In underground laboratories.

Saab finally found an opportunity.

opened the gourd around his waist.

This gourd is very small, and most people only think it is a small kettle.

But when the cap of the gourd bottle is opened.

Huge amounts of seawater gush out of the gourd.

Flood the entire basement.

Just a short battle.

Saab has determined that these people of the Knights of God all possess the power of the Devil Fruit.

The current Saab is completely different from the original.

The original Saab will receive Ace's burnt fruit a year later.

Then, in a very short time, the fruit ability is developed to awakening.

Become the terrifying Yandi Saab.

And now, Ace is not dead.

Saab also obtained precious natural fruits and water fruits according to the trajectory of fate.

He has just obtained it now, but he already has a powerful ability to control water.

In that gourd, on the surface, there was only one liter of seawater.

But under Saab's capabilities.

He compressed hundreds of tons of seawater into this gourd.

When he opened the gourd lid.

These hundreds of tons of seawater instantly poured into the entire basement.

The people of the Knights of God, soaked in seawater.

Their fruit ability has not awakened and is simply unable to resist the seawater.

He lost his strength and instantly lost his ability to fight.

And these waters are under Saab's control.

Just moved around Saab and didn't touch Saab's body.

Among them was a stream of seawater, which immediately poured into the rocket that launched the Vegapunk.

Follow the gap in the rocket and enter the interior of the rocket.

More than a dozen palms formed in the seawater.

Under Saab's control, the connected wires were accurately unplugged.

There is nothing more to control those dozens of bottles of Coke.

Vegapunk will not be launched.

Saab was then ready to break the hatch and try to rescue Vegapunk.

Everything Saab wanted to do.

They were all seen in Ye Fan's eyes.

Right now.

He finally didn't have to hide his strength anymore.

Behind Ye Fan, although it was already covered with scales.

But it still forms a terrifying ghost back.

At this time.

All over his body, he was wrapped around his whole body by a terrifying overlord-colored domineering.

Ye Fan's body exudes a terrifying overlord-colored domineering.

Cover the entire island.

The walls on the ground have produced a large number of cracks because of this terrifying overlord-colored domineering.

Don't talk about people.

Even the lifeless stones, dirt, sky, air, etc., all felt Ye Fan's terrifying overlord-colored domineering.

Even several of the highest combat forces of the navy felt such a terrifying suppressive force.

The most severely suppressed by Ye Fan were Saab and Dark Horse Tiancheng.

The strength of the two of them is the lowest.

The yellow ape said in surprise: "How is this possible, this overlord-colored domineering is already similar to the red-haired Shanks." "

Red-haired Shanks is known as the Face Fruit Ability.

But he can let the five old stars and the marshal give him face.

It depends on his terrifying strength.

Because even Lokes, One Piece Roger, and the world's strongest man, Whitebeard.

The overlord of their three people is domineering.

It is also impossible to destroy the surrounding objects because of the strength of the overlord-colored domineering when it is released with full force.

The pirate group of red-haired Shanks never needed the weakling.

It is the pirate group with the strongest combat power per capita.

That's because, in front of the red-haired Shanks.

The weak have no chance to fight.

The red-haired overlord is domineering, how strong it is.

It is possible to put the people of the vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy into a coma en masse.

That's why, the top war saw the redhead arrive after the arrival.

The reason for the immediate stop of the Navy.

More than a hundred thousand navies, several thousand lieutenant colonels and colonels combat effectiveness, plus hundreds of major generals in the headquarters and dozens of lieutenant generals in the headquarters.

In front of the red-haired Shanks, it was like a decoration.

Redheads only need to release their overlord-colored domineering energy with all their strength.

You can make them all ineffective.

The headquarters of the Navy can resist the red-haired vice admiral, and there is only one person, that is, Karp.

In addition to Karp, there are only generals and marshals in combat.

In front of the red-haired Shanks, the navy is useless except for the highest combat power.

Even if it is Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, Vice Admiral Squirrel, Vice Admiral of Burning Mountain, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, etc.

will be instantly stunned by Shanks' domineering.

And his overlord color is domineering, and the coverage is very large.

It is possible to cover a country directly.

During this time, after a hundred years of practice in the gravity house of time.

Ye Fan's strength became stronger and stronger with the ghost's back.

His greatest improvement is overlord domineering.

Overlord color domineering is divided into several stages.

The first stage, when there is a crisis, is forced to be released.

In the second stage, you can actively release the overlord color domineering.

In the third stage, you can control the release range of the overlord color domineering.

For example, when Pluto Renly releases the overlord-colored domineering, he can only stun the Draco's guards without harming the Straw Hat Pirates.

The fourth stage is that the overlord color domineering winding, which can have a more terrifying attack than the armed color domineering.

In the fifth stage, when the domineering form is released, you can directly rely on your own king aura to cause damage to a wide range of surrounding objects.

Red-haired Shanks, his face works so well.

Even Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, as well as the Admiral and the Five Old Stars, must give him face.

It is because of the red-haired Shanks that he mastered the fifth stage of the overlord color domineering application.

This is the top overlord color domineering.

All miscellaneous fish cannot resist the force.

All the strong people on the sea are unwilling to touch the power.

Because after reaching the fifth stage.

You can achieve the domineering winding of the whole body overlord color.

Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido the Beast.

The three of them, if they achieve the attack of the overlord-colored entwined fist or weapon, they can become the emperor of the sea.

The three of them are strong, and they can't achieve the entanglement of the overlord color domineering all over the body.

Because this requires consuming a huge amount of overlord-colored domineering.

Even the emperor of the sea does not have such a terrifying amount of overlord color domineering.

And Ye Fan.

As his ghost back improved, the muscles in his body continued to compress.

He can store more Overlord-colored domineering than before.

However, there is also a disadvantage.

That was Ye Fan's true weight.

The original Ye Fan was two meters and five meters tall, and his weight was 97% of the flesh in his body, all of which were muscles.

The weight reached a staggering three hundred and fifty kilograms, because the muscle weighs twice as much as fat.

And as his ghostly ability strengthened.

On the outside, Ye Fan still looks like a fierce man with inverted triangle muscles.

But the muscles in his body were infinitely compressed by the power of Ye Fan's ghost's back.

Now the muscles in his body are ten times the mass of ordinary people's muscles.

Ye Fan's weight had reached a terrifying 3,500 kilograms.

Ye Fan's weight was already close to the weight of an elephant.

This allowed Ye Fan to finally accumulate a huge amount of overlord-colored domineering and become the second powerhouse in this sea to control the fifth stage overlord-colored domineering.

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