The fight between the two.

The result was not the same as Ye Fan expected.

Ye Fan thought that it would be the same as before.

The terrifying hegemonic power splashes out in all directions, tearing the sky and tearing the earth.

However, this confrontation between the two sides.

These visions did not occur.

This is because of the strength of Ye Fan and the red-haired Shanks.

They are all more powerful than Whitebeard and Roger.

Moreover, their overlord color domineering level is higher.

They have all reached the fifth stage of overlord-colored domineering.


This is still the limit of not this fight.

Ye Fan needless to say.

Bonuses to multiple powers such as Eight Gate Dun Jia, Ghost Back, and Water Breath.

On the red-haired Shanks' side, there is also Draco's special domineering.

And, from Shanks' mouth.

In the century-old history of the hour, all the people who can do this domineering, except for the Draco, have been erased.

Two powerful forces on this sea that have disappeared for eight hundred years.

Two Xeon combat powers.

In the moment of the hand-to-hand.

The surrounding space ripples layer by layer.

The space where the two sides fought was shaken by this terrifying force.

Double-haired hand-to-hand.

There is no powerful roar.

Because the surrounding space was shaken, the air near their fight was instantly destroyed.

Without the conduction of air, no matter how violent the explosion occurs, no sound will be transmitted.


Ripples of spatial fluctuations generated by their battles.

Hit this island.


A series of huge explosions appeared.

This is the sound of space ripples hitting objects to produce explosions.

The island they fought on immediately felt like they had experienced a demon slaughter.

Everywhere there were craters that were blown out by the aftermath of the fight between the two sides.

And the people around who did not participate in the battle also suffered a lot of damage.

However, Ye Fan's side, whether it is Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, they are dominating this sea with fierce defensive power.


Two people as if nothing happened.

Or stand there.

Mitsuki Amaterasu also relies on animalization to strengthen his own defenses.

She also resisted the aftermath of the fighting on both sides.


The people of the red-haired pirate group are not so optimistic.

None of them are fruit powers.

There is no strong body like Aunt Charlotte Lingling.

In addition to Ben Beckman.

Several other people quickly retreated a distance of several hundred meters.

All the way back to the edge of the island.

They just stopped.

I feel that this is where I can protect my own safety.

The two sides met for the first time.

Neither of the strongest retreated.

Ye Fan felt that the life in his body had lost a lot of life when he had just fought each other.

And the red-haired Shanks was not comfortable.

Ye Fan's attack can be said to be very terrifying.

The power of the red-haired Shanks was completely incomparable to Ye Fan.

He felt.

His arm was numb, and there was even a crack in the mouth of his palm.


This guy is such a powerful force.

Keep fighting like this.

I may even lose the battle ahead of time due to lack of strength.

Come to think of it.

The red-haired Shanks wanted to retreat, using the means of long-range attacks to consume Ye Fan.

It's just that where would Ye Fan let go of such an opportunity.

Brush brush brush.

Ye Fan quickly swung four knives in succession, but in the eyes of the red-haired Shanks, Ye Fan instantly wielded five knives.

Double whammy.

Every four attacks on the enemy result in a double attack.

This is Ye Fan's passive skill.

In addition, Ye Fan also triggered a decisive decision.

Every three attacks on an enemy will result in a 15% attack bonus and a 10% attack power recovery.

The life force consumed by Draco's special domineering energy recovered a lot.

I didn't expect that my passivity would be able to restrain the consumption of Draco's domineering.


The red-haired Shanks was knocked out by Ye Fan, and his body hit the ground hard.

In the first round, Ye Fan had a clear upper hand.

Charlotte Lingling: "It's so strong, now I kind of believe Kaido's words, Ye Fan really may be Joey Boi." "

As the sea thief of the Four Emperors, there are many pieces of historical text on her cake island, and even a piece of historical text with red coordinates.

In the original plot, when Aunt was defeated, the last sentence was what the Great Secret Treasure was.

As a sea thief, it is impossible for her to be completely ignorant of the text of history.

On this sea, not only Nicole Robin and the Guangyue family understand the text of history.

For example, Kidd, who was killed by Ye Fan, has his own method and can understand the text of history.

Rising from the pit, the red-haired Shanks stuck Griffin in the ground.

His only remaining right arm was already covered with blood, especially at the mouth of the tiger, tearing a large hole.

Ye Fan's sudden appearance of the fifth sword made him feel very surprised, because under normal circumstances, Ye Fan would not be able to swing the fifth slash.

This attack caused the red-haired Shanks to suffer a lot of damage.

The badly injured right hand, took a small bottle from his waist and poured the contents directly into his mouth.


The body of the red-haired Shanks changed.

His severed left arm, the flesh and blood on it began to grow.

The wounds on the redhead's body are recovering rapidly.

Ye Fan's eyes turned into chakra eyes and white eyes.

Plus their own domineering appearance.

Ye Fan finally felt the reason for the change in the red-haired Shanks' body.

Kaido behind him said suspiciously: "Strange, this is not the power of the Devil Fruit, how can this bottle of potion have such a powerful recovery ability."

Charlotte Lingling also showed a puzzled expression.

They have traversed the sea for more than fifty years and have never seen such a miraculous drug.

No, they have seen it.

They glanced at each other's fairy beans around each other's waist.

Do Draco also master this technique?

It can instantly restore all injuries of the body.

Ben Beckman: "This is the power of the gods, you stupid pirates, trying to fight Draco."

Ye Fan: "It's just the residual technology on the ark, a group of nanobugs are repairing your body, what god power, who can control the ark, who is a god." The

red-haired Shanks: "This is right, Im, who now has the power of the ark, he is a god, and you still want to fight against the gods with your mortal body." The

redhead looked at his intact left arm and clenched his fist hard.

Feel like I've been given a new lease of life.

He is a noble Draco, if there is no such means of recovery.

How would he break his arm for a Luffy.

Now he has finally returned to his strongest state.

The three scars on his face left by Blackbeard Titch have also disappeared.

Ye Fan also obtained a new piece of information.

In Yimu's hands, there is also such a medicine, it seems that Xiandu really came in time.

Im also has a powerful ability to recover injuries, but it is definitely not as good as fairy beans, and fairy beans can also restore consumed power.

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