The three of them looked at each other and prepared to escape.

This was after he became a navy.

For the first time, the word run away came to mind.

Now three against three.

The three of them will definitely not be the opponents of Long, Ye Fan, and Saab.

Akainu and Fujitora smiled and looked at each other.

Fuji Tiger smiled and began to help the seriously injured black horse Tiancheng, preparing to retreat to the rear.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "You can come if you want, leave if you want, where there is such a good thing." The

dragon stood up at this time, but stopped Ye Fan, who wanted to pursue.

He said: "If you kill them all, the four seas and the great sea route will be chaotic." "

The dragon and the navy are not enemies, he wants to liberate the slave countries.

Let more people have a good and happy life.

In fact, there is no fundamental conflict of interest between the dragon and the navy.

He was not interested in the text of history, nor in the battles of the Navy and pirates.

Even he felt that the existence of the highest combat power of the navy was conducive to maintaining the stability of the sea.

Ye Fango would not agree with the dragon.

The people of their D clan have a close relationship with the upper three clans of the Draco, and there is also Kapu in the navy, and even Ye Fan suspects that Admiral Fuji Tiger smiles, which is an undercover agent of the Free Alliance in the navy.

Ye Fan said: "That is the interest of your Freedom Alliance, and my Hundred Beast Pirate Group is a mortal enemy with the navy. Dragon

: "Now that the highest combat power of the navy has collapsed, how many countries will be destroyed by pirates on the four seas and the great shipping route."

Ye Fan: "Don't worry, I won't kill Fuji Tiger Yixiao, relying on the strength of Fuji Tiger Warring States and Kapu three people, the four seas can't be chaotic, but if you want to stop me, the Free Alliance and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will be mortal enemies, I will open the door to attack the country you already control, have you thought about it?" Dragon, do you really want to lose your ally relationship with me and become completely hostile?

Ye Fan also said threatening words.

If the Freedom Alliance dares to stop itself.

He doesn't care if he goes to war with them.

The dragon thought about it for a moment.

The Free Alliance really can't have a full-scale war with the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Ye Fan's Freedom Gate skill, no force can stop Ye Fan's sneak attack.

The dragon said: "Then what is the goal of your Hundred Beast Pirate Group, to establish a world that belongs to pirates?"

Ye Fan: "Look at the current New World, the Hundred Beast Pirates Group controlled by me has achieved free trade in the New World, and the countries under my control are happier than the Draco." "

As long as there is the existence of the Devil Fruit, and you D clan like this, you can become a bloodline existence of a strong person by casual cultivation, this sea will not be fair forever."

"Because there are too many strong people who can easily crush all the people in a country, all I can do is make these countries relatively fair."

"Only by eliminating the Draco, canceling the expensive Celestial Gold, and building a huge navy to ensure the safety of trade routes can the world truly restore calm."

"You want to be like Joey Boie and build a world of people and people, different races, different bloodlines, completely fair, and that's impossible."

Ye Fan's words.

Make the dragon like a crit.

What he had always wanted to build was, like Joey Boi, a huge country.

All the people here are living in complete fairness.

This is the ideal country in the dragon's mind.

But hearing Ye Fan's words.

There are devil fruits in this world, and there will be strong people far beyond ordinary people at every moment.

And that's not the most critical.

People like their D clan, these special powerful bloodlines, even if they don't have Devil Fruit.

With simple training, you can easily destroy a country alone.

In such a world, a true ideal country cannot exist.

Even if it's as powerful as Joey Boey.

There will also be strong men like Im, leading twenty powerful nations to destroy such a completely fair country.

And Ye Fan said.

Reduce the gold in the sky, use the most powerful fleet, and maintain the stability of maritime trade.

Maybe it really is the hope that more people can live relatively fairly.

Fully equal country, this is impossible.

A strong person can know a hundred, thousand, or even tens of thousands of times the labor force beyond ordinary people in a day.

On what basis, the material power they obtained, etc., is just the same as ordinary people.

After thinking about it, the dragon sighed.

He said, "Well, you can't hurt the lives of Fujitora, Akainu, and Kuroma Tensei I don't care." The

dragon finally decided to let go.

This time.

Long had also observed what Ye Fan had done.

The new world controlled by Ye Fan.

After realizing free trade among countries and reducing taxes in new countries around the world.

Many countries in the new world now.

Their lives are even happier than in the East China Sea.

This is not necessarily a new approach.

The Draco rule is still used.

It has a powerful navy and keeps the seafaring trade of various countries.

Taxes are then collected in each member country to maintain the Navy.

The difference is.

Without Draco, there is no need to give most of the money to Draco to maintain their luxurious life.

Maybe such a system.

It is more reasonable than the perfect country you want to build.

Absolute fairness is hard to do.

Relative fairness, protecting the interests of the majority and sacrificing the interests of a few, is relatively easy to do.

There is no dragon to stop it.

Ye Fan teleported several times in a row.

He caught up with the three people of Akainu, Fujitora, and Tiancheng, the black horse.

They just used the power of the gravity fruit and the moon steps to escape on the sea.

Of course, it is not comparable to Ye Fan's combat effectiveness.

Looking at Ye Fan who stopped in front of him.

All three of them actually felt a little panicked.

Dark Horse Tiancheng was already seriously injured, and the fruit ability in his body was almost exhausted.

Only two people remained, Akainu and Fujitora.

They really didn't have the slightest confidence to defeat the man in front of them.

Ye Fan has the same terrifying overlord-colored domineering air as the redhead.

It also has the ability to have a variety of demon fruits.

Ye Fan said: "When you wanted to kill me, you were so arrogant, and now you run away, it's really embarrassing."

"As a marshal of the navy, do you dare to stay and fight me to the death?" I can spare Fujitora and Dark Horse. Hearing

Ye Fan's arrogant words.

The red dog was finally angry.

"Fuji Hu, you take the black horse and leave, I will fight him to the death."

Ye Fan glanced at the island next to him.

He said, "Then go to that island and fight."

After speaking, Ye Fan directly teleported.

Came straight to the island.

The red dog also steps on the moon.

Come to the island.

Fuji Hu's face was a little solemn.

He didn't think that the red dog could defeat Ye Fan.

Want to help.

But looking at the black horse Tiancheng in his arms, who has lost his combat effectiveness.

If he makes a move, the dark horse Tiancheng will die.

After thinking about it for a while, he said in his heart: I hope that the red dog can escape alive.

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