Ye Fan said to Saab: "You go to rescue Vegapunk yourself, the dragon can't resist without my help." "

Saab's domineering appearance is weaker than Ye Fan's.

Just when I wanted to say that a yellow ape was handed over to the dragon without a problem.

I saw a few strong people who came out of the shadows.

He no longer hesitated, nor was he hiding his figure.

Because this is a trap, their small actions, no longer have any effect.

Saab used his fastest speed to rush towards the inside of the laboratory.

He must face alone, guarding the masters of Vegapunk's side.

But going is already the easiest task.

Begapunk's side is also a few enemies of lieutenant general strength.

And Long and Ye Fan, they had to face the siege of several general-level masters.

The longer he delayed, the greater the danger to Long and Ye Fan.

He didn't have time to talk back now.

He could only use his fastest speed to advance towards the inside of the heavily guarded laboratory.

Akainu: "The dragon hasn't been seen for a long time, from the moment you defected to the navy, I wanted to arrest you and lock you up in Advance City, and today you can't escape." "

Dragons in their youth.

It is also an elite cadet of the headquarters of the Navy.

Red Dog and Yellow Ape are both his fellow students.

Even the wife of the dragon was also the cousin introduced by the yellow ape at that time.

At that time, he did not know that his wife was the legendary Draco of the Shangsan Clan.

On this sea, second only to the ruler of Im.

Long: "I didn't expect that today is actually a fight with your two old friends, I will not back down today, for the sake of justice in their hearts, neither side should leave their hands." "

The dragon's domineering look swept across the island.

It seems that the interior of the island does not have the combat effectiveness of the admiral level.

Saab alone should be able to cope.

The current Saab has just acquired the ability of the natural system and water fruit.

His strength has not yet reached the level of a general.

In the distance, Blackbeard used a look at Yu no Kiru.

The other party immediately understood what he meant.

Disappear from the air.

Seeing that Yu no Hiru actually disappeared, and seeing the domineering color, he couldn't find it.

Chi Inu and the other navy were obviously stunned.

Calm then returned.

Yu no Hiru was originally the one who advanced the city, and the high-ranking officials of the navy naturally knew his combat effectiveness very well.

He didn't have the fruit ability, and now that he had this fruit ability, it could only be that Blackbeard extracted someone else's demon fruit and gave this fruit to Yu no Kiryu.

Everyone who can become an admiral is an old fox.

Naturally, they quickly understood all this.

The yellow ape said: "I didn't expect that you would give Yu Zhixi such a fruit ability, and it is useless to use this ability to sneak up on the dragon and Ye Fan.

"I guess Blackbeard is trying to get him to attack Saab?"

Blackbeard's idea was discovered by the Navy.

But he went without any embarrassment.

When he learned that the island that cooperated with the navy turned out to be the island where Vegapunk was held.

Blackbeard forcibly brought Rain no Kiru.

Yu no Hiru is undoubtedly a genius.

His development of the ability of transparent fruits far exceeded that of Absalom.

Not only can he make himself transparent, but he can't detect it.

It can also be done to make others transparent.

Forcibly bring Yu no Hiru to this island.

Blackbeard Tichy certainly didn't just want to kill Ye Fan.

It would be best if you could take Vegapunk away.

Even if you can't take it away.

Relying on the abilities of Yu no Hiryu, infiltrate the laboratory of Vegapunk.

It is also a very good thing to steal as much research results as possible in the laboratory.

That's what Blackbeard Tichy thinks.

Broken by the yellow ape, he did not panic.

If at this time, the Navy dares to turn its face with him.

He helps Long and Ye Fan.

The combat effectiveness of both sides can be leveled.

So even if the Navy knows its purpose.

Blackbeard Titch is also convinced that the Navy will still compromise with him.

Blackbeard Tiki said: "Of course, it is useless to kill Saab and protect the safety of Vegapunk."

Blackbeard's answer was heard.

The yellow ape smiled.

Casually gave the dragon an expression you know.

The yellow ape and the dragon fought together in the navy for several years.

He is very knowledgeable about the abilities and character of dragons.

The red dog also immediately understood what the yellow ape meant.

After all, the three of them are the three navies with the best results in that group of elite naval cadets.

Chi Dog and the others also stood still.

The dragon struck.

A move of the dragon claw skill, directly against the void to grab.


A bloody heart, caught in the hands of the dragon.

It is Yu no Hiru who is in a transparent state.

He can avoid the perception of seeing and hearing domineering.

But there was no way he could hide from the wind.

Yu no Hiru, who had lost his heart, said his last words before dying in surprise.

"How is it possible, how can you find me."

Yellow Ape: "The dragon's fruit ability, but the natural system and hurricane fruit, as long as there is wind, it cannot escape his detection."

"There are three powerful calamity devil fruits in this world, the seismic fruit that symbolizes the earthquake, the magma fruit that symbolizes the eruption, and the most terrifying disaster in this sea is the hurricane, and this is the dragon's fruit ability."

Hurricanes are not just strong winds, but also widespread rainfall and tsunamis.

For the sea, it is all islands built on the country.

Hurricanes are horrific disasters that can wipe out many countries together.

This island is not only covered in heavy rain, but also has a lot of wind.

Transparent fruit although developed by Hiryu.

You can avoid seeing and smelling, but you can't avoid the ubiquitous wind.

The yellow ape just said those words, that is, to tell the dragon to strike, kill Hiliu, and then they will start fighting again.

The technology of Vegapunk that Draco wants, you little Blackbeard, you dare to hope for luxury.

Naturally, the dragon will not let go of this opportunity.

Yu no Hiru, although to him, is just a small person.

But if he is allowed to sneak up on Saab in secret, he may really have a chance to succeed.

Just now, the eyes of the yellow ape and the red dog were obviously killing him, and we were starting a duel.

Blackbeard Titch was already full of anger inside.

But he did not dare to attack.

Now there is only one of him left, and the Navy still has so much high-end combat effectiveness.

If he turns his face, it is even possible that the two sides will besiege him together first and kill him.

But his most powerful subordinates were killed by the Navy and the Free Alliance in this way.

I will repay this revenge one day.

I, Blackbeard Tichy, will one day destroy the Navy, the Freedom Alliance, and the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Chi Dog: "Go all out, no one can take care of the old feelings, and must kill the dragon and Ye Fan all." "

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