This is the highly hierarchical Draconian system.
Their five old stars dared to point at Chiquan’s nose and curse, and they dared to reprimand Sengoku and Steel Gukong loudly.
But they had no choice but to talk loudly to the yellow ape who is now the representative of the Shangsan clan.
Saint Mohanda: “In this case, we five old fellows will personally lead all the troops to fight against the Hundred Beasts Pirates.”
San Mohanda had made up his mind.
After becoming the Riddler, one of the Five Old Stars.
He hasn’t shot in decades.
Get used to being in the curtain, department/group: 9.8/0’2; 0″5: 8’5,6 and then control the whole world.
But today.
On behalf of the Five Old Stars, he prepared the five Riddlers to go off in person to deal with Kaido of Beasts.
at this time.
St. William, the five old stars with yellow hair and flat hair have an extra document in their hands.
After he glanced hastily.
Said: “Look at this document, maybe we don’t have to go to war.”
on the other side.
The meeting room of Oni Island.
There are only six people in the room.
Kaido, Ye Fan, and Yamato also have three major Kanbans.
Ye Fan said in surprise: “Karp and Long’s wife are both from Tianlong.”
The three major Kanbans were also very surprised.
Calamity Yan Calamity: “No wonder, no one knows who Garp and Long’s wife are. These two guys who hate Tianlongren the most actually married Tianlongren as wives.”
Quinn: “It’s true that what they say is one thing, and another thing is done in private. These two guys are more cunning than me.”
Although in the comics read in the previous life, many people infer that Luffy may be a Celestial Dragon now, and some people say it is the King of Human Monsters.
There are all kinds of speculation.
But today Ye Fan knows that Lu Fei and Long’s mother are both Tianlong people.
And among the nineteen descendants of the king, the most powerful descendant of the upper three clans.
The Tianlong people among the Tianlong people.
Ye Fan was still very shocked by this.
It can be said, Karp you old bastard.
Ye Fan said: “Since this is the case, our strength is not enough to fully fight the Tianlong people. I think the best way now is to negotiate peace.”
Drought Jack: “My lord, we won such a victory, how can we talk about peace, and we don’t know whether the Celestial Dragons of the upper three clans have great power.”
Ye Fan said: “Naturally, it cannot be a peace talk without any benefits.”
“We want all the navy’s territories in the New World beyond the g1 branch to the g5 branch.”
Drought Jack: “Why did you leave them five naval branches? I think leaving one g1 headquarters is already worthy of them.”
Ye Fan: “You seem to have forgotten who the g5 branch is and how important it is to us.”
Drought Jack is so stupid.
Only then did he react.
The g5 naval branch is from Doflamingo.
Looks like it’s helping the Navy guard a corner of the New World.
In fact, the biggest role is to protect the artificial devil fruit base.
This g5 branch is more important to the Beasts Pirates than the navy.
After all, many raw materials for man-made devil fruits still need to be imported from countries controlled by the navy.
If it is the Hundred Beasts Pirates, it will definitely be strictly restricted.
On the contrary, the number of artificial devil fruits will be greatly reduced.
Plague Quinn: “It’s the son-in-law who thinks comprehensively. We can not only negotiate with the navy, but also obtain huge benefits.”
“After the Giver Legion is fully formed, we will be able to dominate the entire sea.”
Beast Kaido: “Then do what Ye Fan wants. We will take away all other naval branches and negotiate peace with the navy.”
Beast Kaido participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.
He also knew the hidden power of those Draconians.
The current Hundred Beasts Pirates is indeed not suitable for all-out war.
It is okay to fight the navy, and it really threatens the Tianlong people.
They are not rivals yet.
The Beast Pirates still need time to develop.
Chapter 173 Yihe
The document in Wu Laoxing’s hand.
It is the document of the peace talks of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
The Beasts Pirates acquired five naval branches, and other navies controlled New World countries.
At the same time, the Hundred Beasts Pirates guaranteed that their forces would not enter the Great Route and the Four Seas.
Guarantee the basic disk of Tianlong people’s forces.
This peace proposal.
Wulaoxing and Huang Yuan have both seen it.
Huang Yuan said: “I think it’s okay, after all, it won’t be long before Vegapunk is about to be successfully developed, we still need sometime. ”
The five old stars all expressed their opinions.
With the order of the Five Old Stars.
Dozens of branches of the Navy in the New World began to withdraw.
Only the sites of the last five branches remain.
All in the first half of the new world.
The forces in the middle and second half of the new world are basically completely given up.
Received this message.
The happiest person in the world.
It’s Doflamingo.
Now he has another very lucrative business.
A higher income than the previous arms business.
That is the middleman.
Because of his special status.
Former Tianlongren, now Qiwuhai.
the country he controls.
Become a site controlled by the Four Emperors of the New World, and want to be a transfer point for trade with the great shipping line and the world.
He can sell the goods of the four seas and the great sea route to the new world.
It is also possible to sell goods from the new world to the world and the great sea route.
Take a hand from him.
Even for a shipment of goods, only five percent is charged.
This is also an astronomical income.
Because now, his country, Yan Ran has become the center of the world.
There are hundreds of big countries controlled by the Tianlong people, and hundreds of thousands of villages and towns on the island.
Anyone who wants to trade with the New World will be taxed by him.
Such a good thing.
I’m happier than when tens of thousands of gold coins fell from the sky into my yard overnight.
Doflamingo immediately gave the order.
“Immediately expand the port, and all places where the port can be built must be started immediately.”
Now Doflamingo’s only worry is that his country doesn’t have enough ports to handle such a large amount of cargo transactions.
Now the country he controls has begun rapid construction.
This time the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Navy have peace talks.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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