A huge stream of water appeared in the infinite hell, directly washing away all the venom on the ground and walls.

Even the venom that was tens of meters around Magellan shrank in size, turning into a venom giant less than 30 meters away.

Inside the infinite prison, the prisoners who saw two people fighting.

Now I dare not say a word.

Over the years, Magellan often had unhappy moments.

They will come to the underground six layers of infinite hell to torture them.

Over the years, their fear of Magellan has reached its peak.

There are only a few people who are not afraid of Magellan, such as the Red Earl.

So they are very quiet now.

They were afraid that after Magellan's failure, they used the poisonous dragon to vent their anger on them.

Ye Fan: "Now that the battlefield is cleaned up, I will beat you to the ground in three seconds."

Magellan: "Stop bragging, three seconds, even Kaido can't do it."

"Eight Gates Dunjia, Sixth Gate, Jingmen Gate Chao Peacock."

"Momo ten times faster."

Ye Fan opened the sixth door for the first time, but he didn't feel the great pain of Maitkai.

it should be purpleThe dragon form, and Maple's defense, allowed Ye Fan to offset the great pain that Kai Chao Peacock had suffered.

The current Ye Fan is full of powerful strength.

He felt like a huge volcano about to erupt.

"I'm going to start attacking Magellan, three seconds, it only takes three seconds to hit you."

Ye Fan stomped on the ground with his right foot.

Under Ye Fan's force, the hard stone was stepped on the ground in an instant, creating a large pit more than one meter deep.

Ye Fan's body instantly surpassed the speed of Mach 1, which is the speed at which a sonic boom is produced.


There was a loud noise on the spot.

But Ye Fan's speed was faster than the sound.

Before Magellan heard the sound, his chest had already been punched hard by Ye Fan.

Magellan's body was sent flying by Ye Fan's powerful punch.

He hunched over and wanted to howl in pain, but because of the huge trauma to his abdomen, he couldn't make any sound at all.

Magellan was knocked into the air very quickly.

However, Ye Fan ran faster.

Ye Fan stepped on the ground with his left and right feet, and his speed increased again, surpassing the speed of Mach 3 in just an instant.

Ye Fan quickly ran behind Magellan.

A kick hit Magellan's back hard.

In an instant, Magellan, who was hit by Ye Fan and flew backward, was kicked forward by Ye Fan's kick.

The blood from the corner of Magellan's mouth gushed out as if he didn't want money.

However, things are not over yet.

Ye Fan ran quickly again.

He caught up with Magellan who was thrown into the air.

This time Ye Fan jumped up high, clenched his hands and fingers, and raised them above his head.

His fists hit Magellan hard in the face.


This time Magellan finally didn't have to fly around in the air.

A human-shaped hole appeared in the ground.

Magellan was shot deep underground, at least tens of meters deep.

The floor of Infinity Hell, though not made of sea stones, is also made of special super-strong granite.

Even the cannon used by the Demon Slaughter Order cannot easily penetrate the floor tiles made of such materials and tens of meters deep.

But Ye Fan did it with one punch.

Magellan, who fell deep underground, was stunned by Ye Fan in an instant.

The pirates in Infinite Hell opened their mouths in surprise when they saw this battle scene.

There is a pirate with quick reflexes.

Already kneeling on the ground.

"Lord Dragon Emperor, as long as you rescue me, I will be a dog by your side from now on."

Others have seen this happen.

Also reacted immediately.

With such a powerful existence, as long as he can go out and be a dog for Ye Fan, he will live a more chic life than the big pirates before.

It is impossible for an existence like Ye Fan to occupy only one or two islands.

It is completely different from the life they lived before.

But Ye Fan has no interest in these losers.

He's not Blackbeard Tiki, who treats all trash as a treasure.

These failed people, they have long since lost the courage to become strong.

Those who lose their courage cannot use the domineering look and arrogance.

A person who can no longer use the domineering and domineering entanglement, why should he hang out with Ye Fan.

Therefore, Ye Fan ignored these remnants of the old era, this group of losers.

Open a free door casually and return to the island of ghosts.

half an hour later.

General Huang Yuan was the first to arrive.

Seeing that the prisoners in Infinite Hell did not escape, Huang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If all these big pirates run out, the whole sea will be in chaos.

But when he saw Magellan in the humanoid pit.

Immediately tense up.

Magellan is the most suitable for guarding the deep sea prison.

His poisonous fruit ability is infinitely magnified here.

Hastily took Magellan, who had been exhaling more and less inhaling, to the medical room of the Navy Headquarters.

Chapter 44 Mithril and Hades' Secret

After Ye Fan returned to Ghost Island.

Be notified to Kaido immediately.

Ye Fan walked out of his room.

Go to the hall where Kaido often drinks.

In addition to Kaido, there was another person sitting in the hall.

It was Plague Quinn who was holding the blueprint of Pluto.

The Chief Scientist of the Beast Pirates.

Seeing Ye Fan come in.

Plague Quinn said: "My lord, there are two problems with this blueprint."

Ye Fan: "Is this blueprint fake?"

It's really possible, maybe Franky didn't burn the real blueprint, but just took out a fake blueprint and pretended to burn it in front of Lu Qi and others.

Plague Quinn said: "This blueprint is real, but if you want to make Pluto, you are missing two very important things."

Ye Fan said: "If you lack something to snatch it, it will be fine."

Plague Quinn said: "My lord, it's not that simple."

"The first missing core material is Mithril. There are two most magical metals in this world. The first is pure gold. It is said that people can achieve immortality, but no one has ever seen it in this sea. The second is pure gold. As for Mithril, it is said that the cannon made by Mithril can make the shells have the same power as the devil fruit."

"We paid a lot of money to get somewhere in the Holy Land Mary Joa from Doflamingo, which has the legendary Mithril, but relying on our current strength, it is impossible to break through the Holy Land Mary Joa of."

Ye Fan said, "Then tell me about the second reason."

Plague Quinn: "The second point is even more difficult. After Pluto is created, there will inevitably be ship elves born. Pluto's ship elves only obey the summons of people who have Pluto's blood, and what is Pluto's blood? There is no news at all, not even Doflamingo who is a Celestial Dragon.”

Ye Fan carefully recalled the content of the comics he had read.There are thousands of episodes of comics, and it is still very difficult for Ye Fan to find useful fragments among them.

Suddenly, Ye Fan thought of it.

In the center of the real world, among the flowers.

Im, the god of the Celestial Dragons, the four people who want to be wiped out.

They are Straw Hat Luffy, Blackbeard, Shirahoshi and Princess Vivi.

Shirahoshi has already solved the mystery, she is the descendant of Poseidon, the king of the sea.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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