Ye Fan: "If Yim is so terrifying, even if Joey Boi has the three major weapons of ancient times, it is impossible to defeat Yimu."

Red-haired Shanks: "If it is Im in the period of total victory, naturally no one can defeat it, but the energy of the ark is no longer enough."

Ye Fan: "That's the case, but after so many years, Yim won't replenish the energy of the ark?"

Red-haired Shanks: "Isn't he always adding?" The noblest and most sacred bloodline, their own DNA, is the nourishment of the ark.

Ye Fan: "So, each of you Draco, when you are old, will be extracted by Im to replenish his energy?" "

Red-haired Shanks: "The Draco of the Lower Twelve Races is such a fate, they are fed as pigs, and the Middle Five Races, as long as they are not the Five Old Stars, have the same fate, but our Draco of the Upper Three Races are different, we have the most noble bloodline, even Im cannot hurt us."

Ye Fan: "If it is really like what you boast, you people from the three clans will not find a way to eliminate Yimu."

"I suspect that if Im encounters a real threat, he can still extract your DNA and use it to replenish the energy he needs."

Red-haired Shanks: "That's right, this is the reason why we want to rebel against Im, but after all, we are high-authority beings, as long as the ark is not facing destruction, he has no permission to absorb the Draco of our upper three races." "

Simple conversation.

Ye Fan finally understood all the truth about this world.

Im wants to clean up all the people who have the Devil Fruit and are of noble blood on the Pirate Planet.

Like Lokes, like Dragon, like Blackbeard Tichy.

Because of them, they will let the devil fruit stain the noble bloodline.

In this way, it will affect Yimu to replenish his energy.

This is why he carried out the first annihilation.

Because at that time, almost all noble bloodlines were contaminated with the devil fruit.

And the second time.

Those high bloodlines that do not want to be the nourishment of Im, they rally next to Joey Boi.

Im needed to build a world where nobles ruled slaves.

In this way, the noble bloodline can appear more noble.

Just like the current Draco, they can easily slaughter a country.

All people who see them must kneel.

Such a Draco is the best source of energy.

This system of Draco's ruling of the world.

In fact, it is not to facilitate Yimu's control of the whole world.

It's about making him recharge his energy faster.

Joey Boy and many people of the D race.

To build a huge kingdom, preach that all kinds of people are equal.

In fact, it is to weaken Im's energy supplement.

Let them these noble bloodlines not become Yimu's charging treasure.

How to publicize the assessment, people of all ethnic groups can live together freely.

These are all false.

Really wait for the people of the D race, eliminate Im, how can they be equal.

Among the people of the D clan, there are indeed Luffy and Dragon, who are truly equal to the strong and weak.

But there are also Blackbeard Tichy, and there are bloodlines like Roxes, who prefer to take Im's place maliciously.

The Draco are those who obey Im, and the D-clan are those who rebel against Im.

They are all the noblest bloodlines in this world.

No wonder Draco always captures powerful bloodlines.

For example, Kai was arrested when he was many years old.

Draco also doesn't want to be a piglet, if other noble bloodlines, such as Kaido and Auntie.

It would also be better to be absorbed by Im and reduce the death of their Draco.

Hear a conversation between two people.

Charlotte Lingling also screamed angrily.

"Draco these bastards, when I was a child, they wanted to capture, originally they wanted me to be a supply."

Kaido: "No wonder, in order to get me, you can exempt a country from heavenly gold, this Im, is really an arrogant bastard." "

As the Four Emperors, how could they be timid because of Im's strength.

Now the two of them can't wait to rush to the holy place to see how terrifying that Im is, and they can casually treat these strong people on the sea as nutrients to be absorbed.

Ye Fan: "Eight hundred years ago, there were Joyboy and the three ancient weapons, you didn't dare to resist Im, why dare you resist now." "

Red-haired Shanks: "It's very simple, because now that Im is weakened, he has long been not as easy as when he first destroyed the world, and when he defeated Joeyboy, he also won very embarrassingly, if we hadn't defected to Im back then, Im was probably really defeated by Joeyboy." Ye

Fan understood, because the first time he perished, Yim was too terrifying.

So the upper three clans of the Draco chose to obey Im.

But eight hundred years ago, saw the battle between Joey and Im.

Im was not as powerful as the legend had suggested.

They develop a psychology of betrayal.

The desires of the human heart are endless.

Although they went to the three races, they have ruled this world for eight hundred years.

But without Im, their rule would have been much stronger.

For example, they can kill all the Lower Twelve Races who are useless and no longer able to fight.

Don't let them share and scrape most of the heavenly gold every year.

With this money, they can build even larger navies and rule all the countries of the world.

It is also possible to eliminate all sea thieves.

Why do they, do they still make Im's charging treasure.

Red-haired Shanks: "I have learned about your power, and I think you are also qualified to be a member of the upper three races and rule the world with us."

Ye Fan: "I refuse, I think it's better to kill all of you Draco first, and then duel with Im."

Red-haired Shanks: "In that case, then you are ready to die." "

At the peak state just now, you also consume a lot of money, I am recovering my strength by small talk, I have nano worms in my body, and you don't, now you, since you are not willing to surrender, give me death."

The redhead turned his head to the rear and said, "Beckman, you guys wait to stop Kaido and help Ye Fan, I believe it only takes half an hour at most, I can solve the battle here."

Ben Beckman: "Don't worry, my lord, here we are in Kaido, they don't want to interfere." "

Ben Beckman has changed his title, no longer calling the red-haired Shanks Captain, but calling him Lord based on Draco's identity.

And what they don't know is.

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Mitsuki Amaterasu did not intend to support.

They could all see that Ye Fan wanted to take advantage of the time for the redhead to rest.

Because if Ye Fan's physical strength really can't hold on.

He can then use fairy beans, which are redheads they don't know about the baby.

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