“It’s useless. My life energy is endless. You can’t kill me, and you can’t consume mine. Just be my food.”
Ye Fan: “You are wrong, I will use my most powerful attack state to kill you hundreds of times in a short period of time, making it impossible for you to be resurrected.”
The green cow heard this sentence.
The laughter became even more insane.
The more powerful the means of attack, the greater the consumption.
Ye Fan will die sooner.
This is the fighting style that the green bull likes to see most.
This time the green bull didn’t have any means of attack.
Said: “Come on, let me see if your most powerful attack method can be faster than my recovery method.”
He was extremely looking forward to Ye Fan’s seemingly strongest attacking method.
It’s best to be the kind of real man for five minutes, and then he doesn’t even have the strength to stand up.
Ye Fan: “Are you confident? With my combat power, I can only last ten minutes, but I don’t think you can last three minutes.”
Green Bull: “Then I look forward to it even more. I hope you can let me feel a slight threat of death.”
“Momo two hundred speed.”
This is Ye Fan’s latest development of Momo fruit.
It can increase his speed by a hundred times.
It has far surpassed the previous Momo fruit ability user.
“Eight Gates of Dunjia, Gate of True Death, Way of the King of Hades, Underworld Hell.”
this time.
In the Time Gravity Room.
Ye Fan didn’t exercise for nothing.
The Eight Gates of Dunjia are in Hokage, and the eighth gate is the last one.
As long as it is turned on, the user will start to die because he cannot bear the burning of the cells in his body.
No one will study the ninth door of the Eight Doors Dunjia.
Ye Fan is different.
Although he does not have the rarest yin and yang attribute Chakra in Naruto.
It is still possible to rely on the strong recovery ability of the physical body to recover from the eighth door of the eight-door dungeon, the door of death.
And Ye Fan was able to maintain the state of the eighth door for a long time under the training.
He unexpectedly opened the ninth acupuncture point.
Huangquan Point.
In this way, the state of the ninth door is opened.
This is a more violent state than the eighth door of death.
It is not only the flesh that burns, but also the human spirit.
If it is an ordinary person.
Even if you have obtained the complete Otsutsuki bloodline.
Can control the complete chakra of yin and yang, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.
Also unable to resist the burning of mental power.
People age rapidly and die.
But Ye Fan is different.
He was lucky enough to eat the fairy peach of the Queen Mother.
Has a life of 120,000 years.
He can consume such mental power to burn.
But even Ye Fan’s lifespan.
It is not enough to support the ninth door that uses the eight-door Dunjia for a long time.
It’s the same as the name of the ninth door’s trick.
The eight gates of armor, the gate of true death, the way of the king of hell, and the hell of the underworld.
It is a trick that can make both oneself and the enemy go to hell.
Ye Fan can only maintain the state for ten minutes at most at a time.
Be a real man for ten minutes.
When Ye Fan used the eight gates of armor, the gate of true death, the way of the king of hell, and the hell of the underworld.
His whole body burst into flames.
It is somewhat similar to the yellow light all over the body of a Super Saiyan.
But one is desperately consuming oneself, and the other is the leakage of terrifying power.
It is not a level of combat power at all.
Even so.
Ye Fan was also very satisfied.
When he used this state.
The green bull showed a frightened expression for the first time.
He sensed danger.
A danger that he might actually die.
Haven’t seen Ye Fan’s move clearly yet.
for a moment.
The entire body of the green bull was destroyed by Ye Fan.
“boom boom boom”
The green bull has been restored to its true form in various places on this island.
His body will be blown up in an instant.
Not only that.
Green Bull even wants to slow down his own recovery.
to stall for time.
But it didn’t work.
Ye Fan’s every attack.
Both can crush a large number of vines.
Such a terrifying power.
A vine that wraps the entire sky.
Already in a short time, a large number of cracks appeared.
Although soon, a large number of new vines grew.
Bring this island back to life.
But if the green bull doesn’t show its true body.
This island will soon be opened up by Ye Fan.
In this way, he has no way to trap Ye Fan here again.
Ye Fan can leave here easily.
Seeing victory is in sight.
Green Bull didn’t want to watch Ye Fan escape.
Killing Ye Fan will not only allow him to prove his status as the most powerful general in the navy.
The most important thing is Ye Fan’s meatbody.
It can sublimate his vitality.
Let’s imagine.
In the future, he will have a stronger body than Kaido and Steel Bone Kong.
Coupled with his terrifying recovery ability.
Green Bull even felt that.
If it can absorb Ye Fan’s body.
He is no longer a mortal.
He is the real god.
A deity that even the Tianlong people would kneel down and bow their heads.
How could Green Bull let go of this rare opportunity.
His real body recovery speed is getting faster and faster.
Although the real body is restored every time.
Less than 0.1 seconds.
It will be broken into pieces by Ye Fan again.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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