In just a short time, Yu no Hiru came to the side of Ye Fan's pirate ship.

Hiliu was very confident in himself.

His transparent fruit ability has reached a very high degree of development.

Not only transparent in people's sight.

And it can be transparent in the domineering of sight.

That is, there is simply no way for others to discover his location.

But that doesn't mean it's gone entirely.

Because people move, they make sounds.

None of the people who came this time on the other side were weak.

In order not to expose yourself because of the sound.

Hiliu had been waiting for an opportunity.

The timing is not too far off.

Because Blackbeard Tichy fought with Ye Fan.

will make a loud noise.

Whether it was Blackbeard's Shock Fruit or Ye Fan's Thunder Fruit.

As soon as it is launched, there will be a deafening roar.

Hiliu didn't wait long.

He waited for this opportunity.

Jump straight from the bottom of the sea to the deck.

As a sword hao, his control over his body is also very powerful.

This jump, the noise will definitely not exceed five decibels.

And accompanied by thunder everywhere in the sky.

The air is full of noise of more than two hundred decibels.

This sound is not heard by ordinary people.

However, Guangyue Tianzhao is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, Ye Fan had already reminded her just now.

On the opposite side is a fruit ability, and it is a big sword hao.

Higetsu Tianzhao listened carefully to the small sound changes around him at any time, as well as the small vibrations on the ground.

Mitsuki Amaterasu discovered that Hiryu was actually before the sound reached her ears.

Hilieu's boarding of the ship was very slight.

The slight vibration on the pirate ship still had no way to escape the perception of the light moon and the sky.

Jin Biluo on his waist instantly stabbed.

Towards the invisible Hiryu.

On the body of the sword, the terrifying armed color domineering, like a mountain, pressed towards Hiliu.

He now had no time to think about how he had been discovered by Mitsuki Tianzhao.

Such a mountain-like armed color domineering.

Hiliu knew that the other party had controlled the true power of Kimbira.

Hiliu's twin knives barely crossed his chest.

A terrifying force came.

Yu no Shiru has been a great sword master for many years, and he has never seen such a powerful sword.

The terrifying sword force.

Terrifying massive armed color domineering cover.


Hiliu's defenses immediately collapsed.

As soon as he boarded the sea thief ship, he was slashed by Guangyue Tianzhao.


On the ground tens of meters away in the distance, a large pit more than ten meters deep appeared.

The body of Yu no Hiru appeared in this crater.

He was seriously injured with just one move.

The strength is not as good as the armed color domineering gap.

The two sides are just a one-time encounter.

Yu no Hiru knew that he was not the opponent's opponent.

Hiryu spat out a mouthful of blood.

The stuffiness in his chest was also spit out.

So that he has the strength to speak.

"You are the general Peach Rabbit, I didn't expect that you didn't die, and you joined the Hundred Beast Pirates."

Guangyue Tianzhao snorted coldly.

"What is General Peach Rabbit, does she have such a strong kendo as me?"

Hear this sentence.

Yu no Kiru was stunned.


The opponent's way of sword shooting, and the use of the golden biluo knife, the terrifying armed color domineering.

This point is indeed very similar to Admiral Peach Rabbit who has been killed by Ye Fan.

But Peach Rabbit does not have such terrifying power.

She has never been a power-based swordsman.

The woman opposite, her amount is stronger than herself, not to mention the dead general Peach Rabbit.

This is a woman who is even more terrifying than the general Momo Rabbit Kendo.

Who is this woman, how has I never heard of it, there is such a terrifying big sword hao on the sea.

Hiryu asked suspiciously, "Who are you, how could such a terrifying big sword master suddenly appear on this sea." "

Guangyue Tianzhao: "Guangyue Tianzhao, Ye Fan's master's personal guard, you haven't heard anything strange." "

It turned out to be just a personal guard.

This style is somewhat similar to the style of Wano Country.

Pirates are not popular in Wano Country.

Rather, samurai and ninjas, who would be loyal to various daimyo and become their guards.

Such a strong person, his own strength, can become a powerful pirate captain.

His real identity turned out to be Ye Fan's personal guard.

No wonder Ye Fan himself did not use Jin Biluo, but gave this famous knife to this woman with a mask.

Yu no Hiru said to the rear: "Why are you still watching, let's go up together, and soon the deep sea whirlpool will disappear." After

that, Yu no Hiru disappeared again.

Enter the state of transparent fruit.

The few people Ye Fan brought, they turned out to be so powerful.

Yu no Hiru was actually defeated in one move.

The remaining eight cadres of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment also had to immediately enter the battle.

They become pirates, and their allegiance to Blackbeard is not so simple.

They are just for money, power and fame.

The treasure left by this Lockes in front of you.

That mountain of Bailey.

How can they not like it.

If they can't kill Ye Fan, they are.

According to that old pirate.

The next deep-sea whirlpool will take a year to go.

Yes, it can only be opened once a year.

This is also the reason why the treasure of Rocks has not been discovered for so long.

At the very least, the protection of a strong person with the strength of the general is required.

In order to survive in such a terrifying climate as the Devil's Triangle.

Only once a year does it appear a large whirlpool climate deep into the seabed.

With so many Baileys, they don't want to wait any longer.

And it's still a year longer.

All the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates.

They all killed the five subordinates led by Ye Fan.

This time.

The battle between Ye Fan and Blackbeard also entered the level of rage.

Blackbeard Tichy was no longer tempted.

Blackbeard Tichy decides to use his new killer app.

One shot in the back conjures the head of a king cobra.

Spray out a large amount of venom.

The other tentacle opened an opening and spit out a large amount of wind.

Fauna, ancient species, giant king cobra form.

Nature and wind fruit.

Blackbeard Titch uses the sixth fruit ability and the seventh fruit ability in a row.

Choose such highly toxic fruits.

That's because when advancing the city, Blackbeard Tichy and his men were almost killed by Magellan's poisonous dragon.

At that time, Blackbeard Titch had already decided.

You also have to obtain a powerful Devil Fruit with poisonous attributes.

In a closed, small-scale environment, such a range of poisonous attribute fruits has terrifying lethality.

Therefore, he obtained this animal line, ancient species, giant king cobra form, which can spit out a large number of highly poisonous fruit abilities.

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