As a golden emperor, he was crushed to death by a large amount of gold.

It can also be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the Golden Emperor.

Look at the table next to you.

In a plate of fruits, suddenly a fruit turned into a devil fruit.

Or a golden-colored devil fruit.

Ye Fan beckoned.

Take the golden fruit in your hand, put it to your mouth and take a bite.

Now, he has another powerful Devil Fruit ability.

After explaining the aftermath of the Golden City, he lost the Golden Emperor.

Golden City has Baccarat, which can also be run very well.

Most importantly, Golden City has a strong backing.

It will not be plundered by powerful pirates.

She relies on the ability of luck fruits to make Golden City work well.

In the future, it can also provide a large number of Baileys for the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Ye Fan waited for the Heavenly King to charge this time.

It is to enter the Time Gravity House every day to train, and collect some powerful pirates.

Continue to grow the power of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In a mysterious island on the Great Voyage.

Yellow Ape: "What you asked for, we Draco have done, and now you have to speed up the research of the experiment."

Vegapunk: "For the experiment to be successful, I need at least a strong body, preferably a strong body like Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, otherwise I don't know where the limits of transformation are." Yellow

Ape: "Isn't the bear's body enough?"

Vegapunk: "Now the bear has become a complete transformed person, but obviously he is far from reaching the level of terror of the king you said, and the gap is too big." Yellow

Ape: "Even the current bear has at least the combat power of the four emperors."

Vegapunk: "No, it's a little closer, the weapons you gave us can't be fully installed in his body." Yellow

Ape: "It's just close to the strength of the four emperors, it's enough, when can it be mass-produced." "

Vegapunk: "It will take a while to manually extract the cultivation tank of the demon fruit, and as you know, if the peacemaker wants to achieve the combat power of a bear, he needs to have at least a variety of demon fruit power in his body. "

Moreover, if you want to use these powers, you need at least a strong heart, and at least a reward for the hearts of tens of millions of pirates, so that you can withstand the artificial bloodline factor, and the heart of ordinary people cannot."

Yellow Ape: "Didn't Qiwu Hailo provide a hundred pirate hearts, which is enough for you to experiment, after you do a complete pacifist body, don't say 10 million pirates with a bounty, even if you have hundreds of millions of pirate hearts with a bounty, I can find you a lot."

Vegapunk: "If you can prepare all the materials, in three months at most, I can make ten complete pacifists for you."

"However, what you Draco promised me, you must do."

Yellow Ape: "Don't worry, the Draco people of our upper three clans are not those wastes, as long as the experiment is successful, all the people in your village will become nobles, and the descendants of your younger brother happen to have a grandson and a granddaughter."

"Although I can't let them directly become Draco, your brother's grandson can marry Draco as a wife, and your brother's granddaughter can become Draco's wife."

"From now on, the descendants of your family will also become the gods of this world, the supreme Draco."

Vegapunk said: "In that case, I will definitely help you Draco to rule the entire sea." Yellow

Ape: "Don't worry, as long as you complete these techniques, we Draco will give you everything you want." "

Finish speaking.

The yellow ape left the lab.

On the surface, Vegapunk is doing new experiments on the equipment left over from the future tech kingdom.

But my heart was full of anxiety.

I don't know what's going on outside.

The Dragon Freedom Alliance should not put such great pressure on the Draco at this point in time.

Even if I wanted to stall for time, I couldn't do it anymore.

The current Draco, I don't know what the reason is.

It seemed so anxious.

But everything in the outside world comes after the bear becomes an unconscious reformed person.

I won't be able to get any news.


Draco actually put these devices that have surpassed the technology of the future technology kingdom.

All given to me.

These terrifying technologies, even at the peak of the future technology kingdom, will lag behind these technologies for thousands of years.

This country that has not heard of it at all, the terrifying technology that has not been heard of, how did the Draco get it these days.

How could a kingdom that already controls such technology be defeated by the Draco.

Vegapunk's heart was full of doubts.

But if he does not follow Draco's orders, he will study the complete pacifists.

Draco will use the power to extinguish the lights.

Such a cruel thing, the kind Vegapunk will not allow it to happen.

Turn off the lights.

It looks like an ordinary person, blowing out an oil lamp.

But only a few people know that these four words represent terrible.

That is to let the whole world, all history, be erased.

That is, a hundred years of disappeared history.

For a planet that already has various civilizations, unified writing.

How to make a hundred years of history blank.

The reason is simple.

Kill all the people on this planet who are over the age of seven.

In that way, the written word, civilization, inheritance, etc., will all be erased.

This is the extinguishing of the lights.

The truth that disappeared for a hundred years.

Kill all those who can transmit civilization and information.

Then, during this period of time, the history of the occurrence, no one will know anymore.

Turn off the lights.

It is to extinguish the flame of civilization in the pirate world.

In the face of such a threat as Draco.

Vegapunk can only compromise.

This kind old man, this old man who has been leading the world in science and technology for at least five hundred years.

Now the god of technology in the pirate world.

The elderly who want to use science and technology to change people's lives and make everyone live happily.

Forced to develop horrific weapons.

to meet the requirements of Draco.

His heart was full of helplessness, but in the end he could only compromise.

Vegapunk could only try to stall for time.

After several attempts, Draco allowed him to delay for half a year at most.

Vegapunk has actually mastered the complete manufacturing scheme of the bloodline factor.

But it is still proposed that the need for a strong pirate heart is to delay more time.

Unexpectedly, a pirate named Luo, in order to become Qiwu Hai.

Unexpectedly took the initiative to kill a hundred powerful pirates and send their hearts to the navy.

In exchange for becoming Nanabukai.

This allowed Begapunk, who was originally ready to complete the plan in half a year.

It was forced to delay for only three or four months.

Vegapunk can only pray that the dragon will save the bear.

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