Ye Fan had just walked into Bai Xing's palace.

The lovely mermaid threw herself into his arms.

It's just that the difference in body size between the two sides, Ye Fan can only touch two great things.

Princess White Star: "Lord Ye Fan, I'm really happy that you can come to see White Star." "

Princess White Star doesn't need to live in a windowless castle now.

A few months ago, Ye Fan solved the crisis of White Star.

She is free to move around the entire Fishman Island.

However, the timid White Star, most of the time, still likes to stay in the palace and play with his little shark.

Yes, in the eyes of ordinary people, a very large shark.

In the eyes of Bai Xing, who is more than eight meters old, it is a cute little pet.

Ye Fan said: "I came to you this time, I hope you can awaken your power, Bai Xing needs to get your help."

Bai Xing: "I'm happy to help Lord Ye Fan, but I'm too weak."

Bai Xingtou lowered herself into her arms, and she felt very ashamed.

He is too weak, can he really help Lord Ye Fan?

Ye Fan said: "Don't underestimate your strength, Bai Xing, you are in my eyes, but it is an important combat power, just want to gain strength, you will experience a lot of pain, are you willing to bear it?"

Bai Xing said excitedly: "As long as you can help Lord Ye Fan, Bai Xing is willing to bear it."

Ye Fan: "Thank you Bai Xing, then let's get ready to start." "

Finish speaking.

Ye Fan's eyes turned into eternal kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

He began the power of the Pure Land of Bliss.

A new story was compiled for White Star.

Draco leads the navy and prepares to capture all the mermaids as slaves.

They used a large number of artillery to frantically attack the entire mermaid island.

Mermaid Island under heavy artillery fire.

A large number of subjects were killed and injured, and the mermaid island was about to be destroyed.

Looking at the dead citizens around them.

White Star was finally furious.

She covered her head and summoned a large number of giant sea kings.

This time.

Ye Fan arrived.

Ye Fan cooperated with a large number of sea kings to defeat the army of the Draco together.


White Star woke up in tears.

Everything that happened just now is an illusion created by the Pure Land of Bliss.

Ye Fan comforted Bai Xing.

"Don't worry, just now it was just a dream that let you see the future, none of this happened, it's not real."

White Star: "Is it just a dream?" Bai Xing felt so real, my father and brother were all killed by the hateful Draco. Ye

Fan took Bai Xing and walked around the entire Mermaid Island.

Bai Xingcai believed that everything that happened just now was real.

Ye Fan said: "Although it was a dream just now, if the Draco people know that you are the sea king Poseidon, they will definitely destroy the entire Fishman Island.

Bai Xing immediately tensed up and said, "Lord Ye Fan, please save our Fishman Island."

Ye Fan said: "Instead of defending against the attack of the Draco at any time, it is better to join me and solve these evil world nobles of the Draco, Bai Xing, I need your strength." "

A day later.

Under the command of White Star.

Hundreds of giant sea kings that are several kilometers in size.

Together we came to the bottom of the island of Daughters.

Together, they push those huge turbine blades below the island.

A huge amount of electricity began to pour into the body of the Heavenly King.

It's just that the speed of this charging is far slower than Ye Fan imagined.

Dozens of giant sea kings, they have been working for hours.

Skynet's charging progress bar has only been carried out by one percent.

Other words.

Even if it is dozens of giant sea kings, they work non-stop.

It will also take about a month to fill this Heavenly King with energy.

Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh at the technique of the Heavenly King.

To know.

These huge turbines hidden under the daughter island were several times more exaggerated than the large hydropower station that Ye Fan had in the Dragon Kingdom in his previous life.

And that large hydropower station can supply power to more than a dozen large cities.

Other words.

This is not a big king.

Completely full of energy.

It is equivalent to the total electricity consumption of more than a dozen first-tier cities in a year.

And the blue star of the past life.

There is no battery, and there is no way to store so much energy.

At that time, Blue Star was the sum of batteries produced in the world for more than a hundred years.

When it comes to stored electricity, everyone only uses it for three minutes.

Yes, batteries that have been produced for more than a hundred years and piled up dozens of mountains can only last for three minutes.

And this heavenly king is just a mecha with a height of tens of meters.

Even if it is all batteries in the body.

In just a few seconds at most, these huge turbine generators can be fully charged.

It can be seen that this heavenly king is a terrifying technology.

At that time, Blue Star was only a 0.7-level civilization.

And the predecessor of the pirate world, the world ruled by the gods.

The scientific and technological ability has reached level 2.9, and it is about to enter the third level of civilization.

This gap.

The gap between human intelligence and mice is even greater.

What kind of terrifying technology is contained inside the Heavenly King.

It was not something Ye Fan could understand.

I'm afraid even Vegapunk, this person who has been ahead of the pirate world for hundreds of years.

It would also take decades, even centuries, of research before he could crack the technology contained in the Heavenly King.

A month's time.

Ye Fan was not in a hurry.

He has a lifespan of 100,000 years, and some have time to compete with Im.

After giving this place to the female emperor Boyahan Cook.

Ye Fan left Daughter Island.

Want to defeat Im.

It's not a simple matter.

In addition to his strong personal strength, Yimu also has various powerful combat forces such as the five old stars, the navy, the land and the air force.

Since Ye Fan has embarked on the road of confronting Yimu.

More allies are needed.

Pirate world, except for the Kingdom of Giants and Wano Wai.

There are also many great strengths.

For example, several powerful dark forces in the world.

Morguns, the king of usury, Field, the king of the sea sea and so on, are all forces that Ye Fan can woo.

But Ye Fan was not prepared to woo them first.

Morgaunce has been secretly supporting Luffy, apparently with his hidden deep, hidden secrets.

Maybe he and the red-haired Shanks, Hades Renly and others are in a gang.

Field, the king of usury, and Umit, the king of shipping, they exploited the loopholes of the Draco.

Enjoy a huge amount of Bailey's income every year.

Such a person is actually a beneficiary of the Draco system.

Want to rely on them to deal with Draco.

This is clearly unrealistic.

And there is one, also a powerful figure of the dark forces.

He is also full of hatred for Draco.

It's just right to win over and become your own subordinate.

This person is the Golden Emperor.

He was originally a slave of Draco, after his lover was killed by Draco.

The Golden Emperor hated the Draco people immensely.

But when he obtained the golden fruit and established the Golden City.

Enjoy the most luxurious life in the world.

He actually abandoned his hatred of Draco and became a tool for Draco to make money.

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