family whose name he didn’t know at all appeared.
Yamato said: “Kuzuki Sukiyaki is the father of Kozuki Oden, the general of Wano country before Heitan Orochi.”
The former general of Wano country is still alive.
This was completely beyond Ye Fan’s expectations, and Ye Fan didn’t even remember the name Kozuki Sukiyaki.
I only know that the former Wano Country General is a very fool.
He was easily usurped by Heitan・Orochi and succeeded.
Ye Fan said: “Since he is a remnant of the Guangyue family, he can’t be merciful and kill him directly.”
The Kozuki family has a large number of loyal warriors.
No matter who is the remaining member of the Kozuki family in Wano country, Ye Fan thinks it is best to kill them directly.
Otherwise, those samurai in Wano Country would not be able to stop their actions of resistance.
Yamato said excitedly: “You don’t need to kill it, Kozuki Sukiyaki is because Kozuki Oden went to sea and felt that he had no heir, so he deliberately gave the Wano country to Heitan Orochi, and now he actually gave the order himself, Let those warriors accept my rule.”
“I originally wanted to influence them with kindness, but I didn’t expect that some of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes are willing to pledge their allegiance to me.”
This news surprised Ye Fan.
Kozuki Sukiyaki voluntarily handed over the Wano country, which his family had ruled for hundreds of years, to foreign ministers like the Heitan family.
Ye Fan put himself in his shoes and thought about it.
If their future children.
He is unwilling to control the Beasts Pirates, not allowing himself to become the master of the world in the future.
On the contrary, if he wants to go out to sea and become a little pirate, he must be very angry.
My own children don’t want the country that Lao Tzu has worked so hard to build, but instead follow others as a small follower.
But don’t worry about it yourself.
because of my lifeThe lifespan is as long as hundreds of thousands of years.
If a son does not live up to expectations, it will be enough to have hundreds or thousands of children.
This was an unexpected surprise.
With the approval of the old guy Kozuki Sukiyaki.
Whether in terms of force or jurisprudence, Yamato is the general of the Wano country.
Even those big families who opposed it, and those samurai, they no longer have any reason to oppose Yamato becoming the general of the Wano country.
If they object, they are rebels in every respect, they are in rebellion.
Even from Kozuki Oden’s point of view, they are all rebellious.
Starting today, Yamato can use all the power of Wano Country.
This is really good news.
There are many samurai in Wano country, and their combat effectiveness is also very powerful.
Many people are no weaker than the flying six cells who have not taken the t-virus.
He also has the combat effectiveness of the vice-admiral level.
Although the strength has reached the level of Qiwuhai, the lieutenant general of the navy doesn’t look very powerful, on the contrary, he feels very weak.
In fact, the strength of Fei Liubao and Vice Admiral.
It is the peak of combat power that ordinary people can achieve.
People with poor bloodlines and poor fruit ability, no matter how much they practice for a lifetime, the combat effectiveness of the lieutenant general level is already the ceiling.
This is equivalent to many writers who have worked hard for more than ten years, but are still a small street. They work tens of thousands of words a day, which is even harder than those who deliver food. The manuscript fee is only 250 yuan a month. If there is no attendance bonus, Even eating is a problem.
However, some geniuses directly enshrine the gods with a book, and the manuscript fee is 25,000 a day.
People are more pissed off than people.
This group of warriors with the combat power of lieutenant generals is also an indispensable talent.
Kaido has been the Four Emperors for so long.
Only a dozen or so people with the strength of lieutenant generals have been collected.
Except that the navy has hundreds of lieutenant generals, there is no other strength that can have more than twenty lieutenant generals.
Unexpectedly, Yamato purged Wano Country’s rebellion, and there was a wave of soaring power.
Chapter 113 The Treasure House of the Celestial Dragons
A couple we haven’t seen in a long time.
The two of them celebrated this event.
Ye Fan and Yamato naturally had a friendly match.
Is it the long-lasting endurance of the ivory clam, or the amazing bite force of the shell.
Because it was a friendly match, the match lasted a full eight hours, and there was no winner.
The next day, Ye Fan received a new message.
Reynolds disguised as a merchant in the Holy Land Mary Jo, and he passed back a map.
Don Quixote Musgarud, the most unlike any Dracon, is Draco.
After several months of exploration.
Finally found news about a trace of mithril and the last piece of coordinate history text.
The Tianlong people have dozens of treasure houses in the holy land of Mariejoa.
Most of the treasure houses are free for Tianlong people to enter and exit.
Not sure why.
Im is very indulgent towards the Draconians.
No matter how much wealth they enjoy, it is supported by Im.
In the eyes of outsiders, 100 million Baileys can already allow a person to live a luxurious life.
The heavenly gold paid by many franchise countries in a year is only a few hundred million Pele.
But among the Tianlong people, even those who don’t like to spend money the most will spend billions of Baileys a year.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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