
The surrounding sea water is frozen into ice.

At the bottom of the sea.

There was a space the size of several football fields, which is now a safe zone.

But Ye Fan knew.

These ice sheets won't last long.

This is also the difference between the cold winter region and the frozen fruit.

The Cold Winter Domain can be launched at a great distance, which is stronger than the Frozen Fruit.

But after the frozen fruit awakens.

Not to mention the 20,000-meter deep seawater.

Even seawater tens of kilometers wide can be frozen, and the range of action is very wide.

And Ye Fan's cold winter domain is pupil power.

The skill launched after seeing it with your eyes does not have the terrifying penetrating power of the frozen fruit.

Although Ye Fan had frozen thousands of meters of ice.

But in such a terrifying sea.

Such ice will not last long.

Ye Fan hurriedly said to them: "Speed, let's quickly empty the wealth here."

After that, Ye Fan opened a huge door of ease.

Mitsuki Amaterasu, Runma, Peggy Wan and Reynolds are four people.

In order to transport these treasures back to Oni Island as soon as possible.

All have become the form of their own animal fruits.

It's not just because the strength gets bigger.

The most important thing is that the body size becomes very large.

With a body size of more than ten meters high, you can grab a few cubic meters of Bailey with just a handful.

Then throw it in the direction of the free door.

The four of them are all fruit abilities of the animal line.

Don't look at Bailey like a hill in front of you.

With the full strength of four people, it was only a few minutes.

Just throw these tens of millions of Baileys directly behind the free door.

Soon the real treasure left by Lokes appeared in front of everyone.

Peggy Wan: "How come there is also an iron bird, this is the statue of the disappeared race, it doesn't look very valuable."

"Runtian: "Stupid brother, since this iron bird will be placed in the center of the treasure, it means that the metal that makes it is very expensive, and if it is a metal as rare as Mithril silver, then this iron bird is worth more than this mountain of gold."

Peggy Wan: "Then I have to be careful, don't lose a lot of money if I break it."

Ye Fan: "This iron bird will be transported by me personally." "

Rundy and Peggy don't know this thing.

is very normal.

Because on this sea, such a thing basically does not exist.

It's an airplane-shaped thing.

When it first came out, many Blue Star people didn't know what it was called.

Like the pirate world, it is called the Iron Bird.

And Ye Fan could see at a glance that this was a very, very, very advanced fighter.

This level of science and technology is at least one thousand years ahead of the level of Blue Star.

Yes, more than a thousand years.

Without the slightest exaggeration.

Because just looking at the engine of this aircraft is not ordinary.

It should be the kind of plasma engine in science fiction that can fly in space.

And, without a cockpit.

This should be a fully automated AI fighter.

Such advanced stuff.

If it was before, appeared in the pirate world.

Ye Fan was also very surprised.

But now, after seeing the huge black historical text controlled by Draco in the pirate world.

Ye Fan didn't feel strange.

Pirate World was originally a planet that had entered between second-level and third-level civilizations.

Because of the war after the destruction of motherhood.

They went through tens of thousands of years of space travel before they came to the pirate world.

And the pirate world has experienced a mass extinction.

That consul personally eliminated.

Also experienced the age of the gods.

Learn through the black slate.

People in this world are inherently unequal.

The war of the pre-civilized planet of Pirate World.

It is because of the battles between the various world-ruling people, also known as gods, that destroyed the previous planet.

Don't look at them with super technology.

But the genetic gap between each person is enormous.

People called gods, their genes are incomparably perfect.

Every person born by the genes of the gods, they are born from the moment they are born.

It is far more powerful than ordinary people.

Just like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Even if they don't cultivate, they just rely on the powerful attributes of their bodies.

You can also easily defeat hundreds of ordinary people.

It was a time of great chaos.

Hundreds of people claiming to be gods rule the entire pirate planet.

After thousands of years of chaotic fighting.

The god who finally won the victory was Lord Im sitting on the Void Throne.

And one of the last gods defeated was Joyboy, the sun god Nikka.

There are also three major ancient weapons with divine bloodlines.

Why are the high-level of the Draco obsessed with capturing those rare races?

For example, Kaido in his youth can be exchanged for a few years of heavenly gold for a country.

It's because.

These rare races, thousands of years ago, they were actually the descendants of those defeated gods.

These people contain some of the genes of the ancient gods in their bodies.

The Draco of the upper three races have always wanted to obtain these powerful genes.

And this fighter in front of you.

With ion engine, unknown metal process.

Just looking at the power system, let alone lead the past Blue Star and the current Pirate World.

Even the futuristic technology kingdom that has been destroyed, their technology can't do it.

This plane, which has crashed into the ocean for many years, should be the product of the Ark back then.

A second-level civilization, a fighter that is about to reach a third-level civilization.

It interested Ye Fan the most.

It should be inside the plane, which also has two missiles intact.

This should be Rocks, a weapon used against Draco.

Just wanted to restore this plane.

It takes a small number of humans like Vegapunk who have developed their brain domains to the limit, and after a long period of research, they can be completely repaired.

Although Vegapunk was born, he showed enough wisdom.

But he just cowered in his own little village.

It was not discovered by Lockes.

Vegapunk was not discovered by Draco until he was around fifty years old, when Roger was publicly executed.

And take a village, tens of thousands of lives are threatened.

Vegapunk was forced to join Draco.

He became the debut expert of the scientific research army.

Ye Fan conjectured.

The bear volunteered to be the subject of the experiment.

It is to help the Free Alliance find the location of Vegapunk.

Where is Vegapunk has always been Draco's top secret.

Even the marshal of the navy does not know his specific location.

According to Ye Fan's intelligence network.

Vegapunk is imprisoned on an island that is always on the move.

The island could be a huge warship or a giant animal.

Just like the Lord, it can move quickly across the sea.

It is almost impossible to find the island where the Vegapunk is being held.

But the good thing.

Although the current group of hundred beasts and pirates has not surpassed the current science and technology for five hundred years.

There are also two scientists who have surpassed this world for more than a hundred years.

Plague Quinn, and the king of the kingdom of Djerma, Vince Mock Gaji.

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