There are four Knights of God.

The first three are each loyal to one family of the upper three clans, the Draco.

And the last knights, the object of allegiance is the five old stars.

Their power is very large.

Not only guarding the safety of Draco, but also qualified to arrest Draco who broke the law.

Like what.

Doflamingo's father gave up his Draco identity and wanted to be an ordinary rich man with peace of mind.

It was the Five Old Stars who commanded the White Deer and ordered him to secretly let those who were oppressed by the Draco people force Doflamingo's family into a miserable life.

Dare to give up the identity of Draco is also an unforgivable sin.

Especially for the five old stars.

They Draco, although they control the power of the entire world, but also assume their own obligations.

Using extinguishing lights is not without cost.

This price is not that except for Draco, all people over the age of seven will be killed by Lord Im.

No Draco cared about the lives or deaths of those slaves.

It's about exterminating so many people.

Noah's Ark also doesn't have enough energy.

If you want to urge the energy of Noah's ark, you need the most noble bloodline.

And in this world, the most noble bloodline is their Draco.

Other words.

They Draco, in fact, also have extremely tragic moments.

That is, when Lord Im wants to put out the lights.

They have to give their lives.

Lord Im consumes not his own lifespan.

Instead, it started with the Lower Eleven Draco.

Then there are the Draco of the Middle Five Races controlled by their five old stars.

In the end, it is the lifespan of the Upper Three Races Draco.

This is the reason why the five old stars care so much about the life of every Draco.

As long as the Draco is damaged, the highest combat power of the navy will be dispatched.

If Draco dies.

They will even directly destroy a country to vent their anger.

Because of these lower eleven clans of Draco.

It's the life of their five old stars.

The five old stars can allow them to do anything ridiculous.

Whether it's destroying a country or killing tens of thousands of slaves.

These, in the eyes of the five old stars, are all allowed.


The Draco of the Lower Eleven Race, if they dare to give up their identity as Draco, they will be killed, and it is a very painful death.

They can enjoy all the riches of life.

Enjoy supreme power.

But they must be the first to stand up and give their lives when they need it.

This is what the upper three tribes and the middle five tribes demand from their lower eleven tribes.

The five old stars and the Upper Three Races Draco all fed those low-grade Draco as pigs.

And those Draco people of the lower eleventh race, in the past eight hundred years, have also accepted their fate.

They looked like a humble, cruel and ruthless abuse of a large number of slaves.

It is also to vent the fear in your heart.

This is also why, after Doflamingo and the five old stars talk, they can threaten the five old stars and establish the Seven Wuhai.

Let him eat black and white and become the strongest intermediary among the dark forces.

The five old stars are afraid that Doflamingo will announce the news.

If a large number of the Lower Eleven Draco died, Lord Im on the Void Throne wanted to extinguish the lights.

It is necessary for the five Draco people among them to contribute their lives.

In order to protect their little life, they can let Doflamingo go, allow him to control a powerful country, and make him an intermediary for the dark forces.

And Lockes of that year.

I also know the news.

That's why those pirates who are not united at all are brought together.

Such as Blackbeard, like Charlotte Lingling, like Kaido the Beast.

Lockes didn't want their allegiance.

In fact, I want to use treasure as a cover.

Let them fight with those powerful knights of God in the Valley of God.

Let these powerful pirates and the Knights of God lose both.

Then Lokes came forward again and killed all the Draco in the Valley of the Gods as much as possible.

Let Im lose the ability to extinguish the lights.

Lox attacked the Valley of the Gods, but it took a long time of careful planning.

He's not just a crazy guy like he looks like an outsider.

It's just a pity.

Draco was even more ruthless at the time.

Among the Draco of the upper three races, a woman turned out to be Kapu's wife, transmitting the domineering power that he mastered only after the Draco of the upper three tribes.

also fooled One Piece Roger.

Roger didn't know that it would take a lot of Draco to extinguish the lights.

I don't know the real reason why Lokes wanted to slaughter Draco.

In the view of Roger, the One Piece, who has a very sense of justice.

Rocks is already crazy.

Let him continue like this, and countless countries will be destroyed.

Draco is really the Knights of God, and they are not used.

Just rely on scheming.

Let Karp and Roger two people, dismantle Rocks' plan for more than ten years.

The five old stars are already extremely shrewd.

The Draco of the upper three races is even more terrifying.

And the leader of the Knights of God that the five old stars can control is the White Deer among the four major masters.

After receiving the order from the five old stars.

Bai Lu took his men with him.

There are only 22 knights, which seems to be a very small number.

But with two captains, they both have the strength of a naval substitute general.

20 ordinary knights, they also have the strength of vice admirals in the headquarters of the navy.

Plus Bai Lu, the commander of the regiment with the strength of a senior admiral.

They are also a terrifying fighting force.

After St. Mohanda gave the order.

They left the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

Take the elevator directly on the Red Earth Continent.

Came to a new world.

Go to the headquarters of the Navy.

On the square of the headquarters of the Navy.

A group of horses riding white warhorses, wearing white armor with Draco's hooves printed on the armor, also had the Draco's hooves printed on it.

Such a strange contingent of cavalry.

It quickly attracted the attention of numerous navies.

Don't talk about the ordinary navy.

Even most vice admirals in the navy do not know about the Knights of God.

Already retired Karp and Sengoku.

Look at this group of cavalry.

Karp: "This group of Draco, even they are willing to use it." "

Karp hates Draco very much.

Warring States: "It has been expanded to five admirals, but I didn't expect to be killed by Ye Fan, and now the navy still lacks a general." Karp

: "Ye Fan, that guy, he almost destroyed the entire navy, and he should indeed be eliminated as soon as possible." "

In Karp's mind, Draco is evil.

But Draco is at least much better than those pirates who only know how to kill and rob.

That's why Karp joined the Navy.

In the Navy, there are still a large number of people with justice.

Akainu was very happy.

He didn't expect that the five old stars were really willing to dispatch the Knights of God.

This has been almost a hundred years old, and there is no power to move.

This time, he must destroy the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and wash away the shame he has received.

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