Ye Fan's new skill is Maple's defense value.

The intensity of that world is far lower than the world of pirates Ye Fan is in now.

Therefore, Ye Fan didn't know what level Maple's defense value of 900 points was in the world of pirates.

If he can achieve the defensive ability of armed domineering, it will indeed be a very huge improvement for himself.

But if it is like the defensive power of the iron block, which is the most useless or even death-death skill among the six naval styles, it is a completely useless skill.

The iron block is known as the number one skill to bring death. That's because it is a skill that can be easily dodged, but the iron block must be used to defend. When the iron block is used, it cannot move.

Easily hit by enemies and then defeated.

It is because many enemies like to use iron blocks that Luffy has defeated many enemies who are stronger than him.

Therefore, it is called the first death-giving skill in the pirate world.

Chapter 19

After waking up the next day, Ye Fan found the moisturiser.

The fruit ability to moisten q evolved after taking the perfect t virus.

The attitude towards Ye Fan is also exceptionally good.

Holding Ye Fan's arm, he said softly, "My son-in-law, what's the matter with you coming to see me so early?"

Ye Fan said: "I want to test my defense, and I thought of your moistening gun."

Run q: "Sir-in-law, don't be kidding me. My hair gun is not something that ordinary people can catch. What's more, now that my hair gun has evolved, even the three major signs don't dare to resist."

Ye Fan: "You silly girl, just don't cover your body with domineering colors. I really can't stop you from elementalization."

Run q: "But a gun that does not cover the armed domineering color has no soul."

Ye Fan rubbed his head, he seemed to have found the wrong person, maybe that guy Peggy Wan was better than the arrogant and dead-headed Run Q for doing this kind of thing.

Just when Ye Fan was about to find Peggy Wan.

Run q suddenly said something.

"However, Run q is willing to use a gun that doesn't have any armed color coverage for the son-in-law."

You girl, how can you say such a thing, your face is still flushed.

People who don't know think I'm teasing you.

Ye Fan didn't know, Run Yanq really thought Ye Fan was molesting her.

I saw Run Q gently pressing her forehead against Ye Fan's.

He has already closed his eyes nervously, his small mouth is looking forward to something.

Wait, I really want this woman to misunderstand something.

Without using any force, when the foreheads of a man and a woman touch each other, often the scene behind is indeed such a wave link.

No wonder Runq can also blush! !

This misunderstanding is a bit big, it would be better if I knew it earlierIt's Peggy Wan.

Ye Fan was hesitating whether to kiss him or not, anyway, the current atmosphere has come to this point.

The door of the room suddenly opened.

Peggy Wan shouted in a loud voice: "Sister, let's go have breakfast."

Peggy Wan, who had just finished speaking, suddenly widened his eyes.

What are my sister and son-in-law doing?

Ye Fan suddenly felt a huge force and pushed himself back.

Runq yelled furiously: "Pei~Ji~Wan, how dare you enter my room without knocking."

Peggy Wan feels wronged, old lady, I will knock on the door whenever I enter your room.

But at this time, his elm head was still quick to react.

Peggy Wan slammed the door shut.

"Sister, I'm going to eat breakfast alone, you and the son-in-law are chatting slowly in the room."

Peggy Wan, who left quickly, clutched his violently beating heart.

Luckily, he ran fast enough. Judging by Run Q's expression, it seemed that he wanted to give me a hair gun.

He no longer thinks about why the son-in-law is in his sister's room.

I was lucky not to be hit by a moistening gun. It seems that I should avoid my sister today.

Ye Fan felt terrible.

Doesn't Peggy Wan know how loud his voice is?

This time, the entire ghost island knew that he was in Runqian's room.

Yamato doesn't care at all, will his cheap father-in-law fight for his daughter?

I chose Runeq instead of Peggy Wan, simply because Runeq likes to hit people with head butts, which is better than that guy Peggy Wan who likes to bite with his mouth open.

Who likes to be bathed in Peggy Wan's saliva, of course it feels better to moisten q's forehead.

But now, I'm afraid the entire Hundred Beasts Pirates are misunderstanding something.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding.

Ye Fan had no choice but to say: "Run q, let's go to the martial arts arena for a fight, it's too embarrassing to be in your room."

At this moment, Run Yanq's face was blushing, but his eyes were full of anger.

The blushing was because of Ye Fan, and the anger was because of Peggy Wan.

This guy, Peggy Wan, yelled so loudly, so Yamato wouldn't misunderstand him.

Seeing Ye Fan's proposal, he felt that he was still in the martial arts arena. Only by beating Ye Fan lightly in front of everyone could the misunderstanding be cleared up.

So the two came to the arena.

In the surrounding stands, many members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates have gathered.

Peggy Wan's loud voice woke up many people who like to sleep late.

When everyone knew that Run q was going to compete with the son-in-law.

Everyone who knows about this matter has a strong curiosity.

Regarding this mysterious son-in-law, everyone is also very curious about Ye Fan's strength.

Bacha and Shigui whispered: "Would you like to bet, 10,000 Baileys, I will bet on profit and win."

Ten ghosts: "Do you think I'm stupid? How could the son-in-law agree to run? I bet the son-in-law can't last ten minutes."

Bacha: "I bet the son-in-law can last for less than five minutes."

Ten ghosts: "Okay, I bet with you, if the son-in-law persists for more than five minutes, I will win."

In the stands, many spectators are betting one after another.

Basically no one bet on Ye Fan's victory, they basically bet on how long Ye Fan could resist.

In the past, the moistening q was already very powerful, but now after taking the gene medicine of the son-in-law, the fruit ability has changed, it is even more terrifying.

In this sea, there are not many people who can win against Runqian, and no one believes that Ye Fan can win.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates is not good at this point, there are many drunkards, and there are also many people who like to gamble.

Run's expression also became serious.

It's not the shy loli just now.

Run q said: "I'm about to attack, is the son-in-law ready?"

Ye Fan said: "Get ready, let the horse come over."

Runqq immediately turned on the human-dragon form.

I calculated in my heart that with 30% of my strength, I should be able to make the son-in-law lie on the hospital bed for a few days.

In this way, if I hurt the son-in-law in public, no one should doubt that I like the son-in-law anymore, Yamato will not be jealous anymore, and the sisterhood will be preserved.

Run q who made up his mind.

When she came up, she used her best hair gun, and hit Ye Fan's head.

The only thing Ye Fan can rely on is that he has just obtained defensive power from the system.

Although the ability of the natural thunder fruit is powerful.

But Ye Fan only got two days, and now Ye Fan can barely use knowledge-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering and domineering-colored domineering, and he still needs a long time of training.

Not to mention Ye Fan, even the super talented Luffy.

It only took 68 days to go to sea, and he defeated several Shichibukai, and faced the three generals directly, and he still failed to learn the domineering style of arming.

Luffy was trained by Garp with the iron fist of love since he was a child.

Ye Fan, in his previous life, he was an ordinary blue star dragon country writer who hit the streets.

One Piece World, a descendant of an ordinary general from a small country.

There is no noble blood of the D family, nor is it cultivated by a powerful teacher.

Before becoming Kaido's son-in-law, Ye Fan didn't even know that her mother found such a superb wife for himself.

So in two days, Ye Fan's fruit ability and attack power can't even break his moist skin.

The elementalization of the natural system has no effect in the face of the moisturizing q that can be easily armed with color coverage.

Fortunately, I have Grandpa Jin, which is stronger than any bloodline in Pirate World.

Chapter 20 Maple's Defense

Ye Fan made a cross with his hands, covering his face.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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