Run q: "Just relying on the strength of my arm, I can't stop my hair gun."


There was a loud bang.

Run's head hit Ye Fan's arm.

"Oh! It hurts me to death."

Run q covered her brow, which was slightly red because of the impact.

"Ye Fan, how can your arm be so hard, you can hold my hair-moisturizing gun before you have used the armed color domineering."

Run q looked very surprised.

But the other pirates in the stands didn't buy it.

The black Maria smiled coquettishly, and said, "Run q, you've gone too far in acting. The son-in-law hasn't learned how to be domineering yet. If you act like this again, we won't watch it."

The other pirates who made a bet saw Black Maria speak up, and they also followed suit, after all, they made a bet.

"Miss Runq, your performance of the pistol is too fake, the son-in-law's arm didn't even tremble."

"If Ms. Runqq goes to film, she will definitely win the Pirate Golden Horse Award for Best Actress."

These people basically bet that Ye Fan wouldn't be able to hold on to Run Q for five minutes.

If Runqq kept pretending to attack like this, let alone five minutes, even five days would not be able to defeat Ye Fan.

For the sake of their Bailey, they followed Black Maria and mocked Runqian together.

If it was before, they definitely would not have dared to do this.

Run q's face was full of black lines, although she didn't use her armed force just now, she was domineering.

But it did use 30% of the power.

With such power, many rear admirals of the navy and pirates with tens of millions of bounties on the sea will be seriously injured by such attacks.

I didn't expect the son-in-law to carry it.

Moreover, the force of the shock made her forehead feel a slight pain for the first time.

Run Yanq thought: This is not good, everyone's misunderstanding is getting worse.

The son-in-law must resist, don't die this time.

Run q for his own innocence.

This time the moistening gun did not preserve its strength, and even overwhelmed its armed domineering.

There is a black dot on the forehead of Runqian.

Seeing this situation, the black Maria hurriedly said: "Run q what are you doing, the son-in-law can't be armed with domineering, are you going to kill him?"

When I saw Run q, I used the armed color domineering.

Could it be that the attack just now was really not performed by Run Q?

When did the son-in-law become so powerful?

But it was too late for Black Maria to stop her.

Runqq's head-boosting gun slammed into Ye Fan's arm fiercely.

Ye Fan immediately felt a huge force.

It is great power, not great pain.

Ye Fan, who has Maple's super strong defense, his defense was not defeated.

But Ye Fan's strength is not enough.

After Ye Fan took the perfect t-virus medicine.

He is now stronger than ordinary people, and can lift stones weighing hundreds of kilograms.

This kind of power is not enough in front of Run Qi, who can easily crush dozens of tons of rocks into pieces.

Ye Fan still maintained a defensive posture.

Both feet sink deeply into the ground, even relying on the huge friction with the ground.

Ye Fan's body was also moving backwards rapidly.


It hit the rock behind the arena.

Wano Country is the production area of ​​Kailou Stone. As the arena for the Kaido Hundred Beasts Pirates, the surrounding defensive walls naturally use the hardest Kailou Stone.

Ye Fan's body moving backward was blocked.

Some pirates nearby said excitedly: "No, hurry up and call, the son-in-law will not be beaten into meatloaf."

Ye Fan: "What are you yelling about? I haven't lost yet."

Ye Fan found that although he was not strong enough, he was directly sent flying tens of meters away.

But I really didn't get hurt at all, not even a little pain.

As expected, Maple is too afraid of pain.

This defense is really cool.

Ye Fan walked to the middle of the arena again.

Facing the dazed Run Q, he said, "Let's continue."

As soon as the moisturizing gun was used up, Runqq regretted it. The blow just now couldn't really kill the son-in-law, so how would she face Yamato in the future.

Seeing that Ye Fan was fine, Run Q's nervous heart finally let go.

I heard Ye Fan say continue.

Run q hurriedly jumped twice and ran out of the arena.

Said: "I admit defeat, you go find someone else to compete."

Although Ye Fan's defense was shocked, Run Q didn't dare to compete anymore.

With such power, if the son-in-law was injured, it would be difficult for him to explain to Yamato.

If Ye Fan hadn't been injured, where would I put my Fei Liubao's face.

Anyway, the attack just now has proved that I can't hurt Ye Fan with all my strength.

Others can no longer spread rumors about themselves and Ye Fan.

Having achieved his goal, Runqq immediately chose to run away.

See there is no excitement to watch.

The people in the martial arts arena immediately dispersed.

Only Black Maria remained.

As Kaido's mistress, Black Maria can be said to be the most loyal person to the Beasts Pirates.

"My son-in-law, I didn't expect you to become so powerful. It really surprised me. In the future, you will be an indispensable fighting force for the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

Ye Fan: "I believe that within a few days, I will become the strongest other than my father-in-law."

Hear this confident answer.

Black Maria froze for a moment, then said with a smile, "I look forward to this day coming soon."

Now Ye Fan has regarded the Hundred Beasts Pirates as his property.

Naturally, it will not allow a script to be killed by Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates.

Nor will the Tianlong people be allowed to secretly control and use the Beast Pirates.

Ye Fan also has his own ambitions.

When he didn't get Papa Jin, Ye Fan just wanted to survive in this dangerous world safely.

Now that he has Papa Jin, how could he be so ordinary?live.

He must not only reach the final island, but also defeat Im and become the god of the pirate world.

This is Ye Fan's goal.

The skills acquired at this plot point today are a huge leap in strength for Ye Fan.

Although Ye Fan's attack power is still weak now.

But now Ye Fan is not someone who can kill anyone.

Strong defensive power, only those who have a bounty of more than one billion Baileys are eligible to cause damage to themselves.

There are not many such people in this sea.

In other words, Ye Fan's safety was at least guaranteed.

So what do I have to change now?

I am racing against time, and I am getting closer and closer to the top war.

Soon, Ye Fan thought of something that would change the plot point.

At the same time, it is also the favorite thing for people who watch pirates.

That is to kill Momanosuke.

As the future general of Wano Country, Momonosuke, who has the form of Phantom Beast, Fish Fruit, and Pink Dragon, is still a weak chicken.

With his current strength, it is too easy to kill him, and he can also get a Phantom Beast Fruit by the way.

How could Ye Fan let go of such a thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Chapter 21 Momanosuke

According to the time, Momonosuke should have just traveled over from twenty years ago.

And fell into Doflamingo's man-made devil fruit factory.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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