Vinsmoke Iji: “It’s really powerful, no wonder you can kill two generals in one day.”
Vinsmoke Yuji: “Following such an invincible strong man, our Vinsmoke family will definitely become famous throughout the sea.”
People in the Vinsmoke family feel that they have made a decision to join the Beasts Pirates.
What a choice of name.
Only Vinsmoke Reiju felt a little worried.
As in the whole kingdom of Germa, there are also emotional people.
The Beasts Pirates are already so powerful, they still need the participation of their Vinsmoke family and the entire Germa Kingdom.
And with the rapid expansion of power recently, this kind of behavior is definitely not just to control the nearly 100 alliance countries in the new world.
Feeding so many pirates is a huge expense.
People who are willing to be pirates are not engaged in production.
And it is not as easy to feed as ordinary navy soldiers.
There needs to be wine and meat every day.
Otherwise, who wants to live a life of licking blood.
Even those ordinary pirates still need the cost of a few navy soldiers to support them.
Not to mention the Kingdom of Germa.
The whole kingdom is unproductive.
The former Germa Kingdom survived by robbing various countries in the North Sea.
Want to feed a country like Germa Kingdom.
At least five richer subject countries are required.
This is why, in the original plot.
Even Big Mom married Vinsmoke.
They also want to kill their family, just want to get the method of making Germa 66 and the method of making the combat uniform.
Feed a sprawling warring nation.
The resources required are simply too large.
Even the Big Mom Pirates couldn’t afford to support them.
Vinsmoke Reijo has feelings.
And as a woman with a high IQ, she couldn’t figure it out.
Why did the Beasts Pirates want the entire Germa Kingdom to join it.
Because it’s just about stealing Germa’s technology.
Obviously, it is the most cost-effective for the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
It is possible to turn the fighting power of the Germa Kingdom into one’s own, without having to pay huge financial resources.
So Vinsmoke Reiju is not as optimistic as her brothers and father.
Ye Fan controls the entire Germa Kingdom, and will soon fly over the windless belt.
Enter the second half of the great route.
at this time.
In Ye Fan’s domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge, he sensed a warship intercepting right in front of him.
On the top, there are actually several naval forces with the highest combat power.
Sure enough, it was as expected.
The Tianlong people really want to kill themselves.
This time, the one who besieged and suppressed him turned out to be the former Navy Marshal Sengoku and the current Marshal Akainu.
There are also Admiral Aokiji, Momotu and Fujitora.
The five highest naval forces were dispatched.
This lineup, when Whitebeard has been besieged, will be even stronger.
The five of them will not release water almost all the way like Dingshang War, just kill Whitebeard, and for the other pirates, except for Akainu, no one else has shot with all their strength.
I am not Luffy.
These people are not qualified to be Oscar winners.
The five of them came this time to completely kill themselves.
“boom boom boom”
The entire Germa Kingdom became very heavy.
Ye Fan also couldn’t keep Germa Kingdom flying in the sky.
The only thing we could do was to let the Kingdom of Germa slide down obliquely quickly, barely leaving the windless zone.
On the great route.
If it falls in a windless zone, thenIt also has to face a large number of Neptune attacks.
Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief.
At least the Kingdom of Germa was preserved.
Ye Fan: “In order to kill me, you Jiang Ran even released Fujitora from confinement.”
Red dog: “Today you are doomed. If you dare to kill the admiral, you will bear the wrath of the navy.”
Ye Fan: “Do you really think you can win?”
Behind Ye Fan, a tall door of freedom suddenly appeared.
Four tall figures.
Walked out from the free door.
All of them are tall, with a height of 6-8 meters.
It is Ye Fan’s cheap father-in-law Kaido, and there are three big billboards.
Ember of Fire, Quinn of Plague, and Jack of Drought.
The five members of the Vinsmoke family saw the situation before them.
They also immediately put on their battle suits.
into a state of war.
Although several members of the Vinsmoke family knew that facing the five admirals, they were in danger.
But the Vinsmoke family, without any emotion, doesn’t know fear and dread.
They don’t have these negative emotions.
Kaido: “Hahaha, didn’t think of it, Sengoku, I thought about it a long time ago, you will sneak attack my son-in-law, do you think we will let you succeed?”
Warring States: “Didn’t you realize that this operation is missing an admiral and hundreds of vice admirals?”
Beast Kaido immediately understood.
The yellow ape with the fastest mobility did not participate in this battle.
The most terrifying part of the navy is not only because it has the highest combat power of several navies.
The most terrifying thing about the navy is that it has a backbone force that far exceeds that of pirates.
That is a huge number of lieutenant generals.
The terrifying number of lieutenant generals is the key to the navy’s control over hundreds of allied countries.
Almost every major country, or important naval branch, has a lieutenant general stationed there.
This is the most terrifying place in the navy.
Their mid-range combat power far exceeds the sum of the Four Emperor Pirates combined.
The reason why the Four Emperors are called the Four Emperors.
But it’s not just a high personal combat effectiveness.
There must also be a large number of subordinates to have enough manpower to control many countries.
Like two years later if the plot hadn’t been changed.
Luffy is known as the emperor of the sea, because his subordinates not only have the top masters of green algae, but also the big straw hat fleet.
He also has a strong force of more than 5,000 people.
Most importantly, in the plot of the original work.
There are also big countries such as Alabasta and Fishman Island, all of which are on the side of the Straw Hat Pirates.
Therefore, Luffy offered a bounty of 3 billion and became the new emperor of the sea.
As for Luo and Kidd, who also offered a bounty of 3 billion, they were not the Four Emperors.
They do not have a huge force under their command, and cannot control a large number of countries.
As for the clown Bucky, because he has hundreds of powerful pirates under him, he may have teamed up with Hawkeye and the Empress on the way, but he was lucky enough to become one of the Four Emperors.
This time the navy’s goal was not only to kill Ye Fan.
There is an even bigger goal.
That is to completely eliminate Kaido of Beasts, and now nearly 100,000 pirate boys.
Even if the five of them failed to encircle and suppress today, the Hundred Beasts Pirates would also lose their status as Four Emperors, and from now on, they will lose their status as Emperor of the Sea.
Chapter 153 Crazy Demon Slaughter Order
Akainu: “In order to completely disintegrate your power, I have announced that I have launched a demon-slaying order against Wano Country, Oni Island and Artisan Kingdom.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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