Blackbeard's heart instantly collapsed.

He originally thought that he had endured for nearly thirty years and was already the number one ninja on this sea.

Unexpectedly, all his schemes were within the calculation of Hundred Beast Kaido.

That terrifying man waited until he rose to prominence, and then sent people at the last minute to snatch the treasure left by Lokes.

Actually, where does he know.

It's all for coincidence.

Ye Fan was just looking for the last piece of history.

Just find the last piece of coordinate history text.

He can know what kind of secrets the final island Ralph Dru is hiding.

Ye Fan thought of coming to Hive Island first, but he just thought that it was most likely to have the last red coordinate history text here.

Didn't think of it.

Unexpectedly, the treasure of Lokes was actually discovered.

That Captain John just got a lot of treasure.

Treasure, for the truly strong, is not the most important thing.

This time, the crooked play was right, and he just found the biggest hole card of the Rocks Pirates.

For Ye Fan, it was really good, and his luck finally became better.

Blackbeard Tichy was very frightened in his heart.

But in front of their own subordinates.

He still had to pretend to be calm.

"Even if it is your premeditation, what can you do, if you want to obtain the treasure, you still need to have enough strength to do it, I have obtained the shock fruit, I am the most powerful man on this sea."

"Shake the sea."

As Blackbeard Tichy swung out a punch.

Calm heartland.

Immediately, two huge tsunamis were thousands of meters high.

Smashed towards Ye Fan's pirate ship.

The Dark Fruit is the nemesis of many other Devil Fruits, and can absorb the ability of other people's fruits to attack.

However, in addition to the fact that it cannot be elementalized, the most troublesome thing is that the attack power is very low.

Blackbeard Tichy in order to compensate for the lack of attack power.

Naturally, he set his sights on Whitebeard's body.

Whitebeard's shock fruit is not only a single attack, it is very terrifying, and can shatter all enemies.

Let Whitebeard's fist be almost invincible.

More importantly, it is such a terrifying group attack capability.

A punch to the ground can trigger a terrifying earthquake.

A punch that shakes the sea can trigger a terrifying tsunami.

A punch that shocks the sky can make a terrifying shock wave erupt in the air.

Three moves, three powerful large-range attack skills in the sea, land and air.

The other side does not have enough strong people.

It only takes one punch to wipe out an army of tens of thousands.

This is the terrifying ability of the Shock Fruit.

And Blackbeard Tichy, after obtaining the Shock Fruit, has begun to work hard to develop the Shock Fruit ability.

He joined the Whitebeard Pirates very early.

To know.

At that time, when Whitebeard withdrew from the Rocks Pirate Group, it was not the combat power of the four emperors, at most it was equivalent to the current three major Kanban.

The fruit ability has not fully awakened, and the overlord-colored domineering has not yet achieved entanglement.

So most of the legacy of the Rocks Pirates is inherited by Captain John and the Golden Lion.

Therefore, Blackbeard grew up watching how Whitebeard developed the Shock Fruit to such a terrifying level of awakening.

In the past half a year, Blackbeard has taken advantage of his terrifying talent.

The initial awakening of the Earthquake Fruit was reached.

It is also possible to punch three punches with a white beard.

Earthquake of the ground, shaking the sea, shaking the sky.

This punch shakes the sea, and you can have the strength of the seven-layer peak of Whitebeard.

It's just that.

Such a trick.

For other pirate groups, it is an extremely terrifying natural disaster.

But for Ye Fan.

It's so easy to restrain yourself.

The right eye becomes the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye.

In an instant, a terrifying tsunami that had just been generated.

In an instant, it turned into ice cubes.

This picture is just like the picture at the headquarters of the Marin Fandor navy.

Ye Fan used a means that were even easier than the green pheasant to stop Blackbeard Tichy's trick.

Ye Fan: "Don't be dying, you can't be my opponent, don't you understand?" The

Blackbeard disciple was preparing to retort.

This time.

The center of the Devil's Triangle Sea.

Suddenly, something drastic changed.

Because of the terrifying climate all around.

In the calm center, the speed of the ocean suddenly became very fast.

Soon a terrifying huge vortex with a diameter of five kilometers was formed.

Ye Fan's pirate ship, and Blackbeard's pirate ship.

They all followed the huge whirlpool and rushed towards the bottom of the sea.

Ye Fan also understood.

This is how the Treasure of Rocks comes in.

Only at a specific time, in this terrifying sea, such a huge deep-sea vortex will appear.

Otherwise, even if it is a coating, it is difficult to navigate in such a sea.

The coating is not a submarine.

It's just a film wrapped in air.

The ocean currents at the bottom of this sea, the complex environment, will not be less than on the surface of the sea.

Complex ocean currents can tear the coating.

Even submarines are difficult to resist the terrifying currents.

In addition to Ye Fan, who can turn into a dragon, or Kaido.

Others want to get into this treasure trove.

Only the time when this vortex turned on can be known.

Good luck today.

As soon as he met Blackbeard, he waited for many days before Lox's treasure trove opened.

The two ships quickly advanced towards the deep sea along the terrifying deep sea whirlpool.

Runtie wants to launch the Runhead Gun and destroy Blackbeard's pirate ship.

She is now a lady and does not need to meet heads.

The laser emitted by the unicorn of her head is extremely powerful, and the rate of fire is fast, and it shoots far.

It can be said that it has greatly improved Runtian's attack ability.

She is preparing to fire a moisturizer gun to destroy Blackbeard's pirate ship.

Ye Fan said: "They can't run away, let's determine the location of the treasure of Lokes first." "

What kind of treasures will be hidden in such a magical sea.

This aroused Ye Fan's interest.

And on the other side of the sea.

Scientific research troops outside the secret island.

A very ornate ship came up the sea.

On the deck above, there is a graceful Draco girl standing on the deck.

Unlike other Draco.

There were not a large number of guards and slaves on this deck.

Just like that, a lonely Draco, stood on the deck.

Still a young and beautiful Draco.


See the arrival of this ship.

The Great General Yellow Ape immediately uses his fruit ability.

Teleport to this ship.

The two look at each other face to face.

The two sides did not speak.

You can faintly see that this face still resembles the anger of a twenty-year-old girl.

See something like this.

The yellow ape frowned.

His expression no longer resembles that of a jerk.

said seriously: "Cousin, it's been a long time, why are you so angry today." "

This young Draco girl, in fact, she is not young.

With a grim expression, he said to the yellow ape: "How dare you tell outsiders about my son's information, do you want to find death?" "

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