Now Yamato has changed his clothes.

It was no longer the combat uniform she usually wore.

Yamato in battle uniform, although he looks heroic.

Very heroine style.

But on this occasion, Ye Fan prefers Yamato's beautiful purple evening dress.

It's Yamato that I'm not used to.

It wasn't the body-hugging tux that kept her from striding.

Mainly because of the sky high on her feet.

It was the first time I wore high heels, which were twenty centimeters high.

If it wasn't for Yamato's strong feet, she could even fall down at any time.

But my man likes to see her in high heels.

Yamato could only agree aggrievedly.

This is also Ye Fan's bad taste.

When watching Pirates before, one of Ye Fan's favorite scenes was the scene of the empress Boa Hancock, dressed in sky-high clothes, using her long legs to petrify enemies one by one.

Empress Boya Hancock is only 2.2 meters tall, and her height is not as long as Yamato's legs.

Yamato, who is on board, hates the sky, and must be more charming.

Accompanied carefully by Buffalo, the two of them came to the best box.

Several beautiful maids brought up expensive drinks and snacks.

After a while, the auction started.

This auction is still dominated by slaves.

Neither Ye Fan nor Yamato are interested in slaves.

Soon, a beautiful crown appeared.

The style of this crown is not that of most kings.

Instead, it is similar to the phoenix crown of the Queen of the Dragon Kingdom.

The appearance is very gorgeous, and the main tone is blue.

Such a gorgeous blue color is a very expensive material.

There are flowers in red and yellow, and various plants in green.

But the source of the blue dye is only the feathers of the kingfisher.

Such a pure blue phoenix crown needs at least tens of thousands of kingfisher feathers to extract so much pure blue dye.

Most people don't understand the value of Fengguan, but Ye Fan was an internet writer in his previous life.

I happened to know the practice of the ancient phoenix crown.

Others only see the gems on the phoenix crown to evaluate the price of the phoenix crown.

And Ye Fan, who knows the goods, recognizes its price based on the area of ​​these blue colors.

Auctioneer: "This is an expedition fleet. They managed to get a treasure from a mysterious island. The starting price is 500,000 Baileys."

The price is not high, and the reason is very simple.

Because there are not many gemstones on it, they can't be sold at a very expensive price.

There are not many competing nobles, and the price has been called several times.Grid, less than two million Pele.

Ye Fan shouted: "Five million Baileys, wrap up a treasure for me."

Buffalo heard Ye Fan's quotation, and the price was not a low price, it was more than twice their expected price.

Immediately wink at the auctioneer.

The auctioneer understood and did not continue to wait.

Generally speaking, the auctioneer will say three times, is there any bid higher than five million.

This time, without saying anything, he dropped the hammer and shouted: "Congratulations to this gentleman, you have captured this precious crown."

Another obese noble lady who bid two million Baileys just now was not satisfied.

He stood up and shouted loudly: "I still have to increase the price, why did you just make the deal, bullying me that I have no money?"

Buffalo immediately jumped up excitedly.

In his eyes, it was obvious that Ye Fan also understood what he meant, and hoped to spend most of the billion Baileys in the Chambord Islands, giving their Don Quixote family a face.

Face is given to each other, and they compensated Yamato with one billion Baileys, giving enough face to the princess of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Ye Fan also spent a lot of money in the Chambord Islands, allowing the Don Quixote family to earn back, which is tantamount to giving the Don Quixote family back face.

Today, Mr. Ye Fan bought tens of millions of Bailey's useless clothes, and also bought a useless crown at a high price.

These women's clothes are useless in the eyes of the Don Quixote family.

Who doesn't know Princess Yamato, the favorite is the battle outfit.

This is really a wonderful misunderstanding.

Since Yamato married Ye Fan and tried the fun of picking mushrooms and playing poker, she became more and more like a woman.

Buffalo rushed over and slapped the noble lady.

He said angrily: "This is the territory of the Don Quixote family. Be careful that I will turn you and your family into slaves."

The noble lady dared not speak nonsense anymore.

Like a quail, curled up in its own seat.

Those who can participate in the auction are nobles from various countries.

They knew the terrifying strength of the Don Quixote family, and at the same time, the guests in the box that the Don Quixote family cared about must be great people.

A friendly auction ended soon, and Ye Fan sold 200 to 300 million Baileys' exquisite jewelry.

I am very satisfied with today's auction, especially some jewelry, which can be used when playing poker.

Chapter 26 Food in hand

After the auction ended, Buffalo came to Ye Fan's VIP box in person.

Said: "We have the best hotel in Chambord Islands, do the princess and the son-in-law need it?"

Ye Fan said: "Let's go back to the ghost island, and there are 650 million Baileys left in our pockets. You can help me exchange them for food, and I will come to pick them up tomorrow."

Ye Fan didn't feel sorry for throwing Bailey on the table, since it was the money of their Don Quixote family anyway.

Buffalo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the profit of food is not as big as that of arms, it is at least double the profit.

On the sea, the price difference of food is very expensive. For example, Orange Island is rich in oranges and has no other crops. The price of oranges on their islands is very low.

There are also islands rich in wheat and rice.

It is because the products of each island are different that the trade in the sea is very frequent, and it also supports many small pirates.

The grain of the Don Quixote family is naturally transported from the place of origin.

At least double the profit.

The one billion Baileys that were compensated today have all come back. Although the loss is not small, it is still within an acceptable range.

Buffalo said: "Tomorrow our family will definitely gather enough food."

Ye Fan: "I don't worry about the Don Quixote family's affairs."

After finishing speaking, he used Zizaimen and took Yamato back to the island of ghosts.

Buffalo watched Ye Fan leave enviously.

This ability is so easy to use, you can go wherever you want.

Using this skill to transport goods increases the efficiency hundreds of times.

People in the Don Quixote family basically have their way of thinking influenced by Doflamingo.

Everyone does whatever it takes to make money.

For powerful power, there is no excessive pursuit.

Ye Fan happily returned to the room.

Look at the clothes all over the floor.

She said happily, "Honey, that black nurse uniform is nice, I want to give you an injection."


After a nice day.

Ye Fan went to the Chambord Islands to collect the traded food.

Although the Don Quixote family is evil, as long as there is Bailey.

Their service attitude is really good.

If you have money, you are an uncle, and you can satisfy any request.

Thinking about it, I really don't want to destroy the Don Quixote family guys in the future.

After receiving the food, Ye Fan found Kaido.

"Father-in-law, Yamato has agreed to be the general of the Wano country. People from the Heitan family have been using a lot of money to raise samurai, and want to get rid of the control of our Beast Pirates."

In this situation, Ye Fan doesn't need to say, Kaido also understands.

Otherwise, Kaido would not have thought about making Yamato the general of Wano.

But his only daughter has always disagreed to be the general of Wano country.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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