The five old stars, after taking a look at each other.

Finally made up his mind.

Be prepared to use their last resort.

Ye Fan also asked the golden mech to stop attacking.

He also wanted to see what hole cards the five old stars had.

It can also be regarded as wartime, through the five old stars to spy on some intelligence about Im.

After all, Im is too mysterious.

Destroy the world once, win the Ragnarok War once.

Such people.

What kind of hole card will it give the five old stars to save their lives.

Ye Fan was also very curious.

Ye Fan: "What big tricks do you have, hurry up and use them to show me, you are so weak now, I am very disappointed." St

. Ferdinand: "Don't worry, wait a minute, you will not be disappointed, but will despair." Five

people, suddenly exposed their chests.

Then I clicked on the left chest.

Five Old Star's chest actually opened a hole.

The five old stars turned out to be transformation people.

Their heart is not the heart of ordinary humans.

It's something like a small fusion reactor.

Gives off an alluring blue light.

It is filled with powerful radiation.

No wonder, the five old stars were able to live so long, thinking that they ate golden apples like the yellow ape.

It turned out that this was not the case.

They are semi-transformed people.

Like Franky and Plague Quinn, parts of the body were replaced by machinery.

But unlike everyone else.

The power of others is just the fuel coke unique to the pirate world.

The power in their bodies is a miniature reactor similar to Iron Man.

They have an even more powerful source of motivation.

Ye Fan could feel that the reactor they held in their hands contained terrifying power.

If in Blue Star, this is a force that can destroy a city.

But in the pirate world, these forces of theirs can only destroy one country.

For a strong man like Ye Fan, even if the big mushroom weapon exploded, it would not kill him.

Ye Fan did not feel that their power would pose any threat to him.

Just curious.

A pirate world full of personal power.

Suddenly, the power of technology appeared.

In the kingdom of future technology, a fairly well-preserved laboratory.

Franky was learning about the future kingdom of science and technology, and happened to turn on the TV and saw this scene in front of him.

Immediately widened his eyes.

"What is this, this little thing, I actually felt it, far beyond the energy of cola thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times the energy."

Has returned to the Freedom Alliance, on a mysterious island.

Vegapunk also turned on the TV to watch the fight.

See what the five old stars are holding.

Vegapunk said excitedly: "This ~~this~~~ Isn't this what I am searching for, the energy of the sun?" Draco actually mastered such power.

"Let me see how powerful this kind of power with solar energy can produce."

At this moment, Vegapunk is extremely excited, for this old man who has learned all the knowledge of the future technology kingdom.

How difficult and exciting it is to see a more advanced technology.

Pirate World and Blue Star are completely different.

On the blue star, there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, scientists who study different technologies.

Although their intelligence is not as good as that of Vegapunk, they can study together, progress together, and divide labor, and study different sciences by people with different specialties.

But in the pirate world is different.

Vegapunk was alone, and he managed to educate a group of scientists.

For example, epidemic Quinn and so on are also divided into different forces.

In other words, the scientific and technological progress of the pirate world can only rely on Vegapunk alone.

The most uncomfortable thing about climbing the peak of technology alone is not loneliness, and others cannot understand his technology.

For a genius like Vegapunk, who from his teenage years, no one else could understand his intelligence.

Loneliness has become the norm.

The most uncomfortable thing is that his energy is limited, and he can learn all the techniques invented by people in the past.

But it was extremely difficult for him to develop a new technology, and every time he cracked a technology, it took him a long time.

Vegapunk stared closely at the picture in front of him.

But unlike everyone else.

His brain was rapidly analyzing, and the heart of the five old stars, in his eyes, had been disassembled into thousands of parts.

And looking for the internal core structure of these parts.

This is a little, looking at the mountain is not a mountain, looking at the water is not the artistic conception of water.

When the five old stars took out their hearts separately.

In fact.

Except for a handful of scientists in this world.

Others don't know what it is.

Instead, I felt that the blue glowing object looked good, like the crown of the five old stars.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these glowing things should be rare treasures.

The five old stars put the hearts of the five of them together.

The parts on the heart began to change rapidly.

Vegapunk's eyes were almost glued to the TV.

He watched carefully as the parts moved.

Many of these structures were the same as he thought.

But there were some parts that were completely different in structure than he thought.

He felt that many parts, completely redundant, did not have any effect, except to increase the volume and weight of this energy source.

But as these parts continue to shift, the five hearts come together.

Vegapunk finally understood.

Those parts that seem redundant are not without the slightest effect.

They can combine five miniature fusion reactors into a single whole.

Burst out five times the previous power.

The energy it can output is even more terrifying than before.

The most important thing is that the instantaneous burst energy will even increase ten times compared to before.

Vegapunk: "It's a brilliant design, a genius idea." "

In front of the TV, came out Vegapunk and a few other scientists.

Others don't care about the power of these technologies at all.

They wanted to know more about the purpose of the five old stars in doing this, and whether they would have an effect on Ye Fan after using this ability.

What they wanted to see more was the picture of Ye Fan's victory over the five old stars.

When the five hearts are combined.

The combined heart emits a huge suction force.

Unexpectedly, it attracted the body of the five old stars.

The body of the five old stars began to disintegrate like a machine.

Five people, eventually turned into a terrifying and ugly monster.

A monster with five heads, ten arms, and ten feet.

It looks very deformed.

However, it perfectly combines the five abilities that the five old stars are good at.

The current five old stars have become a living form.

He has the strength of a super powerful sword hao, has the strongest six-style physical art, has a super strong three-color domineering, and also has the power of two demon fruits.

Mercury fruit and animal line, giant beast dragon form.

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