The blazing temperature was incomparably hot, although it made Ye Fan very uncomfortable.

But that's it.

Such a high temperature is not even as high as the temperature brought by the Bamen Dun Jia.

In an instant, he was back to normal.

And the other side.

Marshal Red Inu is not so comfortable.

He first felt the feeling of bones shattering.

Ye Fan's terrifying power.

Far stronger than him.

Although he was not like Tiancheng Dark Horse, the bones of his entire arm were completely broken.

But the muscles on the red dog's arms were also torn due to the terrifying force.

The power of the overlord-colored domineering entwining is invading the fruit power in his body.

The red dog's legs turned into two huge clouds of magma.

Firmly fixed to the sea of lava beneath you.

Let yourself not be flown by Ye Fan's punch.


His left hand, clenched into a fist again.

The ability to fill his left fist with the ability to consume a lot of magma fruits in his body.

He punched Ye Fan again.

The red dog has chosen, the most savage and the easiest way.

to destroy Ye Fan's attack.

It is the unlimited ability to urge one's own fruit.

All these forces were punched into Ye Fan's body.

Want to rely on high temperatures.

Let the cells in Ye Fan's body burn.

Finally kill Ye Fan.

It's just that with his fist alone, Ye Fan will not be Ye Fan's opponent no matter what.

The only thing he can rely on now.

It was to release his fruit ability in large quantities and strive to break through Ye Fan's defenses.

As long as the temperature of the magma reaches a certain height, he will definitely be able to kill Ye Fan.

The fists of both sides

collided again.

Ye Fan felt that his body temperature had risen by several hundred degrees again.

Right now.

The temperature to be withstood in his body.

It has reached the height of the Eight Dun Jia Death Gates.


The muscles on the left arm of the red dog were also broken.

However, he suffered such serious injuries.

The red dog still didn't plan to back down.

Desperately use the power of life return.

He barely repaired the wound on his right arm.

The right fist hit Ye Fan again.

That's how it is.

I want to rely on my own hard resistance.

In the shortest possible time.

The power of the magma fruit was injected into my body.

Good idea.

But naïve.

Ye Fan's right eye became an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.


The skills of the Cold Winter Domain are activated.

Freeze yourself and the red dog's body together.

A block of ice several hundred meters in diameter.

Wrap the two people tightly.


The ice began to melt rapidly.

Not for a while.

Just because of the sea of magma, and the heat in the two human bodies, this huge block of ice hundreds of meters long and wide melted.

The red dog has a livid face.

As a magma fruit ability.

He could feel it clearly.

Ye Fan had already dissipated all the heat in his body into the ice just now.

All his efforts just now have been in vain.

He wanted to rely on the heat and burn Ye Fan to death.

That's impossible.

Those with multi-fruit ability.

It's horrible.

Such a power is the nemesis of almost anyone who relies on the ability of a single fruit.

This time.

The red dog looked extremely angry.

Why, Karp can be taught that characteristic domineering by Draco.

But he can't.

Although he also hated Draco.

At least he didn't put Draco as garbage on his lips every day like Karp.

Today he has the same ability as Karp and Yellow Ape.

It is possible to restrain the ability of multiple fruits, and he will not be crushed by Ye Fan the whole time.

Especially the general yellow ape.

It didn't even work.

After joining the Navy, he has been paddling all the time.

The only time he shot with all his strength, he was easily dropped by Ye Fan.

Draco mastered such a powerful ability.

It's such a waste.

Akainu had a deep feeling of being backstabbed by the Navy and Draco.

It was the moment when the red dog lost his mind.

Ye Fan would not let go of such an opportunity.

The skill of the Pure Land of Elysium is activated.

Akainu's eyes fell into a state of confusion.

He began to recall his childhood.


His father was a strong escort.

That is, the profession of protecting merchant ships from the plundering of pirates.

Ten-year-old red dog is already one meter eight meters tall.

His father deliberately chose a safe freighter to take him on a voyage on the sea.

It was a route, between two Draco allies.

There are often naval warships patrolling along the way, which can be said to be very safe.

However, the first time the red dog went to sea, he encountered an accident.

They met a sea thief in the North Sea who offered a reward of 10 million Baileys.

Everyone on the cargo ship, hearing his name, knelt down and begged for mercy, and did not dare to resist at all.

The only one who dared to resist was Akainu's father.

Near the red dog, stuffed him into a huge wine barrel.

Battle with pirates ensues.

One against dozens of tall pirates.

Akainu's father still relies on his strong physique, and in the battle with these pirates, he has the upper hand.

But when the pirates shouted, "If you help kill this man, all of you can live, but if you dare to resist, I will burn the ship." "

The other guards on the ship actually tightly protected the father of the red dog.

They did not dare to strike at the pirates.

But he is very vicious to his own people.

In this battle, Akainu saw with his own eyes the help of his father on the ship he guarded.

Cooperate with the pirates to kill his father.

A red dog who escaped with his life.

After joining the Navy.

began to believe in absolute justice.

He doesn't feel a trace of guilt for hurting innocent people.

Because of these people, it is very likely to become accomplices of pirates.

He will not be soft on any deserters, or those who dare not attack.

If the people on that ship had dared to resist the pirates.

His father would not have died.

Whoever does not dare to fight should be killed.

It was because of such a childhood experience.

Let the red dog form his absolute justice.

See a childhood like this in Akainu.

Ye Fan was a little uncomfortable.

Such an extreme character wants to rely on the Pure Land of Bliss to control him.

Undoubtedly the most difficult one.

Akainu hates Draco though.

But it is almost impossible for him to cooperate with the pirates, abandon his prejudice against the pirates, and not kill the pirates, but become a dog owned by the pirates.

Just when Ye Fan was about to kill the red dog.

Then he thought of a way.

Hide in a barrel.

A red dog that escaped a catastrophe.

During the night, he secretly followed a crew member who controlled his father's hands and feet at the time.

He still can't kill the pirate who offered a reward of 10 million Bailey.

But it was still okay to kill this ordinary crew member and kill his father's accomplices.

Seeing the man, he walked towards a sparsely populated alley.

There is no one near here.

Just enough for Akainu to assassinate him.

I saw that the crew member met a man in black with a cloak.

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