Ye Fan naturally told Yamato.

Heitan Orochi asked angrily: "We are obviously allies, why did you attack me?"

Yamato: "Our Hundred Beasts Pirates, how could we be friends with a brutal ruler like you."

"The purpose of asking you to summon everyone today is to kill you completely in front of all the people you oppressed. My Yamato will make the people of Wano Kingdom live a happy life from then on."

But Yamato's speech did not win the cheers of the crowd below.

Wu Luan is Heitan Orochi, or the Hundred Beasts Pirates, they are a group of extremely cruel people.

Heitan・Orochi lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

He has the secret of eight lives and never told any of his men.

This is his ultimate means of survival.

It's a pity that his opponent is Ye Fan, and Ye Fan knows his fruit ability.

Yamato did not give up his dead body.

Continue the continuous attack.

The mouth is still counting.

"One life, two lives, three lives."

Run Yanq and Peggy Wan were not idle either.

The current strength of the two of them is equivalent to that of a navy substituteGeneral's strength.

That is to say, the strength of Tao Tu and Cha Dolphin is only one line away from the general.

In an instant, all the samurai loyal to Heitan Orochi were killed.

The people in the audience still just stared at the killing in the stands with cold eyes.

For them, it was just a change of a brutal ruler.

When everyone has been dealt with.

Yamato announced.

"From now on, I, Yamato, will be the new general of Wano Country."

"I will do three things for the people of Wano Country."

"First, a large amount of food will be distributed every day to ensure that everyone will not go hungry."

Hearing the food, the people below finally had expressions.

In Wano country, except for the samurai loyal to Kurotan Orochi, there is no way for others to have enough food.

Chapter 29 Wano Country's New General

"Second, I will gradually close down Wano's arsenal, vigorously develop agriculture, and strive to make Wano's food self-sufficient as soon as possible."

Because of the pollution from weapons factories, Wano Country's food production is very low, which is why everyone can't afford to eat.

The weapons factory should be closed, so that they will have enough to eat in the future.

The people below finally saw Yamato's expression, and changed from indifference to enthusiasm.

If Yamato can really do it, they will have food not only now, but also in the future.

Before being able to eat enough, who cares who is the general of Wano country.

"The third article, Wano will open the sea, so that the handicrafts and rare specialties of Wano can be sold, such as Hailou stone, and shipped to other countries, at least ten times the profit, everyone will be rich in the future stand up."

"Of course, you will definitely not believe what I said now, but it doesn't matter, time will tell everything, and now I will fulfill my first vow and distribute you food for several months."

Ye Fan had already opened the free door beside him.

When Yamato finished speaking.

The subordinates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates on the opposite side of the door delivered bags of food from behind the door.

Yamato said: "One bag of food per person, everyone has a share, line up in line, don't be crowded, don't jump in line, there is a lot of food, enough for everyone."

I saw the grain that was really distributed in white flowers.

The eyes of everyone in the audience, from indifference to enthusiasm, have now become fanatical.

"Long live General Yamato."

I don't know who was the first to shout such a slogan.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the audience followed suit.

The people of Wano Country have not been able to eat enough for eighteen years.

"Long live General Yamato."

"Long live General Yamato."

"Long live General Yamato."

Looking at the cheers from the audience, Yamato was full of pride.

Xindao: I was so stupid to worship Kozuki Oden back then.

I can become a far greater general than Kozuki Oden.

Under my leadership, Wano Country will become stronger and stronger.

The standard of living of the people will also increase.

Of course, all this is thanks to my husband, how could I live as I imagined without him.

At this moment, Yamato completely forgot Kozuki Oden.

There is only one man in her heart, and that is Ye Fan.

After becoming the general of Wano country.

Yamato quickly entered his role.

Handling all kinds of official duties tightly and methodically, she proved to be a very successful general.

The tension in Wano Country has also been eased through the efforts of Yamato.

And Ye Fan also got his own plot points.

It can be said that Wano Country's operation this time has achieved a complete success.

Especially at night.

Ye Fan discovered an even more interesting thing.

Let Yamato wear the uniform of a general who dominates the life and death of a country, and play poker games with him.

The feeling of conquest is beyond the comprehension of ordinary men.

In the distant naval headquarters.

An emergency meeting was called again.

Lieutenant General Crane held the information and said with a serious expression: "According to cp0's information, the reason why the Hundred Beasts Pirates frequently plunder wealth recently has been found."

"They developed a genetic drug that can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the crew. The most frightening thing is that even many animal-type fruit abilities have undergone secondary evolution, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved."

Lieutenant General He just finished speaking.

Sengoku said: "It's good that other people's strength has improved. If Kaido's strength has also improved, I'm afraid Akainu and Aokiji will be in danger."

Lieutenant General Crane: "That's why I propose to suspend the retaliatory action. If we send the yellow ape to support it now, even if we can retaliate against the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the three generals will act together, fearing that the other three members of the Four Emperors will make trouble."

Garp: "If the white beard, red hair, and aunt dare to take advantage of the fire to rob, the old man will do it himself."

Warring States: "Why don't you take the initiative to tell the other three emperors about Kaido's acquisition of the genetic medicine, and they will not watch Kaido become stronger and stronger. Maybe not only will they not sneak attack us, but they will also take the initiative to help us attack the hundred emperors." Beast Pirates."

Lieutenant General Crane: "That's a good idea, let's do this, but you, the orizumi, are now on the move, relying only on the red dog, the blue pheasant, the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin, I always have a faint feeling of uneasiness in my heart."

The lazy Kizaru also sat up straight and said, "Don't worry, I will arrive before the fleet reaches Wano Country."

Just snatching the gold in the sky, the Wulaoxing and Tianlong people would not be so angry.

The most important thing is that Ye Fan seriously injured Tianlongren.

This kind of thing has not happened in forty years.

Wu Laoxing personally issued the order.

Two generals, one substitute general Momotu, and a total of three high-end naval forces attacked Wano together.

Even if you can't break through the steep terrain, Wano country is always surrounded by hurricanes by the sea.

At least one lesson must be taught to the Beasts Pirates, to be able to publicly execute that guy named Ye Fan to show the majesty of the Tianlong people even moreit is good.

The personal combat effectiveness of the four emperors is stronger than that of an admiral.

But facing the attack of the two admirals, even Beast Kaido could barely escape.

In addition to the substitute generals Taotu and Chafu, both of them have the strength to suppress the three major kanbans.

It's no problem for two people to hold three people.

The remaining lieutenant generals of the headquarters only need to hold Fei Liupo, and wait until Aokiji and Akainu beat Kaido seriously and escape.

Two generals can kill people who are held back by other navies.

From then on, apart from Kaido, who is the strongest defensive player in the Beasts Pirates, there are not many masters left under him.

The plan would have been perfect.

The comparison of the combat effectiveness of the two sides was also carefully calculated by Lieutenant General He.

But if Kaido can also be strengthened by that mysterious genetic potion.

Kaido can and Aokiji Red Dog have been consumed.

Then even if it wins, the backbone of the terrifying navy will suffer heavy losses.

Warring States Garp and Kizaru stayed at the headquarters.

It is also impossible.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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