The plot of this episode has not changed, and Blackbeard has obtained the second fruit ability he wanted.

The top war is over.

The redhead who arrived last, he was about to say please do me a favor.

I saw the naval headquarters that had been turned into ruins.

This battle ended with the death of Whitebeard and the rise of Blackbeard.

At the same time, because the naval headquarters Marine Vandor was destroyed.

Warring States resigned as Marshal.

Together with Garp, live a retired life.

But one thing has changed.

The red dog who was severely injured by Ye Fan.

In the battle with Aokiji, he won a difficult victory, but Aokiji's arm was not broken, and Aokiji did not quit the navy.

In the final Battle of Ice and Fire Island, Akainu won and became the new Admiral of the Navy.

Akainu issued three orders as soon as he took office.

First, the naval headquarters was moved to the g1 branch, and the defunct Marine Vanduo headquarters was abandoned.

Second, the navy will expand its army and prepare to change from the original three generals to five generals to deal with the increasingly powerful Four Emperors.

The third is to increase Ye Fan's bounty.

Just after appearing on the sea, within two months, Ye Fan's bounty has been raised twice.

This time, it went directly from 1.5 billion Baileys to 5 billion Baileys.

It is even higher than the bounty offered by Ye Fan's father-in-law Kaido.

This is Sengoku's idea, the number two of the Beast Pirates, the bounty offered is more than that of the boss Kaido.

If this little trick can make Ye Fan and Kaido fight, that would be even better.

Even if it fails, there is no loss for their navy.

Chapter 77: After the War

Seven days later.

Ye Fan woke up from a deep sleep.

He saw Yamato with a haggard face beside him.

Ye Fan felt extremely hungry in his stomach.

Ye Fan, who was very tired, spoke the first words after waking up from a coma.

"I, I need a lot of meat."

In Ghost Island, a large number of chefs began to work.

Plates of meat were carried into Ye Fan's room.

These plates are not plates used by ordinary people.

It is a huge plate with a diameter of one meter.

On Ghost Island, there are many tall people.

Such as Kaido and Black Maria.

These huge dinner plates were specially prepared for their meals.

There are hundreds of kilograms of meat on each plate.

In the eyes of the chefs, Master Yamato actually asked them to prepare hundreds of plates of meat.

This amount of food is enough for the entire Hundred Beasts Pirates to eat for a week.

At first they thought it was a waste.

But the son-in-law can also wake up, and it doesn't matter if you waste dozens of tons of food.

But when Master Yamato said that the meat was not enough, he wanted another hundred servings.

The head chef said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, Master Yamato, the kitchen doesn't have enough meat."

After Yamato heard it, she was very gentle and did not punish these chefs.

If this matter is put on the cake island, the souls of these people will be drawn by the aunt.

Yamato and Run QQ personally went into the sea to capture a few sea kings.

This satisfied Ye Fan's hungry stomach.

Now Ye Fan has finally recovered all his physical strength.

He has largely recovered from all his injuries.

The only thing that hasn't recovered is his heart.

By Garp's special domineering attack.

Ye Fan's heart is like an aging centenarian.

Although it is dozens of times stronger than ordinary people, it can no longer satisfy Ye Fan's body.

If Ye Fan now opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia and the eighth Gate of Death, what would greet him would be a broken heart.

It is equivalent to saying that Ye Fan's peak combat power is now only about six levels of strength before.

I didn't expect to try out the trump card of Tianlongren by myself.

Almost took his own life in it.

No wonder Rocks, who was so powerful back then, lost so badly.

The Tianlong people who control this kind of domineering aura are really like bugs in the sea.

Now, if he wanted to restore his strength, Luo had to perform the operation of eternal life on himself.

As a time traveler.

Although Ye Fan knows that there are a few things that can increase people's life expectancy in this sea.

But everything is not so easy to come by.

Even if he wanted Luo to perform surgery on himself.

Luo also agreed to the request to perform surgery on himself.

It still takes two and a half years for Luo to achieve the awakening of the fruit of the operation.

Ye Fan turned on his own system.

This time to change the plot of the war on the top, how can I get the plot points I got?what a good thing.

The roulette wheel of the lottery is spinning rapidly.

Ye Fan also became nervous, paying such a high price to change the plot.

Ye Fan didn't want to draw useless skills.

Especially now he is extremely weak.

When the roulette hand stops.

Ye Fan's heart was ecstatic.

This turned out to be Journey to the West, which really changed the plot of the top war.

I got a huge surprise.

If he can get the method of cultivating immortals, what Yimu, what Tianlongren, he can crush them all to death with one finger.

Ye Fan is looking forward to what kind of skills can be rewarded for himself in the world of Journey to the West.

Nine thousand years of ripe flat peaches.

Seeing this peach, Ye Fan was very happy, he could have whatever he wanted.

Flat peaches are divided into upper, middle and lower grades.

The 6,000-year-mature flat peach is already equivalent to the effect of ginseng fruit, which can increase the lifespan by 47,000 years.

And the flat peach that has matured for nine thousand years can live the same life as the sun and the moon.

In Journey to the West, the same lifespan of the sun and the moon is not the lifespan of Blue Star's sun of tens of billions of years.

It's not that exaggerated.

An era in Journey to the West is 120,000 years, and the consciousness that the sun and the moon live together means that ordinary people can have a lifespan of 120,000 years.

This is not the most critical.

In the world of pirates, the legendary hit ability can make people live forever.

It is impossible to prevent aging.

Whether it is the fruit of surgery, golden apples or pure gold, although it can increase lifespan, it will still age.

That's why, Im will order Red Dog to capture Bonnie, the big eater, alive, because he needs Bonnie's ability to restore his youth.

As for the Ninth Grade Flat Peach, its function is not only longevity, but also immortality.

The effect of immortality can allow Ye Fan to maintain the youngest and most vigorous body for 120,000 years.

Ye Fan decisively took out this 9,000-year-old Queen Mother flat peach from the system.

Swallow it into the stomach in one gulp, not letting go of any juice.

Because Ye Fan doesn't know whether wasting a little juice will lose hundreds of years of life.

When the 9,000-year-old queen mother's flat peach was eaten by Ye Fan.

He immediately felt energized.

The old heart was once again full of vitality.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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