Luffy opened his mouth wide in surprise, and his jaw had fallen to the ground.

"Wow wow wow~~~! So strong! Master Reilly, how can I do this. Hades

Rayleigh: "I am not a fruit ability, but according to past enemies, after developing the ability of the demon fruit to the limit, I can realize the awakening of the demon fruit and assimilate other forces, which can only be done after the awakening of the demon fruit."

Luffy: "I'm so excited, I don't know what kind of ability my rubber fruit will gain if it awakens." "

Luffy at the moment.

Still so innocent.

In his eyes.

The battle between Ye Fan and Draco was just a challenge between several strong people to each other.

His head, simply could not understand.

This is a war that determines who is the master of the world.

Hades Rayleigh, as one of the few people in this world to reach the final island of Ralph Drew.

There are really few secrets in this world that he doesn't know.

And among them.

There is how terrifying the true power of the Draco is.

On what basis, they can control this sea for eight hundred years?


Like Lox, there are many terrifying super sea thieves, why can't they defeat Draco.

In the eyes of Hades Rayleigh.

These Draco are like stupid pigs.

He also killed Draco with his own hands.

But now I see the shot of the five old stars.

He finally understood how terrifying Draco really was.

These five old stars, each of them, their combat effectiveness is more powerful than him who is now aging.

You know, the age of the five old stars is older than his age.

Draco's heritage is really not simple.

Ye Fan, this guy, killed the red-haired Shanks.

Hades Rayleigh didn't know whether it was better to hope that Ye Fan would die at the hands of the five old stars, or if Ye Fan would defeat the five old stars and truly end the rule of the Draco.

I just hope Luffy can grow up quickly.

Hopefully he becomes Joey Boie sooner.

Hades Renly glanced down at Luffy, who was giggling.

Can this simple-minded guy really be as powerful as the legend?

St. Ferdinand faced Ye Fan's super slash.

There was not the slightest panic at all.

Iron block Arashi foot.

A kick was kicked out at Ye Fan's Sun Wheel Knife.

It hits the lower part of the knife body, the most difficult part to exert force.


both sides flew backwards into the air at the same time.

Powerful forces collide.

Ye Fan's strength is even stronger.

But St. Ferdinand's quick kick was Ye Fan's weak point.

Ye Fan was in mid-air again, and there was no way to increase his strength.

Unexpectedly kicked by St. Ferdinand.

Ye Fan thought that St. Ferdinand had many ways to deal with it.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the other party was using the Navy Type VI.

This kind of move has been almost completely eliminated in the new world.

It turned out to be the mastery of this five old stars.

This kind of four-sea stage, very bullish physical skills.

When he arrived at the Great Route, he was often beaten.

In the new world, the physical skills have been completely useless.

It was developed to such an extent by St. Ferdinand.

Directly use your flesh against your own slash.

And also fought a tie.

St. Ferdinand flew backwards and also smashed a thick section of the wall into a huge hole.

And Ye Fan, such an impact force, will not cause any damage to his flesh.

However, in the rear, there was also a steel bone space that turned into a King Kong orangutan and launched a sneak attack on him.

Ye Fan is not one-on-one now, but one-on-six.

Six supreme beings on the sea.

Or individual combat effectiveness, all surpass the strong of the admirals.

The steel bone opened two huge palms.

He said excitedly: "Now I catch you, let's die!!

Ye Fan had been easily dodging the attacks of the steel bones.

It has long made this old man extremely depressed.

What he hates the most is that the other party uses the speed he is not good at to tease him.

It made him feel like he was a dog, being teased by people.

No matter how you attack, you can't touch the corners of each other's clothes, and no one likes this feeling.

What's more, he is still empty.

The first person under the five old stars.

The general marshal who controls the three armies.

This time, Ye Fan, who was retreating in the air, see how you dodge.

Two huge slaps will be combined when you see it.

He wanted to shoot Ye Fan, the hateful guy, to death like a dead mosquito.


His two slaps had not yet touched Ye Fan's body.

It was separated by a terrifying force.

And the steel bone is empty, smashed out by this force.

Ye Fan in mid-air.

Both eyes become eternal kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

A blue giant, Susanoo wrapped Ye Fan up.

He turned into a giant with a height of more than three hundred meters.

Under Ye Fan's control, Susanoo pulled out two huge katanas.

The twin knives, composed entirely of Chakra, launched a slash at the steel bone air that flew upside down.

Accurately hit Cyboru but did not kill him.

But it flew the steel skeleton into the far part of the street.

The "booming"

steel bones were empty in the street, marking a ravine several kilometers long.

He is now ten kilometers away from the battlefield.

The orangutan-like face left a bloody mark at the corner of his mouth.

The blow just now still caused a lot of damage to the internal organs of the steel bone.

"This kid, the strength improvement is too terrifying, just right, I can also take this opportunity to slowly reach the battlefield."

During the period of vice admiral, during a mission, he inadvertently gained the favor of the five old stars.

Since then, step by step, he has risen to the rank of Admiral and Field Marshal.

I originally thought that the marshal of the navy was the end, but I didn't expect that he was too reassuring to the five old stars.

In the end, he was promoted to the general marshal of the three armed forces.

Sitting in this, except for Draco.

The highest position that ordinary people can sit in.


This does not mean that he can be like CP0.

For the sake of Draco, you can even die yourself.

He befriended the five old stars and made dogs for the five old stars, for power, but not diehard loyalists.

Ye Fan's attack just now.

If the steel bone resists with all its strength, it will not be sent flying more than ten kilometers away.

At least two or three kilometers, you can stabilize your figure.

The battle just now.

He could clearly feel that

Ye Fan had not used all his strength.

He is more like playing with the five old stars.

And the five old stars are also stalling for time.

They were giving Lord Im time to prepare weapons.

Now it's too close to the battlefield.

Even if the five old stars win.

Steel Bone Kong was also afraid of Lord Yimu's weapon and killed Ye Fan with him.

Although he is very important to the five old stars.

But in fact, it is just the most obedient and strongest dog in Draco.

In order to kill Ye Fan, he sacrificed his steel bone void by the way, in the view of steel bone void.

Draco did not have any psychological burden when he did this kind of thing.

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