This time, it wasn’t Qingzhi that Ye Fan attacked.
It was the peach rabbit who threatened him the most.
It is very difficult for Qingzhi’s attack to hurt Ye Fan, he just restricts Ye Fan’s movement.
Coupled with the rough skin and thick flesh of the green pheasant, it is very difficult to kill.
But Peach Rabbit is different.
Her attack is powerful, but her defense is actually very ordinary.
As long as he is hit by Ye Fan, he will surely die.
Although Taotu is also a rare beautiful young woman.
It looks very much in line with Ye Fan’s aesthetics.
But Ye Fan will not be merciful to his enemies.
It’s not like Sanji’s kind of chivalry.
Even if he was going to be killed by Black Maria, he didn’t dare to fight back against the guy who beat the woman.
On the battlefield, there are no men or women, only enemies and allies.
Since Taotu is the one who threatens him the most.
Ye Fan would never pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. His current choice is to kill Taotu immediately.
After bombarding the ice wall that shattered the green pheasant’s defense.
With a flash of Ye Fan, he came to Taotu.
Using his own speed, he wanted to hit Taotu with a direct punch.
Ye Fan is very confident in his terrifying punching speed.
In this sea, no one can punch faster than support.
However, when Ye Fan was about to hit Taotu’s body.
A knife blocked the only way for Ye Fan’s fist to pass.
Very fast cutting speed.
This peach rabbit’s strength has improved, which is really terrifying.
She is also very fast with the knife.
Although it is still not as fast as his own attack speed.
But her knife fell on a critical place at a critical time.
This is the place Ye Fan must pass before attacking Taotu’s body.
This is Momotu’s terrifying fighting instinct.
After absorbing the armed domineering spirit left by dozens of seniors.
And their justice, and their understanding of the way of the sword.
The current Taotu can be said to be the world’s number one swordsman.
She seemed to have hundreds of years of experience in using swords overnight.
This prevents Ye Fan’s terrifying attack.
In Momotu’s eyes, it’s just a fighting instinct.
Just like when people are thirsty, they want to drink water.
When people are hungry, they want to eat.
In the heart of Taotu’s current top swordsman.
Blocking Ye Fan’s attack is a very common thing.
If it is an ordinary person, if they are blocked by the sharp side of the knife, they will naturally choose to stop.
Because their fists cannot be harder than knives.
What’s more, the knife in Taotu’s hand is an extremely terrifying and powerful supreme sharp knife.
Chapter 166 The Overlord of the Warring States Period
Ye Fan’s fist is certainly not an ordinary fist.
Even if it is Kim Chen Xue Mu Du Xiao
Ye Fan’s domineering and domineering punch also struck out.
Jin Chen Xixian immediately released a terrifying armed domineering air.
Armed color domineering is logically speaking, the quality is crushed by the domineering color domineering.
The collision between the two sides is like a weapon of the Bronze Age meeting a weapon made of fine steel.
Hardness is not a level.
But the armed arrogance exuded by Jin Yu Chen Xuedu and Xixi is really terrifying.
Far beyond the limit of a person’s cultivation.
Two forces collided horribly.
The surrounding ice was instantly torn into thousands of holes.
Broken like a spider’s web.
Many cracks have already torn through the 20,000-meter ice layer, creating a large number of cracks on the ground that was once the bottom of the sea.
Ye Fan was sent flying out.
Momotu Gion’s powerful armed color domineering.
Even in a state of defense.
Fly the attacking Ye Fan.
But Momotu Gion is not feeling well either.
The huge force coming from the arm.
The gold in her hand was almost lost.
Only with all the strength in my body can I hold the gold.
Momotu Gion’s body was also gliding on the ice.
After breaking a small iceberg, Momotu stopped sliding backwards.
In the first round of the match between the two sides, it seemed that Momotu Gion won.
Because Ye Fei was hit higher, farther and more ruthlessly.
But it was Momotu Gion who lost.
Ye Fan smashed a hole tens of meters deep in the ice, but his own strong defense.
Ye Fan didn’t get hurt at all.
But Momotu Gion, if he faces an attack like Ye Fan again.
Her right hand couldn’t hold on for a few times, and she couldn’t hold Jin anymore. Chen Bishu.
My physical body is still too weak.
Even relying on the gold master Chen Xuemu α Jun, he can reach the combat effectiveness of a general in a short period of time.
But the weakness of my physical strength also caused my defense to be too weak.
Now it’s a fatal flaw.
In an instant, Momotu Gion realized his own shortcomings.
The green pheasant next to him naturally saw it too.
Qingzhi jumped between Ye Fan and Taotu.
Said: “I will find a chance to trap him again, this time you must not miss.”
the other side.
Marshal Zhan Guo was surrounded by three burly men.
It’s just that the momentum of the two sides is completely different.
Flame Calamity Jhin and Plague Calamity Quinn both wanted to delay the time as much as possible.
Only Jack, the most severe drought, directly turned into a giant elephant.
He took the initiative to charge towards the former Admiral Sengoku.
It seems to be full of the momentum of speechless confrontation.
The four elephant legs stomped on the ice.
What greeted him was a huge yellow fist.
It is also covered with a large number of black lightning.
The domineering punch of the Warring States period directly sent the Drought Jack, which weighed several hundred tons, flying hundreds of meters away.
Drought Jack was desperately dizzy, he could no longer hook his limbs to the ice, and just slid towards the distant sea of ​​magma.
It was Vinsmoke Gage and the others who hurriedly used the ability of the battle suit.
Pull Drought Jack back.
Otherwise, he might slide a few kilometers all the way and fall into the field of Akainu.
Flame Ember and Plague Jack scolded a fool in their hearts.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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