Ye Fan followed Boyahan Cook and entered through a very hidden cave.

The cave is very rugged with many forks.

But led by Boyahan Cook, the two men soon came to a spring.

This Fountain of Our Lady is not big.

Only in a small pool of more than ten square meters, spring water has been flowing out.

The flow rate is not fast, the amount of a bucket in three seconds.

This is the Virgin Spring.

The most mysterious and sacred place in the kingdom of Amazonian lilies.

It is such an ordinary spring that gave birth to the Amazon lily kingdom for hundreds of years.

At least a few million female warriors of the Amazon Lily Kingdom were produced.

Ye Fan looked at the compass in his hand, and now the coordinates of the Virgin Spring, hundreds of meters away from the real coordinates.

Ye Fan jumped into the spring with Boyahan Cook.

Along the underground cave that flows out of the spring, several hundred along the way.

Finally came to a huge underground cave.

The appearance of this place is not a natural cave at first glance.

Rather, it is a cave built artificially.

Here, is the big secret treasure.

Seeing the treasure in the middle, Ye Fan knew.

This time, he wasn't wrong.

It turns out that the three blocks of coordinates of the historical text, the final island of Ralph Drew, cannot be found.

It turned out to be such a funny reason.

In his previous life, Ye Fan was also a sea fan and had discussed it with friends countless times.

The conclusion that came in the end was.

There are three scenarios.

The first is that Pirate World is a fishman island with a sea floor and an empty island in the air.

I don't know the four coordinates, even if you fly in a straight line, you don't know if it's in the sky or deep under the sea, so the three coordinates can't be found.

Second, Ralph Dru may be like the Lord, an island in the body of a huge animal, the location is always moving, and without knowing the four coordinates, it is impossible to find the moving island.

Third, Ralph Drew may not be in the pirate world, or not in the coordinate point, the coordinate point marked by the four coordinates, has the same ability as the door fruit and the mirror fruit, as long as you find the accurate place, you can teleport to the final island Ralph Drew.

As a result, all this is wrong.

Here, it's just a human breeding warehouse.

And not a product of the future technological kingdom.

It is Noah's Ark, the Archon's human breeding warehouse in the Pirate World.

It was only eight hundred years ago that Joey Poy discovered this place and restarted this, and the breeding barn that had been closed for many years.

This breeding chamber originally had two, a male who produced humans and a female who produced humans.

The people of the Amazon Lily Kingdom are domineering, and that is because in this breeding warehouse, they are the oldest first humans.

The planet that has been destroyed by its own war, they have been genetically optimized for countless generations, and super advanced technology has joined.

Domineering has become the sequence of their genes.

Everyone can have a powerful domineering.

Later, the people in the pirate world naturally reproduced offspring, and gradually many people had genetic mutations, so that many people could not be born with domineering.

But there are some strong people, and their genetic mutations are even stronger.

The forces that can control terror, such as Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, are such genetically excellent races.

There are also even more terrifying people of the D race, who are all new powerful gene owners born on the planet Pirate.

If Ye Fan hadn't seen the text of the black history, he might not know much about this place.

But I have seen the black piece of history text in the Draco treasure house.

Ye Fan knew the root of all this.

The ruler in Noah's ark is just artificial intelligence, and the world it wants to restore is the world that destroyed the original appearance of the planet.

On the planet that was destroyed because of the war of the gods.

It is a planet that has approached a three-star civilization, and such a civilization has a distinct feature.

It's the genes that decide everything.

After the gene can be easily modified.

The human beings of that planet have all gained a long life.

As a result, the gap between people becomes enormous.

Rich people, scientists and other high-end people.

They have the most powerful genetic modification technology.

They possess dozens of times the intelligence, physical strength and longevity of ordinary people.

In the hearts of ordinary people, they are already god-like beings.

It was a civilization with a very strict theory of descent based on genetic development levels.

Low-grade genes are people who simply cannot resist high-level genes.

The new pirate world formed by the genes of the people of that planet is the same.

An ordinary person, with very low genes, no matter how hard he works all his life, he will not reach the level of a lieutenant commander.

But Charlotte Lingling and Kaido are these people with strong genes.

They do not need to undergo any training, and at a few years old, they have the strength to defeat a naval colonel.

For example, when Charlotte Lingling was five years old.

He killed the heroic warriors of the giant race, so he was disliked by the giant race.

This is a world where blood is king.

Because of their inherited genes, the gap is incomparably huge.

In the record of the black history text.

It is recorded that many strong people who inherited the bloodline of the gods established a large number of divine kingdoms after awakening in that chaotic era.

It is also the era of mythology in the pirate world, and the era when gods rule the world.

And now, on the final island of Ralph Drew, there is still a black historical text.

It contains the true cause of Ragnarok.

The gods who rule the world discover Noah's Ark in the sky, a spaceship that destroys the world and can travel between different planets.

It immediately caused a battle for many gods.

The gods who wanted to rule only a few or a dozen nations fought for the fate of Noah's ark.

The War of Gods was launched.

All the gods fought for the right to return to Noah's ark.

Controlling Noah's Ark is equivalent to being able to control the world and become the master of the pirate world.

In this battle.

In the end, only five gods survived.

They are Im, the sun god Joey Boi, the Hades battleship made by the king of the future technology kingdom, the sea king who can control all sea creatures, and the heavenly king who controls the sky.

And Joey Boey's great secret.

It is the legendary king Ouranos.

This is the truth of the Battle of Ragnarok.

Four gods against Im, who has mastered Noah's ark.

In the end, they failed.

Im killed all the other gods.

End the war of gods.

And that hundred years that disappeared is actually everything about the battle of the gods.

People in the pirate world do not know eight hundred years ago.

In this world, there are really people as powerful as gods.

The ultimate winner.

It is sitting on the Void Throne, Im, who has ruled the entire world for eight hundred years.

See this black piece of history text.

Ye Fan finally solved the mystery of everything.

Knowing the truth of everything, I also understood the real hole card of Im to rule the world.

A battleship close to the three-star civilization, the control of Noah's Ark.

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