Immediately left Ye Fan and the others.
The old disabled pirate said: “These ten bottles of wine are just as a gift from me, an old man. Please leave here as soon as you finish drinking.”
Ye Fan took out a bag of money from his pocket.
Throw it on the table, and then said: “There is no need to treat guests. There are one million Baileys here. Since you know Xia Qi, there should be nothing wrong. Then I should pay according to the rules set by Lockes back then. You have to provide me with information.”
This old man is the reason why Ye Fan decided to sit in this bar.
Judging from his age, he should also be the remnant of the old era from the Lockes era.
Chapter 178 Disabled Old Pirate
The remnants of the Rocks era are hard to find.
Even Whitebeard died in battle due to old age.
Big Mom and cheap father-in-law Kaido, so that they can still maintain their combat effectiveness.
There are not many people left in this sea.
Rocks’ death happened forty-one years ago.
And this old man can live on the hive island for so long.
You can definitely know many secrets of the Rocks Pirates.
These secrets may not be known to Big Mom and Kaido, members of the affiliated pirate group.
This is why Ye Fan entered this small bar.
The disabled old man did not pick up the money bag on the table.
The group of pirates next to them, looking at the one million Baileys, were already drooling.
With the other three emperors began to fight against the pirates.
Even occupying the country near the hive island and becoming the fourth sea emperor’s black beard.
He didn’t dare to let his pirate group go to the other three four emperors’ sites to plunder.
Recently, the Hive Island has been unable to make ends meet.
An island with almost no civilians, only pirates.
Whether it is food or wine, they are obtained by robbing.
And Blackbeard who captured the hive island.
There is no power to unify the entire hive island.
Otherwise, his subordinates will immediately add tens of thousands of experienced pirates.
It’s different from the original plot.
Blackbeard didn’t build a strong army right away.
It just seized the territories of more than a dozen countries, and abused the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Ace by the way.
Then don’t know what to look for in the hive island.
Logically speaking.
On Beehive Island, there are tens of thousands of pirates. They are a powerful force that can make the Blackbeard Pirates expand rapidly.
But Blackbeard didn’t do that.
Even in Ye Fan’s knowledgeable domineering, he didn’t feel the existence of Black Beard and the others.
The disabled old man opposite heard Ye Fan mention the name Xia Qi.
There was a slight change in his expression.
Then he said: “Several guests, I advise you not to harass an old man like me who has entered his twilight years.”
“There is no treasure of Lockes here. The wealth of Lockes was taken away by Captain John, but because he was not evenly distributed, he was killed by his crew. Since then, no one knows the treasure of Lockes. That’s where Captain John’s treasure is.”
Suddenly mentioned Captain John’s treasure.
This reminded Ye Fan of the lucky guy Bucky the Clown.
Moonlight Moriah steals Captain John’s body and makes it part of his zombie army.
At the same time, he also took away the armband of John’s treasure map.
After Moonlight Moria was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy, Luffy went through Nami’s review and search, and put Captain John’s armband in his pocket here.
Then when advancing the city.
Give this armband to Bucky the Clown when you meet.
So that Bucky the Clown finally got Captain John’s treasure.
That is, 80% of the wealth left by the Rocks Pirates after plundering hundreds of countries and the Valley of the Gods.
At this point in time, maybe Bucky the Clown hasn’t found Captain John’s treasure yet.
Still got it.
Do you want to snatch this huge wealth from the hands of the future Four Emperors, the lucky son.
The old man’s words inadvertently aroused Ye Fan’s interest.
But today comes the hive.
His goal is not the treasure, but the text of history, or the hole card that Lockes found back then, which can deal with the Tianlong people.
Back then, Rocks hadn’t been able to use his hole cards against the Tianlongren.
Killed by Garp and Roger.
Ye Fan: “I’m not interested in Captain John’s treasure house. I just want to know where the items left by Lockes are, or what is Blackbeard looking for, have you found them, and where are they?”
The expression of the disabled old man immediately became serious.
“Master Dragon King, if you Beasts Pirates want to get that treasure, don’t even think about it, no matter White Beard, Big Mom, or that kid Kaido, they are all traitors of the Rocks Pirates, I don’t even think about it.” It’s death, and I won’t let you know the whereabouts of Mr. Tiqi.”
After finishing speaking, the disabled old man stabbed at his temple with two fingers deep in his right hand.
It seems that this old pirate already knowsThe identities of Ye Fan and the others are revealed.
What surprised Ye Fan the most was.
These old pirates on Hive Island obviously agree with Blackbeard Tiki’s identity very much.
Perhaps they were the ones who sent Blackbeard Tiki to the Whitebeard Pirates as an undercover agent.
Unexpectedly, these old pirates on Hive Island can really bear it.
The betrayed Lockes is not without a loyal crew.
It’s just that they are just crew members after all, not cadres.
Even if it’s been decades.
Still just an ordinary pirate, his own strength is not that strong.
Guangyue Amaterasu drew his sword instantly.
Cut off the right arm of the disabled old pirate.
Ye Fan: “In front of me, wanting to die is also a difficult thing! Since you really know, it’s up to you whether you want to say it or not.”
Ye Fan’s left eye turned into an eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.
This ability is a skill Ye Fan acquired after the Beasts Pirates won the battle against the Navy.
His can upgrade a skill.
Without even thinking about it, Ye Fan upgraded his eyes to eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.
No injury is secondary, Ye Fan’s recovery ability is very strong.
The most important thing is that ordinary kaleidoscope sharingan, excessive use of pupil power, even make oneself blind.
In the last battle of the Navy, the ability to use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan on several Xeons at the same time.
It almost made Ye Fan lose his left eye.
It took a few days to recover with eyes closed before fully recovering.
After owning the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Ye Fan will no longer worry about the problem of blindness.
You know, there are more masters of Tianlong people than the navy.
And Sharingan is Ye Fan’s very important combat power.
The upgraded Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan no longer has to worry about the backlash of pupil power.
Ye Fan can use his pupil power unscrupulously, and his power has increased a lot again.
The moment Ye Fan activated his skills, the crippled old pirate fell into the environment of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Soon, he revealed the secret hidden in his heart.
This group of people had already followed Lockes before he became famous.
At that time, they didn’t even know that a person who ate two devil fruits would explode and die.
Back then, Lockes had eaten three devil fruits before they knew about it.
From then on, they, the first batch of people who followed Lockes, became his loyal subordinates.
Their dream at the time was not to pursue wealth, but to explore the text of history. During a sailing expedition, they discovered a weapon that could fight against the Celestial Dragons.
From that day on.
The members of the Rocks Pirates began to expand desperately, wanting to rely on wealth to attract a large number of pirates and finally defeat the Tianlong people.
Chapter 179 Lockes’ Treasure
It’s just that I didn’t expect that when I didn’t use that weapon.
They have already failed.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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