Powerhouses like Fei Liubao and the Three Great Kanban are not afraid of artillery.

But these low-level pirates, I am afraid that they will be wiped out in an instant.

A pirate ship that cannot move is a fixed target.

At this time, Ye Fan made a move.

The dragon itself is a creature that can control wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

After Ye Fan obtained the breath of water.

His water breathing ability is due to the blessing of the phantom beast species, fish fruit, and purple dragon form.

It has far surpassed the power in Demon Slayer: Blade.

"Pick up the shape・M"

Following Ye Fan's voice fell.

The blue sun wheel knife on his waist flew out of the sky.

Piercing directly through the ice surface, more and more seawater gushed out. They were like sharp blades, quickly cutting through the thick ice surface.

More and more ice surfaces are broken, and sea water forms more and more sharp edges.

Chapter 32 Ye Fan goes to battle

With the shattering of a large area of ​​the ice, the fleet of the Hundred Beasts Pirates can finally move its position.

But Ye Fan's moves didn't stop there.

This time, the one-up model he used, M, was not armed with domineering color.

It can be used for a short period of time without fear of Aokiji's ability to freeze fruit.

Under the leadership of the blue sun wheel knife.

Hundreds of sharp blades that were higher than the mountains and made up entirely of sea water quickly flew towards the naval fleet in the distance.

Everyone in the Hundred Beasts Pirates couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this picture.

They always thought that Prince Consort was a scientist and not good at fighting at all.

Unexpectedly, the son-in-law was so brave.

This move seemed to destroy the naval fleet in front of him.

Aokiji showed a serious expression.His arms are outstretched.

A thick wall of ice blocked the front of the naval fleet.

"Boom boom boom."

The sharp edge formed by the sea water bombarded the ice wall formed by the sea water.

There was a violent explosion.

Ye Fan's strength is still not as good as that of the Admiral of the Navy.

This time the attack was perfectly resolved by Aokiji.

Sure enough, it is indeed the frozen fruit known as the strongest defense.

Such a large-scale attack, only Qingzhi can perfectly stop it, even the other four emperors do not have such ability.

Now it's the opposite navy's turn to cheer.

"General Aokiji."

"General Aokiji."

"General Aokiji."

Immediately afterwards, "Boom boom boom."

More than a dozen warships of the navy fired together.

Thousands of powerful shells flew towards them.

Flame Calamity gave the order.

"Urgent evasion, immediately fire back."

Faced with such a dense attack.

Even Ye Fan has nothing to do.

His water breathing couldn't block such a number of shells.

We can only rely on high-end combat power to blow up these shells as much as possible.

At this time Yamato stood up.

She took on the form of a werewolf.

"No Waiter Bingya"

Yamato spit out a large amount of frozen breath.

Freeze all the shells flying in the sky directly.

Thousands of shells did not hit Kaido's fleet.

All because of being frozen, it fell on the sea.

The first round of the fight between the two sides ended in a tie.

Attacks are blocked by the opponent's defense.

Akaken frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Who are the man and woman who shot just now, why don't I know."

As Taotu, who grew up with Lieutenant General Crane, he is also good at intelligence collection.

Immediately replied: "That woman is Kaido's daughter Yamato, and that man is Kaido's son-in-law Ye Fan, but the information is wrong, saying that Ye Fan is a scientist and not good at fighting. Now it seems that Ye Fan has at least one lieutenant general in the headquarters." Strength."

In the fight just now, not only Akainu was shocked.

The other pirate scouts watching from a distance were also shocked.

Aunt looked at the screen from the video call bug.

"Bastard Kaido, when did you have such strength?"

In the past, Big Mom's pirate group was slightly weaker than Kaido.

The main thing is her children, who are slightly weaker than Kaido's men.

The most powerful Katakuri is nothing more than the strength of the three Kanbans.

Although they are all called three generals, the strength of the other two generals is not as good as Kaido's three major kanbans.

But now it seems that Kaido has hidden his strength.

His daughter and son-in-law are so strong.

The current aunt is roaring in her heart, hoping that the Navy can severely damage the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

A white beard full of needles on his back.

He said with a smile: "The young people nowadays are really getting more and more scary."

But I couldn't help feeling sad in my heart.

He is too old to live long.

There is no way for Marco the pineapple head to become the most powerful person on the sea. Although he is a phantom beast, he is mainly a ship doctor.

Ace, whom I fancy, is still chasing and killing Blackbeard.

I hope I can persist until the day Ace grows up.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates have a large number of people, they are the strongest among them.

But Ace is the only one who can become a top combat force and inherit the mantle of Whitebeard.

Seeing that Kaido's successor has grown up before he is old, it is impossible for White Beard to say that he is not envious.

"Kaido is such a lucky guy, I don't know when Ace will come back."

Marko: "I believe he can kill Blackbeard soon, and then return victorious."

Many people wonder why Whitebeard, who has so many sons, only sends Ace to hunt down the obviously very powerful and cunning Blackbeard.

The reason is simple, Whitebeard's time is running out, even if he doesn't fight the war, he can only live for two years at most.

Ace must conquer the other sons through his actions, so that the White Group will not be forced to disband.

But Ace couldn't do it, but Blackbeard did, so Blackbeard became the Four Emperors.

As for the red-haired pirates with the highest combat power per capita.

They didn't send anyone to check on the battle.

What's more, for the redhead, Luffy has gone to sea, and Luffy's recent disturbances are what Shanks cares most about.

In this world, there are still two people who know the secret of the final island, one is Hades Rayleigh, and the other is the red-haired Shanks.

Maybe Shanks wanted to give the rubber fruit to Ace back then, but was eaten by Luffy.

A rubber fruit is a fruit with a sense of self.

They originally expected Ace to become the One Piece, but later found out that it was after Luffy.

Shanks and Pluto Rayleigh don't even care about Ace's life or death.

The two of them hide the ultimate secret in the world.

The actions of the red-haired Shanks are naturally completely different from those of the other four emperors.

In his eyes, this is the first time that the Navy has declared war with Kaido among the Four Emperors, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

Naturally, no one will be sent to observe.

Dozens of newspaper delivery birds hovered in the sky, and they were constantly holding cameras to capture the wonderful scenes of the battle.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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