Others want access to this treasure trove.
We can only know the time when this vortex is turned on.
Good luck today.
Just met Blackbeard, he waited for many days, Lockes’ treasure house was opened.
The two ships quickly moved towards the deep sea along the terrifying deep sea vortex.
Run q wants to launch the head gun to destroy Blackbeard’s pirate ship.
She’s a lady now and doesn’t need a head-to-head.
The laser emitted by the unicorn on her head is extremely powerful and fires fast, and it can also shoot far.
It can be said that the attack ability of Runqq has been greatly improved.
She was about to use a pomade gun to destroy Blackbeard’s pirate ship.
Ye Fan said: “They can’t escape, let’s confirm the location of Lockes’ treasure first.”
What kind of treasures will be hidden in such a magical sea area.
This aroused Ye Fan’s interest.
And on the other side of the sea.
Outside the secret island of the scientific research force.
A very gorgeous ship came out of the sea.
On the upper deck, there is a graceful and beautiful Tianlong girl standing on the deck.
Different from other Draconians.
There are not a lot of guards and slaves on this deck.
Just such a lonely Tianlong man, standing on the deck.
Still a young and beautiful Celestial Dragon.
See this ship coming.
General Kizaru immediately uses his fruit ability.
Teleport to this ship.
The two looked at each other face to face.
The two sides did not speak.
One can faintly see that this face still resembles the anger of a twenty-year-old girl.
See such a situation.
Yellow Ape frowned.
His expression no longer looks like a gangster.
He said seriously: “Cousin, long time no see, why are you so angry today?”
This looks like a young Tianlong girl, but in fact she is not young anymore.
With a cold expression, he said to Huang Yuan: “How dare you tell outsiders about my son, are you looking for death?”
Chapter 183 Tianlongren Girl
After Huang Yuan heard this sentence.
Hastily raised his hands.
Said: “Dear cousin, I am doing this for our great project.”
Tianlong female: “You are going to put my son Luffy in a dangerous situation, you damn guy deserves to die.”
This person, this woman, turned out to be the legendary Luffy’s mother.
Huang Yuan’s expression also became serious.
Said: “Everything is for the benefit of the Shang clan. Whether it is your son Lu Fei or your husband Long, they can only be tools of our Shang clan.”
“Don’t forget your identity, my dear cousin, the members of the upper three clans are just the best fuel for Im. We have been preparing for hundreds of years to get rid of this identity and become the real masters of the world.”
Lu Fei’s mother interrupted Kiwi’s words.
“According to the information in the historical text, as long as Luffy gathers the power of the three ancient weapons, he can gain the power to defeat Im, and you should not expose the identity of Luffy and the dragon.”
Huang Yuan slapped the Tianlong woman.
The stern voice said: “Dragon has established a free alliance and has a close relationship with the Hundred Beasts Pirates. If they unite, they will not defeat Im, but will kill all the Tianlongren.”
“I announced the news about Luffy and Dragon for the simple reason that Dragon cannot join forces with the Beast Pirates to deal with us together.”
“Whether it’s the dragon or Luffy, it’s just a tool for us to defeat Im, not for them to destroy Im and the Celestial Dragons of our upper three clans together.”
“Since I was a teenager, I have given up my identity as a Tianlongren, an undercover navy, and before those scary guys came, I risked moving the red coordinate history text of Murloc Island to a safe place.”
“Paying such a great effort is not to give your son a chance to defeat the Celestial Dragon.”
Lu Fei’s mother: “Why are you so cold-blooded, Lu Fei is also your nephew.”
Huang Yuan: “Not only Luffy, the dragon, but also you and me can become tools of the Tianlong people. Their existence and why you married the dragon are all for the purpose of letting the people of the D clan kill Im.”
“Instead of letting the people of the D clan end our Tianlong people’s rule of the world, if you dare to go against the family’s efforts for hundreds of years, I will kill you, as well as Long and Luffy,kill them all. ”
“Continuing to be Im’s fuel is better than losing the power to control the entire world, my dear sister, do you want to be an enemy of the entire upper three clans?”
Luffy’s mother now looks very angry.
She clenched her fists tightly, and finally let go of them helplessly.
Said: “If the plan is completed, you can’t kill Luffy, you can deprive him of his fruit ability, but you can’t kill him.”
Huang Yuan: “Don’t worry, if the plan really succeeds and Im is killed, your son will be a Tianlongren from the upper three clans, and he can live happily in the Holy Land for a lifetime.”
The two sides finished the simple conversation.
Huang Yuan used the fruit ability to return directly to the secret base of the technology army.
Vegapunk is imprisoned here, and it is also the precious wealth of their upper three clans.
Huang Yuan has to personally guarantee his safety.
The power of technology is also an important means to deal with Im.
For hundreds of years, the Tianlong people of the upper three clans are not waste.
Otherwise, it would not be the descendant of the royal family of the three most powerful countries.
They secretly deciphered all the historical texts hundreds of years ago.
I have also seen what is in the final island.
This plan has been maintained for hundreds of years.
And dispatched the most outstanding woman among the three clans to successfully become Garp and Long’s wife.
How could a plan that had been prepared for hundreds of years be given up because of a woman.
Luffy’s mother had a very serious expression on her face.
Back in his bedroom, the tears in his eyes could no longer be concealed.
As a mother, even though her son was just born, she had already been handed over to the dragon.
But she is a mother after all, and she always hopes that her son can live happily.
The line of sight turns back to the Devil’s Triangle sea area near Beehive Island.
Ye Fan and Blackbeard’s pirate ship quickly entered the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep.
What came into view was the dirty deep-sea mud all over the floor.
Did not see the treasure of the legendary Rocks.
Blackbeard Titch also asked the aging pirate: “What about the treasure you are talking about, and the weapon that can defeat the Celestial Dragons?”
The old pirate: “See if there is any raised area there, you can push away the thick mud, and there are all the treasures left by Lockes.”
“But what you should do now is to kill the Dragon Emperor Ye Fan to prove your strength.”
For the real crew of the former Rocks pirate ship.
Don’t look at this pirate is very old.
But he was a cruel and bloodthirsty character back then.
Rocks is not afraid of any pirates in the sea.
If Blackbeard wants to truly inherit Lockes’ legacy, at least he must be able to defeat Ye Fan and the few people behind him.
Blackbeard Teach: “Okay, I’ll let you see that I’m a stronger man than Lockes.”
Blackbeard Tiki glared at Ye Fan in the distance.
“We’ve only met twice. The first time you crushed me like an ant, but the second time I meet today, I’ll let you know that I, Blackbeard Tiki, are the ones The most powerful pirate on the sea.”
Ye Fan: “Strength does not depend on your mouth, but depends on whether you have enough fighting power. In my opinion, you are still a very long way from defeating me.”
Blackbeard Titch: “You are still so arrogant. Since you entered the sea, you have been so high above, like the proud son of heaven. Today, I will drive you into the abyss.”
Blackbeard Tiki’s body began to change.
Eight tentacles grow out of the back, like an octopus on its head.
Naturally, Blackbeard Tiki would not eat an ordinary animal-octopus fruit.
When Ye Fan saw the horns growing on his head.
Immediately understood the ability of his devil fruit.
Animals, Phantasmal Beasts, Niu Niu Fruit, Niu Gui Form.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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